require 'contracts' require 'contract_value_object/definition_error' require 'contract_value_object/error_formatter' require 'contract_value_object/awesome_print' class ContractValueObject include Contracts class << self Contract Maybe[HashOf[Symbol, Any]] => HashOf[Symbol, Any] def attributes(attributes = nil) if attributes.nil? return @attributes if instance_variable_defined?(:@attributes) raise ArgumentError, 'Calling for attributes without having defined them.' end attr_accessor(*attributes.keys) attr_writers = { |attribute| :"#{attribute}=" } private *attr_writers @attributes = attributes end Contract Maybe[HashOf[Symbol, Any]] => HashOf[Symbol, Any] def defaults(defaults = nil) return @defaults ||= {} if defaults.nil? unexpected_defaults = defaults.keys - attributes.keys unless unexpected_defaults.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected defaults are set: #{', ')}" end non_optional = do |attribute, _| !attributes.fetch(attribute).is_a?(Contracts::Optional) end raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected non-optional defaults: #{non_optional.keys.join(', ')}" unless non_optional.empty? @defaults = defaults end attr_writer :error_presenter Contract RespondTo[:contract_failure, :missing, :unexpected] def error_presenter @error_presenter ||= end end Contract HashOf[Symbol, Any] => Any def initialize(**attributes) error_presenter = self.class.error_presenter class_attributes = self.class.attributes defaults = self.class.defaults error_message_class = DefinitionError::ErrorMessage # determine attributes that were not passed in but should have been missing_attributes = class_attributes.keys - attributes.keys - defaults.keys missing_attribute_errors = missing_attributes.flat_map do |attribute| next([]) if class_attributes[attribute].is_a?(Contracts::Optional), error_presenter.missing(attribute, class_attributes.fetch(attribute))) end # determine extraneous attributes that should not have been passed in unexpected_attributes = attributes.keys - class_attributes.keys unexpected_attribute_errors = do |attribute|, error_presenter.unexpected(attribute)) end # set attributes on the object and raise if they do not obey the contract setter_errors = defaults.merge(attributes).flat_map do |attribute, value| next([]) if unexpected_attributes.include?(attribute) begin contract = class_attributes.fetch(attribute) contract.within_opt_hash! if contract.is_a?(Contracts::Optional) # begin support customized setter send("#{attribute}=", value) set_value = instance_variable_get("@#{attribute}") # end support for customized setter if Contract.valid?(set_value, contract) [] else raise ArgumentError, error_presenter.contract_failure(attribute, set_value, contract) end rescue self.class::DefinitionError => error, error.message.gsub("\n", "\n\t")) rescue StandardError => error, error.message) end end errors = missing_attribute_errors + unexpected_attribute_errors + setter_errors return if errors.empty? raise DefinitionError, errors end def to_h key_value_pairs = do |attribute, _type| [attribute, public_send(attribute)] end key_value_pairs.to_h end # treating contract value objects with the same values as the same object for hashes and sets def hash to_h.hash end def ==(other) return super(other) unless self.class == other.class self.class.attributes.all? do |attribute, _type| public_send(attribute) == other.public_send(attribute) end end alias_method :eql?, :== def inspect "#{self.class} #{to_h.inspect}" end end