module VacuumCleaner # @private # Suffix added to existing setter methods WITHOUT_NORMALIZATION_SUFFIX = "_without_normalization" # Base module required to be included in # module Normalizations def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # List of already normalized attributes, to keep everything safe # when calling `normalizes` twice for a certain attribute. # # When called for the first time checks it's `superclass` for any # normalized attributes. def normalized_attributes @normalized_attributes ||= [].tap do |ary| superclass.normalized_attributes.each { |a| ary << a } if superclass && superclass.respond_to?(:normalized_attributes) end end # Enables normalization chain for supplied attributes. # # @example Basic usage for plain old ruby objects. # class Doctor # include VacuumCleaner::Normalizations # attr_accessor :name # normalizes :name # end # # # @param [Strings, Symbols] attributes list of attribute names to normalize, at least one attribute is required # @param [Hash] options optional list of normalizers to use, like +:downcase => true+. To not run the default # normalizer ({VacuumCleaner::Normalizer#normalize_value}) set +:default => false+ # # @yield [value] optional block to define some one-time custom normalization logic # @yieldparam value can be +nil+, otherwise value as passed through the default normalizer # @yieldreturn should return value as normalized by the block # # @yield [instance, attribute, value] optional (extended) block with all arguments, like the +object+ and # current +attribute+ name. Everything else behaves the same es the single-value +yield+ def normalizes(*attributes, &block) normalizations = attributes.last.is_a?(Hash) ? attributes.pop : {} raise ArgumentError, "You need to supply at least one attribute" if attributes.empty? normalizers = [] normalizers << unless normalizations.delete(:default) === false normalizations.each do |key, options| begin normalizers << const_get("#{VacuumCleaner.camelize_value(key)}Normalizer").new(options === true ? {} : options) rescue NameError raise ArgumentError, "Unknown normalizer: '#{key}'" end end attributes.each do |attribute| attribute = attribute.to_sym # guard against calling it twice! unless normalized_attributes.include?(attribute) send(:define_method, :"normalize_#{attribute}") do |value| value = normalizers.inject(value) { |v,n| n.normalize(self, attribute, v) } block_given? ? (block.arity == 1 ? yield(value) : yield(self, attribute, value)) : value end original_setter = "#{attribute}#{VacuumCleaner::WITHOUT_NORMALIZATION_SUFFIX}=".to_sym send(:alias_method, original_setter, "#{attribute}=") if instance_methods.include?(RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1.9/ ? :"#{attribute}=" : "#{attribute}=") class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{attribute}=(value) # 1. def name=(value) value = send(:'normalize_#{attribute}', value) # 2. value = send(:'normalize_name', value) return send(#{original_setter.inspect}, value) if respond_to?(#{original_setter.inspect}) # 3. return send(:'name_wi...=', value) if respond_to?(:'name_wi...=') return send(:[]=, #{attribute.inspect}, value) if respond_to?(:[]=) # 4. return send(:[]=, :name, value) if respond_to?(:[]=) @#{attribute} = value # 5. @name = value end # 6. end RUBY normalized_attributes << attribute end end end end end # @private # Okay, because this library currently does not depend on # ActiveSupport or anything similar an "independent" camelizing process is # required. # # How it works: If value.to_s responds to :camelize, then call it else, use implementation # taken from def camelize_value(value) value = value.to_s value.respond_to?(:camelize) ? value.camelize : value.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::#{$1.upcase}" }.gsub(/(?:^|_)(.)/) { $1.upcase } end module_function :camelize_value end # load standard normalizations Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/normalizations/*.rb"].sort.each do |path| require "vacuum_cleaner/normalizations/#{File.basename(path)}" end