@dsl Feature: Configuring resource options Background: Given I am logged in And a product with sku "table" Scenario: Preview path as symbol Given a configuration of: """ class AbAdminProduct < AbAdmin::AbstractResource preview_path :product_path end """ When I am on the admin products page And I follow "Preview" Then I should see "sku - table" Scenario: Preview path as block Given a configuration of: """ class AbAdminProduct < AbAdmin::AbstractResource preview_path {|product| product_path(product) } end """ When I am on the admin products page And I follow "Preview" Then I should see "sku - table" Scenario Outline: List allowed actions Given a configuration of: """ class AbAdminProduct < AbAdmin::AbstractResource actions end """ And I should not see routing error on the admin products page And I should see routing error on the new admin product page Examples: | config | | :index | | except: :new | | except: [:new] |