require 'thor' class Cli < Thor include Thor::Actions include VvmRb::Base desc 'install [VERSION] [CONFIGURE_OPTS]', 'Install a specific version of Vim' method_option :use, type: :boolean, aliases: '-u', banner: 'Use installed vim' def install(version, *conf) version = format_version(version) Installer.fetch i =, conf) i.checkout i.configure i.make_install Installer.cp_etc use(version) if options[:use] message end desc 'reinstall [VERSION] [CONFIGURE_OPTS]', 'Reinstall a specific version' def reinstall(version, *conf) uninstall(version) install(version, conf) end desc 'rebuild [VERSION] [CONFIGURE_OPTS]', 'Rebuild a specific version of Vim' def rebuild(version, *conf) r =, conf) r.make_clean r.configure r.make_install end desc 'use [VERSION]', 'Use a specific version of Vim as the default one.' def use(version) end desc 'list', 'Look available vim versions' def list Installer.fetch puts Version.list.join("\n") end desc 'versions', 'Look installed vim versions.' def versions puts Version.versions.join("\n") end desc 'uninstall [VERSION]', 'Uninstall a specific version of Vim.' def uninstall(version) end before_method(:install, :reinstall, :rebuild, :list) { check_hg } before_method(:install, :reinstall, :rebuild, :use, :uninstall) { check_tag } before_method(:install) { new_version? } before_method(:reinstall, :rebuild, :use, :uninstall) { version_exist? } private def format_version(version) if version == 'latest' version = { |v| v =~ /^v7-.+$/ }.last new_version?(version) end return version end def message print "\e[32m" puts <<-EOS Vim is successfully installed. For daily use, please add the following line into your ~/.bash_login etc: test -f ~/.vvm-rb/etc/login && source ~/.vvm-rb/etc/login EOS print "\e[0m" end end