/* -*- c -*- $Id: device.swg,v 1.11 2007/10/14 10:22:28 rocky Exp $ Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Rocky Bernstein This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* See for more extensive documentation. */ %include "device_const.swg" /* Set up to allow functions returning device lists of type "char **". We'll use a typedef so we can make sure to isolate this. I don't think we need to in this program, but it I think it makes thing clearer. */ %inline %{ typedef char ** DeviceList_t; %} %typemap(out) DeviceList_t { // $1 is of type DeviceList_t char **p = result; if (result) { VALUE aDevices = rb_ary_new(); for (p = $1; *p; p++) { rb_ary_push(aDevices, rb_str_new2(*p)); } cdio_free_device_list($1); return aDevices; } else { return Qnil; } } /* close_tray(drive=undef, driver_id=DRIVER_UNKNOWN) -> [status, driver_id] close media tray in CD drive if there is a routine to do so. */ %apply driver_id_t *OUTPUT { driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id }; driver_return_code_t close_tray(const char *psz_drive, driver_id_t p_driver_id=DRIVER_UNKNOWN, driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id); %inline %{ driver_return_code_t close_tray(const char *psz_drive, driver_id_t p_driver_id, driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id) { *p_out_driver_id = p_driver_id; return cdio_close_tray(psz_drive, p_out_driver_id); } %} %rename cdio_destroy close; %feature("autodoc", "destroy(p_cdio) Free resources associated with p_cdio. Call this when done using using CD reading/control operations for the current device. "); void cdio_destroy(CdIo_t *p_cdio); #if LIBCDIO_VERSION_NUM > 76 /* cdio_driver_errmsg first appears in 0.77 code */ %rename cdio_driver_errmsg driver_errmsg; /*! @param drc the return code you want interpreted. @return the string information about drc */ const char *cdio_driver_errmsg(driver_return_code_t drc); #else const char *driver_errmsg(driver_return_code_t drc); %inline %{ const char * driver_errmsg(driver_return_code_t drc) { switch(drc) { case DRIVER_OP_SUCCESS: return "driver operation was successful"; case DRIVER_OP_ERROR: return "driver I/O error"; case DRIVER_OP_UNSUPPORTED: return "driver operatation not supported"; case DRIVER_OP_UNINIT: return "driver not initialized"; case DRIVER_OP_NOT_PERMITTED: return "driver operatation not permitted"; case DRIVER_OP_BAD_PARAMETER: return "bad parameter passed"; case DRIVER_OP_BAD_POINTER: return "bad pointer to memory area"; case DRIVER_OP_NO_DRIVER: return "driver not available"; default: return "unknown or bad driver return status"; } } %} #endif /* LIBCDIO_VERSION_NUM > 76 */ %feature("autodoc", "eject_media(cdio)->return_code Eject media in CD drive if there is a routine to do so. "); driver_return_code_t eject_media (CdIo_t *p_cdio); %inline %{ driver_return_code_t eject_media (CdIo_t *p_cdio) { /* libcdio routines uses a Cdio_t **p_cdio, so we have to pass in something it can clobber. */ CdIo_t **pp_cdio = &p_cdio; return cdio_eject_media (pp_cdio); } %} %rename cdio_eject_media_drive eject_media_drive; %feature("autodoc", "eject_media_drive(drive=nil)->return_code Eject media in CD drive if there is a routine to do so. psz_drive: the name of the device to be acted upon. The operation status is returned."); driver_return_code_t cdio_eject_media_drive (const char *psz_drive=NULL); %rename cdio_get_arg get_arg; %feature("autodoc", "get_arg(p_cdio, key)->string Get the value associatied with key."); const char *cdio_get_arg (const CdIo_t *p_cdio, const char key[]); %newobject cdio_get_default_device; // free malloc'd return value %rename cdio_get_default_device get_device; %feature("autodoc", "get_device(cdio)->str Get the CD device associated with cdio. If cdio is NULL (we haven't initialized a specific device driver), then find a suitable one and return the default device for that. In some situations of drivers or OS's we can't find a CD device if there is no media in it and it is possible for this routine to return nil even though there may be a hardware CD-ROM."); char *cdio_get_default_device (const CdIo_t *p_cdio=NULL); %newobject get_default_device_driver; // free malloc'd return value %feature("autodoc", "get_default_device_driver(driver_id=nil)->[device, driver] Return a string containing the default CD device if none is specified. if p_driver_id is DRIVER_UNKNOWN or DRIVER_DEVICE then find a suitable one set the default device for that. nil is returned as the device if we couldn't get a default device."); %apply driver_id_t *OUTPUT { driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id }; char *get_default_device_driver (driver_id_t p_driver_id, driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id); %inline %{ char * get_default_device_driver(driver_id_t driver_id, driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id) { *p_out_driver_id = driver_id; return cdio_get_default_device_driver(p_out_driver_id); } %} %rename cdio_get_devices get_devices; /*! Return an array of device names. If you want a specific devices for a driver, give that device. If you want hardware devices, give DRIVER_DEVICE and if you want all possible devices, image drivers and hardware drivers give DRIVER_UNKNOWN. NULL is returned if we couldn't return a list of devices. In some situations of drivers or OS's we can't find a CD device if there is no media in it and it is possible for this routine to return NULL even though there may be a hardware CD-ROM. */ DeviceList_t cdio_get_devices (driver_id_t driver_id); /* Like cdio_get_devices, but we may change the p_driver_id if we were given DRIVER_DEVICE or DRIVER_UNKNOWN. This is because often one wants to get a drive name and then *open* it afterwards. Giving the driver back facilitates this, and speeds things up for libcdio as well. */ DeviceList_t get_devices_ret (driver_id_t driver_id, driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id); %inline %{ DeviceList_t get_devices_ret (driver_id_t driver_id, driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id) { *p_out_driver_id = driver_id; return cdio_get_devices_ret (p_out_driver_id); } %} %feature("autodoc", "get_devices_with_cap(capabilities, any)->[device1, device2...] Get an array of device names in search_devices that have at least the capabilities listed by the capabities parameter. If any is False then every capability listed in the extended portion of capabilities (i.e. not the basic filesystem) must be satisified. If any is True, then if any of the capabilities matches, we call that a success. To find a CD-drive of any type, use the mask CDIO_FS_MATCH_ALL. The array of device names is returned or NULL if we couldn't get a default device. It is also possible to return a non NULL but after dereferencing the the value is NULL. This also means nothing was found."); DeviceList_t get_devices_with_cap (unsigned int capabilities, bool b_any); %inline %{ DeviceList_t get_devices_with_cap (unsigned int capabilities, bool b_any) { /* FIXME: ? libcdio allows one to specify a list (char **) of devices to search. Don't know how to do that via SWIG though. */ return cdio_get_devices_with_cap (NULL, (cdio_fs_anal_t) capabilities, b_any); } %} %apply driver_id_t *OUTPUT { driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id }; %newobject get_devices_with_cap_ret; %feature("autodoc", "Like cdio_get_devices_with_cap but we return the driver we found as well. This is because often one wants to search for kind of drive and then *open* it afterwards. Giving the driver back facilitates this, and speeds things up for libcdio as well."); DeviceList_t get_devices_with_cap_ret (unsigned int capabilities, bool b_any, driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id); %inline %{ DeviceList_t get_devices_with_cap_ret (unsigned int capabilities, bool b_any, driver_id_t *p_out_driver_id) { /* FIXME: ? libcdio allows one to specify a list (char **) of devices to search. Don't know how to do that via SWIG though. */ return cdio_get_devices_with_cap_ret (NULL, (cdio_fs_anal_t) capabilities, b_any, p_out_driver_id); } %} %rename cdio_get_drive_cap get_drive_cap; %feature("autodoc", "get_drive_cap()->(read_cap, write_cap, misc_cap) Get drive capabilities of device. In some situations of drivers or OS's we can't find a CD device if there is no media in it. In this situation capabilities will show up as empty even though there is a hardware CD-ROM."); %apply uint32_t *OUTPUT { uint32_t *p_read_cap, uint32_t *p_write_cap, uint32_t *p_misc_cap }; void cdio_get_drive_cap (const CdIo_t *p_cdio, uint32_t *p_read_cap, uint32_t *p_write_cap, uint32_t *p_misc_cap); %rename cdio_get_drive_cap_dev get_drive_cap; %feature("autodoc", "get_drive_cap_dev()->(read_cap, write_cap, misc_cap) Get drive capabilities of device. In some situations of drivers or OS's we can't find a CD device if there is no media in it. In this situation capabilities will show up as empty even though there is a hardware CD-ROM."); void cdio_get_drive_cap_dev(const char *device=NULL, uint32_t *p_read_cap, uint32_t *p_write_cap, uint32_t *p_misc_cap); %rename cdio_get_driver_name get_driver_name; %feature("autodoc", "get_driver_name(cdio)-> string return a string containing the name of the driver in use. "); const char *cdio_get_driver_name (const CdIo_t *p_cdio); %rename cdio_get_driver_id get_driver_id; %feature("autodoc", "get_driver_id(cdio)-> int Return the driver id of the driver in use. if cdio has not been initialized or is nil, return pycdio.DRIVER_UNKNOWN."); driver_id_t cdio_get_driver_id (const CdIo_t *p_cdio); %rename cdio_get_last_session get_last_session; %apply int32_t *OUTPUT { lsn_t *i_last_session }; driver_return_code_t cdio_get_last_session (CdIo_t *p_cdio, lsn_t *i_last_session); %feature("autodoc", "have_driver(driver_id) -> int Return 1 if we have driver driver_id, 0 if not and -1 if driver id is out of range."); %inline %{ int have_driver (unsigned int driver_id) { if (driver_id < CDIO_MIN_DRIVER || driver_id > CDIO_MAX_DRIVER) return -1; if (cdio_have_driver(driver_id)) return 1; return 0; } %} %rename have_ATAPI "ATAPI?"; %feature("autodoc", "ATAPI?(CdIo_t *p_cdio)->bool return True if CD-ROM understand ATAPI commands."); %inline %{ /*! True if CD-ROM understand ATAPI commands. */ bool have_ATAPI (CdIo_t *p_cdio) { return cdio_have_atapi(p_cdio) == yep; } %} %inline %{ typedef char * buf_t; %} %rename cdio_is_binfile is_binfile; %feature("autodoc", "is_binfile(binfile_name)->cue_name Determine if binfile_name is the BIN file part of a CDRWIN CD disk image. Return the corresponding CUE file if bin_name is a BIN file or nil if not a BIN file."); buf_t cdio_is_binfile(const char *bin_name); %rename cdio_is_cuefile is_cuefile; %feature("autodoc", "is_cuefile(cuefile_name)->bin_name Determine if cuefile_name is the CUE file part of a CDRWIN CD disk image. Return the corresponding BIN file if bin_name is a CUE file or nil if not a CUE file."); buf_t cdio_is_cuefile(const char *cue_name); %rename is_device "device?"; bool cdio_is_device(const char *psz_source, driver_id_t driver_id=DRIVER_UNKNOWN); %inline %{ bool is_device(const char *psz_source, driver_id_t driver_id) { #if LIBCDIO_VERSION_NUM <= 76 /* There is a bug in the 0.76 code when driver_id==DRIVER_UNKNOWN or DRIVER_DEVICE, so here we'll use code from compat.swg. */ if (DRIVER_UNKNOWN == driver_id || DRIVER_DEVICE == driver_id) { char *psz_drive = cdio_get_default_device_driver(&driver_id); /* We don't need the psz_drive, just the driver_id */ free(psz_drive); } #endif /* LIBCDIO_VERSION_NUM <= 76 */ return cdio_is_device(psz_source, driver_id); } %} bool cdio_is_device(const char *psz_source, driver_id_t driver_id=DRIVER_UNKNOWN); %rename cdio_is_nrg "nrg?"; %feature("autodoc", "nrg?(cue_name)->bool Determine if nrg_name is a Nero CD disc image"); bool cdio_is_nrg(const char *nrg_name); %rename cdio_is_tocfile "tocfile?"; %feature("autodoc", "tocfile?(tocfile_name)->bool Determine if tocfile_name is a cdrdao CD disc image"); bool cdio_is_tocfile(const char *tocfile_name); %rename cdio_get_media_changed get_media_changed; %feature("autodoc", "get_media_changed(cdio) -> int Find out if media has changed since the last call. Return 1 if media has changed since last call, 0 if not. Error return codes are the same as driver_return_code_t"); int cdio_get_media_changed(CdIo_t *p_cdio); /* Set up to allow returning hardware info. We'll use a typedef so we can make sure to isolate this. */ %inline %{ typedef struct { cdio_hwinfo_t hw; bool result; } HWInfo_t; %} %typemap(out) HWInfo_t { // $1 is of type HWInfo_t VALUE ret; if ($1.result == 0) return Qnil; else { ret = rb_hash_new(); rb_hash_aset(ret, rb_str_new2("vendor"), rb_str_new2($1.hw.psz_vendor)); rb_hash_aset(ret, rb_str_new2("model"), rb_str_new2($1.hw.psz_model)); rb_hash_aset(ret, rb_str_new2("revision"), rb_str_new2($1.hw.psz_revision)); return ret; } } /* get_hwinfo(p_cdio)->[vendor, model, release] Get the CD-ROM hardware info via a SCSI MMC INQUIRY command. An exception is raised if we had an error. */ const HWInfo_t get_hwinfo ( const CdIo_t *p_cdio); %inline %{ const HWInfo_t get_hwinfo ( const CdIo_t *p_cdio) { static HWInfo_t info; info.result = cdio_get_hwinfo(p_cdio, &info.hw); return info; } %} %rename cdio_set_blocksize set_blocksize; %feature("autodoc", "set_blocksize(cdio, blocksize)->return_status Set the blocksize for subsequent reads."); driver_return_code_t cdio_set_blocksize ( const CdIo_t *p_cdio, int i_blocksize ); %rename cdio_set_speed set_speed; %feature("autodoc", "cdio_set_speed(cdio, speed)->return_status Set the drive speed."); driver_return_code_t cdio_set_speed ( const CdIo_t *p_cdio, int i_speed ); /**** Using the name open() conflicts with some C routine. So we use open_cd() instead. ***/ %feature("autodoc", "open_cd(source=NULL, driver_id=nil, access_mode=nil) Sets up to read from place specified by source, driver_id and access mode. This should be called before using any other routine except those that act on a CD-ROM drive by name. If nil is given as the source, we'll use the default driver device. If nil is given as the driver_id, we'll find a suitable device driver. Return the a pointer than can be used in subsequent operations or nil on error or no device."); CdIo_t *open_cd(const char *psz_source, driver_id_t driver_id=DRIVER_UNKNOWN, const char *psz_access_mode=NULL); %inline %{ CdIo_t *open_cd(const char *psz_orig_source, driver_id_t driver_id, const char *psz_orig_access_mode) { const char *psz_source = psz_orig_source; const char *psz_access_mode = psz_orig_access_mode; if (psz_source && strlen(psz_source) == 0) psz_source = NULL; if (psz_access_mode || strlen(psz_access_mode) == 0) psz_access_mode = NULL; return cdio_open_am(psz_source, driver_id, psz_access_mode); } %}