module Netzke class FieldModel < Hash include BasepackActiveRecord def self.new_from_hash(hsh) end # def self.json=(str) # @@data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(str) # process_data # end def self.widget_name=(w) @@widget_name = w end def self.data_storage=(ds) @@storage = ds process_data end # def # @@raw_data = data # process_data # end def self.column_names @@data.inject([]){|res, record| (res + record.keys).uniq} end def self.columns column_names end def self.all(params={}) @@data end def self.first @@data[0] end def self.find(id) @@data[id-1] end def self.count(params = {}) @@data.size end def self.columns_hash @@columns_hash end def self.reflect_on_all_associations [] end # instance methods def id self[:id] || self["id"] end def errors [] end def save true end private def self.process_data @@columns_hash = {} @@data = [] # convert array of hashes into array of FieldModel instances @@storage.each do |hsh| @@data << new_from_hash(hsh) end @@data.each do |record| record.keys.each do |k| if @@columns_hash[k.to_s].nil? # calculate column type puts record[k].class.to_s column_type = case record[k].class.to_s when "TrueClass" :boolean when "FalseClass" :boolean when "String" :string when "Fixnum" :integer else :string end column = {:type => column_type} # workaround for the "type" method class << column def type self[:type] end end @@columns_hash[k.to_s] = column end end end end # # Testing # @@data = [ # self.new_from_hash({"id" => 1, "name" => "col1", "column_type" => "text", "read_only" => true}), # self.new_from_hash({"id" => 2, "name" => "col2", "column_type" => "string", "read_only" => false}) # ] # # process_data # end testing end end