# Configuration and behavior of Redactor html editor. The editor is used for all html CMS # attributes and provides autosave on top of the default Redactor settings. # Check if the namespace for plugins exists and create it otherwise. @RedactorPlugins ||= {} # API to override Redactor options # @api public scrivito.editors.html_editor = redactor: options: {} $ -> # Plugin for closing the editor with a button in the toolbar. RedactorPlugins.scrivito_editors_close = -> init: -> button = @button.addFirst('close', 'Close') @button.addCallback button, -> closeEditor @ # Stores redactor options, custom settings and configures callbacks. scrivito.editors.html_editor.redactor.default_options = buttons: [ 'formatting', 'bold', 'italic', 'deleted', 'underline', 'unorderedlist', 'orderedlist', 'table', 'image', 'link', 'html', ] buttonSource: true cleanSpaces: false cleanOnPaste: false convertLinks: false imageUpload: true # dummy, to enable scrivito_editors_image_manager linkTooltip: false # disabled, causes unexpected blur on redactor 9 and 10 paragraphize: false placeholder: false plugins: [ 'scrivito_editors_close' 'scrivito_editors_image_manager' 'scrivito_editors_link_manager' 'table' ] replaceDivs: false tabifier: false blurCallback: -> closeEditor @ if @_everHadFocus changeCallback: -> saveContents @ destroyCallback: -> saveContents @ dropdownShowCallback: -> saveContents @ focusCallback: -> @_everHadFocus = true if @_isInitialized modalOpenedCallback: -> saveContents @ keyupCallback: (event) -> key = event.keyCode || event.which if key == 27 event.stopPropagation() closeEditor @ else saveContents @ initCallback: -> cmsField = $(@.$element) content = cmsField.scrivito('content') @_initialScrivitoContent = content # @code.get() is empty during init, so we get all HTML via selections @selection.selectAll() htmlWithSelection = @selection.getHtml() @selection.removeMarkers() html = @selection.getHtml() if html != content @code.set(content) @selection.selectAll() html = @selection.getHtml() @focus.setEnd() else @code.set(htmlWithSelection) @selection.restore() @_initialRedactorContent = html @_isInitialized = true startCallback: -> @_everHadFocus = undefined @_initialRedactorContent = undefined @_initialScrivitoContent = undefined @_isInitialized = undefined if document.getSelection().anchorNode # see http://imperavi.com/redactor/examples/click-to-edit/ @insert.node @selection.getMarker(), false # Close editor (implies save) closeEditor = (editor) -> cmsField = $(editor.$element) editor.core.destroy() cmsField.removeClass('scrivito_editors_redactor') # Saves the current editor content to the CMS. saveContents = (editor) -> cmsField = editor.$element content = getCurrentContent(editor) if content != cmsField.scrivito('content') cmsField.scrivito('save', content).done -> cmsField.trigger('save.scrivito_editors') else $.Deferred().resolve() getCurrentContent = (editor) -> content = editor.code.get() if content == editor._initialRedactorContent content = editor._initialScrivitoContent content getOptions = -> $.extend {}, scrivito.editors.html_editor.redactor.default_options, scrivito.editors.html_editor.redactor.options # Registers Redactor for all CMS html attributes found in the given scope of the DOM element. addOnclickRedactorHandlers = -> $(':root').on 'click.scrivito_editors', '[data-scrivito-field-type="html"]:not([data-editor]), [data-editor~="html"]', (event) -> event.preventDefault() cmsField = $(@) unless cmsField.hasClass('scrivito_editors_redactor') cmsField .redactor(getOptions()) .addClass('scrivito_editors_redactor') scrivito.on 'load', -> if scrivito.in_editable_view() addOnclickRedactorHandlers()