require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' begin require 'scrub_rb' rescue LoadError # Temporary patch as the scrub_rb gem is not installed to the central Ruby installation. # This means that when running Origen outside of an application this functionality is not # available (which is fine), within an application the gem will be loaded correctly by # Bundler and the gem will require quite happily. end class String def to_dec if self =~ /0x(.*)/ Regexp.last_match[1].to_i(16) elsif self =~ /0b(.*)/ Regexp.last_match[1].to_i(2) else to_i end end def escape_underscores gsub('_', '\_') end alias_method :escape_underscore, :escape_underscores def camel_case Origen.deprecate "String#camel_case! is deprecated, use String#camelcase instead, or if you want to get rid of spaces: my_string.gsub(' ', '_').camelcase" gsub(/\s+/, '_').split('_').map(&:capitalize).join end def pad_leading_zeros(width) str = self (0..(width - size) - 1).each { str = '0' + str } str end def to_lines(length) lines = [] line = [] len = 0 split(/\s+/).each do |word| if (len + word.length) > length lines << line.join(' ') line = [] len = 0 end line << word len += word.length + 1 # For the trailing space end lines << line.join(' ') unless line.empty? lines end # Sanitizes the string for conversion to a symbol and returns a lower # cased symbol version of the string def symbolize @@symbolize ||= {} @@symbolize[self] ||= gsub(/(\n|\s|\(|\)|\.|\[|\]|-|{|})/, '_').downcase.to_sym end # acronyms def to_snakecase! Origen.deprecate 'String#to_snakecase! is deprecated, use String#underscore instead since it is aware of FSL acronyms' gsub!(/\s+/, '') g = gsub!(/(.)([A-Z])/, '\1_\2'); d = downcase! g || d end alias_method :snakecase!, :to_snakecase! def to_snakecase Origen.deprecate 'String#to_snakecase is deprecated, use String#underscore instead since it is aware of FSL acronyms' dup.tap(&:to_snakecase!) end alias_method :snakecase, :to_snakecase def squeeze_lines split(/\n+/).join(' ').squeeze(' ') end # Attempt to convert a String to a boolean answer def to_bool if self == true || self =~ (/^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i) return true elsif self == false || self.empty? || self =~ (/^(false|f|no|n|0)$/i) return false else return nil end end # Check if a String is a numeric def is_numeric? return true if self =~ /\A\d+\Z/ true if Float(self) rescue false # rubocop:disable Style/RescueModifier end alias_method :numeric?, :is_numeric? # Convert the String to a Numeric (Float or Integer) def to_numeric if self.numeric? if to_i == to_f to_i else to_f end else fail "'#{self}' cannot be converted to a Numeric, exiting..." end end alias_method :to_number, :to_numeric # Capitalize every word def titleize(options = {}) options = { keep_specials: false }.update(options) if options[:keep_specials]' ') else split(/ |\_|\-/).map(&:capitalize).join(' ') end end end