require 'rake' require 'ftools' require 'rexml/document' require 'ruboss_on_ruby/version' require 'ruboss_on_ruby/configuration' APP_ROOT = RubossOnRuby::Configuration::APP_ROOT namespace :ruboss do def compile_app(executable, destination) app_properties =, ".actionScriptProperties"))) app_properties.elements.each("*/applications/application") do |elm| app_path = elm.attributes['path'] project_path = File.join(APP_ROOT, "app/flex", app_path) target_project_path = project_path.sub(/.mxml$/, '.swf') target_project_air_descriptor = project_path.sub(/.mxml$/, '-app.xml') libs = Dir.glob(File.join(APP_ROOT, 'lib', '*.swc')) cmd = "#{executable} -library-path+=#{libs.join(',')} " << "-keep-as3-metadata+=Resource,HasOne,HasMany,BelongsTo,DateTime,Lazy,Ignored #{project_path}" puts "Compiling #{project_path}" if system(cmd) FileUtils.makedirs File.join(APP_ROOT, destination) puts "Moving #{target_project_path} to " + File.join(APP_ROOT, destination) target_project_path, File.join(APP_ROOT, destination), :force => true if File.exist?(target_project_air_descriptor) descriptor = descriptor_name = target_project_air_descriptor.split("/").last app_swf = target_project_path.split("/").last descriptor.gsub!("[This value will be overwritten by Flex Builder in the output app.xml]", app_swf)"#{APP_ROOT}/#{destination}/#{descriptor_name}", "w") do |file| file.print descriptor end puts "Created #{APP_ROOT}/#{destination}/#{descriptor_name} descriptor." end puts 'Done!' else puts "The application was not compiled. Check console for errors. " << "It is possible that '(a)mxmlc' executable was not found or there are compilation errors." end end end def get_main_application app_properties =, ".actionScriptProperties"))) app_properties.root.attributes['mainApplicationPath'].split("/").last end namespace :flex do desc "Build project swf file and move it into public/bin folder" task :build do compile_app('mxmlc', 'public/bin') end end namespace :air do desc "Build project swf file as an AIR application and move it into bin-debug folder" task :build do compile_app('amxmlc', 'bin-debug') end desc "Run the AIR application (if this project is configured as an AIR project)" task :run do target = get_main_application.gsub(/.mxml$/, '-app.xml') puts "Running AIR application with descriptor: #{target}" if !system("adl bin-debug/#{target}") puts "Could not run the application with descriptor: #{target}. Check console for errors." end end end end