# encoding: utf-8 $stdout.puts <<-MESSAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPRECATION WARNING! Use of mq.rb is deprecated. Instead of require "mq" please use require "amqp" mq.rb will be REMOVED in AMQP gem version 1.0. Why is it deprecated? Because it was a poor name choice all along. We better not release 1.0 with it. Both mq.rb and MQ class step away from AMQP terminology and make 8 out of 10 engineers think it has something to do with AMQP queues (in fact, MQ should have been called Channel all along). No other AMQP client library we know of invents it's own terminology when it comes to AMQP entities, and amqp gem shouldn't, too. Learn more at http://bit.ly/amqp-gem-080-migration, all documentation guides are at http://bit.ly/amqp-gem-docs. Thank you for understanding. AMQP gem maintainers team. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE require "amqp"