module PicturehouseUk # A single screening of a film on the Picturehouse UK website class Performance < Cinebase::Performance # @!attribute [r] booking_url # @return [String] the booking URL on the cinema website # @!attribute [r] cinema_name # @return [String] the cinema name # @!attribute [r] cinema_id # @return [String] the cinema id # @!attribute [r] dimension # @return [String] 2d or 3d # @!attribute [r] film_name # @return [String] the film name # @!method initialize(options) # @param [Hash] options options hash # @option options [String] :booking_url (nil) buying url for the screening # @option options [String] :cinema_name name of the cinema # @option options [String] :cinema_id website id of the cinema # @option options [String] :dimension ('2d') dimension of the screening # @option options [String] :film_name name of the film # @option options [Time] :starting_at listed start time of the performance # Screenings at a single cinema # @param [String] cinema_id the id of the cinema # @return [Array] def screenings(cinema_id).map do |attributes| new cinema_hash(cinema_id).merge(attributes) end.uniq end # @!method showing_on # The date of the screening # @return [Date] # @!method starting_at # UTC time of the screening # @return [Time] # @!method variant # The kinds of screening (IMAX, kids, baby, senior) # @return # private def self.cinema_hash(cinema_id) { cinema_id: cinema_id, cinema_name: } end private_class_method :cinema_hash def self.screenings(cinema_id) end private_class_method :screenings end end