/** * @constructor */ webfont.TypekitScript = function(global, domHelper, configuration) { this.global_ = global; this.domHelper_ = domHelper; this.configuration_ = configuration; this.fontFamilies_ = []; this.fontVariations_ = {}; }; webfont.TypekitScript.NAME = 'typekit'; webfont.TypekitScript.HOOK = '__webfonttypekitmodule__'; webfont.TypekitScript.prototype.getScriptSrc = function(kitId) { var protocol = 'https:' == window.location.protocol ? 'https:' : 'http:'; var api = this.configuration_['api'] || protocol + '//use.typekit.com'; return api + '/' + kitId + '.js'; }; webfont.TypekitScript.prototype.supportUserAgent = function(userAgent, support) { var kitId = this.configuration_['id']; var configuration = this.configuration_; var self = this; if (kitId) { // Provide data to Typekit for processing. if (!this.global_[webfont.TypekitScript.HOOK]) { this.global_[webfont.TypekitScript.HOOK] = {}; } // Typekit will call 'init' to indicate whether it supports fonts // and what fonts will be provided. this.global_[webfont.TypekitScript.HOOK][kitId] = function(callback) { var init = function(typekitSupports, fontFamilies, fontVariations) { self.fontFamilies_ = fontFamilies; self.fontVariations_ = fontVariations; support(typekitSupports); }; callback(userAgent, configuration, init); }; // Load the Typekit script. var script = this.domHelper_.createScriptSrc(this.getScriptSrc(kitId)) this.domHelper_.insertInto('head', script); } else { support(true); } }; webfont.TypekitScript.prototype.load = function(onReady) { onReady(this.fontFamilies_, this.fontVariations_); }; window['WebFont'].addModule(webfont.TypekitScript.NAME, function(configuration) { var userAgentParser = new webfont.UserAgentParser(navigator.userAgent, document); var userAgent = userAgentParser.parse(); var domHelper = new webfont.DomHelper(document, userAgent); return new webfont.TypekitScript(window, domHelper, configuration); });