Given /^a "([^\"]*)" data import fetches results listed in "(.*)"$/ do |model, file_name| @data_import_model = model.constantize table_name = @data_import_model.table_name fixture_path = File.expand_path("features/support/imports/#{file_name}", Dir.pwd) fixture = @data_import_model.connection, table_name, model, fixture_path @data_import_model.connection.transaction(:requires_new => true) do fixture.delete_existing_fixtures fixture.insert_fixtures end end When /^a data import verifies "(.*)"$/ do |verification_step_name| @verification = @data_import_model.data_miner_base.steps.find { |f| f.respond_to?(:description) and f.description == verification_step_name } @verification_result = begin true true rescue => e false end end Then /^the verification should be successful$/ do @verification_result.should be_true end Then /^the verification should not be successful$/ do @verification_result.should be_false end