module Codebreaker ATTEMPTS = 6 HINTS = 4 PATH_TO_LOG_FILES = './scores.yml'.freeze GAME_TURN = "Play turn/attempt " WON = "... You won!!! ...".freeze LOOS = "... You loos :( ...".freeze THE_HINTS_ENDED = "You are losing because the tips have ended".freeze RESTART_OR_BREAK = "You a ready play more? (y/n)".freeze NAME_USER = "Enter your name:".freeze RULES = " The code-breaker then gets some number of chances to break the code.\n " \ " In each turn, the code-breaker makes a guess of four numbers.\n " \ " The code-maker then marks the guess with up to four + and - signs.\n " \ "\n" \ "You have #{ATTEMPTS} attempts and game answers with" \ " up to four pluses and minuses \n " \ " \n" \ " + (plus) indicates an exact match: \n" \ " one of the numbers in the guess is the same as one of the numbers \n" \ " in the secret code and in the same position. \n" \ " - (minus) indicates a number match: \n" \ " one of the numbers in the guess is the same as one of the numbers \n" \ " in the secret code but in a different position. \n" \ " Tips & Tricks \n" \ "HINTS: type 'h' and game will show one number from code to you \n" \ "RULES: if you forget the rules, just enter 'rules' " \ .freeze GREETING_MESSAGE = "#######################################################################\n"\ " CODEBREACKER is a logic game in which a code-breaker tries to break\n"\ " a secret code created by a code-maker. The code-maker creates a secret\n"\ " code of four numbers between 1 and 6. \n #{RULES} \n " \ ' GOOD LUCK! ' \ .freeze LINE = "..................................................................".freeze end