=begin #DocuSign REST API #The DocuSign REST API provides you with a powerful, convenient, and simple Web services API for interacting with DocuSign. OpenAPI spec version: v2.1 Contact: devcenter@docusign.com Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git =end require "uri" module DocuSign_eSign class CreateRecipientsOptions # attr_accessor :resend_envelope def self.default @@default ||= CreateRecipientsOptions.new end end class GetOptions # attr_accessor :include def self.default @@default ||= GetOptions.new end end class GetDocumentOptions # attr_accessor :encrypt # attr_accessor :show_changes def self.default @@default ||= GetDocumentOptions.new end end class GetDocumentPageImageOptions # attr_accessor :dpi # attr_accessor :max_height # attr_accessor :max_width # attr_accessor :show_changes def self.default @@default ||= GetDocumentPageImageOptions.new end end class GetDocumentTabsOptions # attr_accessor :page_numbers def self.default @@default ||= GetDocumentTabsOptions.new end end class GetPagesOptions # attr_accessor :count # attr_accessor :dpi # attr_accessor :max_height # attr_accessor :max_width # attr_accessor :nocache # attr_accessor :show_changes # attr_accessor :start_position def self.default @@default ||= GetPagesOptions.new end end class ListDocumentsOptions # attr_accessor :include_tabs def self.default @@default ||= ListDocumentsOptions.new end end class ListRecipientsOptions # When set to **true** and `include_tabs` is set to **true**, all tabs with anchor tab properties are included in the response. attr_accessor :include_anchor_tab_locations # When set to **true**, the extended properties are included in the response. attr_accessor :include_extended # When set to **true**, the tab information associated with the recipient is included in the response. attr_accessor :include_tabs def self.default @@default ||= ListRecipientsOptions.new end end class ListTabsOptions # When set to **true**, all tabs with anchor tab properties are included in the response. attr_accessor :include_anchor_tab_locations # attr_accessor :include_metadata def self.default @@default ||= ListTabsOptions.new end end class ListTemplatesOptions # Number of records to return in the cache. attr_accessor :count # attr_accessor :created_from_date # attr_accessor :created_to_date # A comma separated list of folder ID GUIDs. attr_accessor :folder_ids # attr_accessor :folder_types # Start of the search date range. Only returns templates created on or after this date/time. If no value is specified, there is no limit on the earliest date created. attr_accessor :from_date # A comma separated list of additional template attributes to include in the response. Valid values are: recipients, folders, documents, custom_fields, and notifications. attr_accessor :include # attr_accessor :is_deleted_template_only # attr_accessor :is_download # attr_accessor :modified_from_date # attr_accessor :modified_to_date # Sets the direction order used to sort the list. Valid values are: -asc = ascending sort order (a to z) -desc = descending sort order (z to a) attr_accessor :order # Sets the file attribute used to sort the list. Valid values are: -name: template name -modified: date/time template was last modified. -used: date/time the template was last used. attr_accessor :order_by # attr_accessor :search_fields # The search text used to search the names of templates. attr_accessor :search_text # If true, the response only includes templates shared by the user. If false, the response only returns template not shared by the user. If not specified, the response is not affected. attr_accessor :shared_by_me # The starting index for the first template shown in the response. This must be greater than or equal to 0 (zero). attr_accessor :start_position # attr_accessor :template_ids # End of the search date range. Only returns templates created up to this date/time. If no value is provided, this defaults to the current date. attr_accessor :to_date # Start of the search date range. Only returns templates used or edited on or after this date/time. If no value is specified, there is no limit on the earliest date used. attr_accessor :used_from_date # End of the search date range. Only returns templates used or edited up to this date/time. If no value is provided, this defaults to the current date. attr_accessor :used_to_date # Sets if the templates shown in the response Valid values are: -owned_by_me: only shows templates the user owns. -shared_with_me: only shows templates that are shared with the user. -all: shows all templates owned or shared with the user. attr_accessor :user_filter # attr_accessor :user_id def self.default @@default ||= ListTemplatesOptions.new end end class UpdateDocumentOptions # attr_accessor :is_envelope_definition def self.default @@default ||= UpdateDocumentOptions.new end end class UpdateRecipientsOptions # attr_accessor :resend_envelope def self.default @@default ||= UpdateRecipientsOptions.new end end class TemplatesApi attr_accessor :api_client def initialize(api_client = TemplatesApi.default) @api_client = api_client end # Creates custom document fields in an existing template document. # Creates custom document fields in an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_custom_fields (optional parameter) # @return [CustomFields] def create_custom_fields(account_id, template_id, template_custom_fields) data, _status_code, _headers = create_custom_fields_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_custom_fields) return data end # Creates custom document fields in an existing template document. # Creates custom document fields in an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_custom_fields (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(CustomFields, Fixnum, Hash)>] CustomFields data, response status code and response headers def create_custom_fields_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_custom_fields) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_custom_fields ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_custom_fields" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_custom_fields" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/custom_fields".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_custom_fields) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'CustomFields') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_custom_fields\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Creates custom document fields in an existing template document. # Creates custom document fields in an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param document_fields_information (optional parameter) # @return [DocumentFieldsInformation] def create_document_fields(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_fields_information) data, _status_code, _headers = create_document_fields_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_fields_information) return data end # Creates custom document fields in an existing template document. # Creates custom document fields in an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param document_fields_information (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(DocumentFieldsInformation, Fixnum, Hash)>] DocumentFieldsInformation data, response status code and response headers def create_document_fields_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_fields_information) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_document_fields ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_document_fields" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_document_fields" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_document_fields" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/fields".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(document_fields_information) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'DocumentFieldsInformation') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_document_fields\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Provides a URL to start an edit view of the Template UI # This method returns a URL for starting an edit view of a template that uses the DocuSign Template UI. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param return_url_request (optional parameter) # @return [ViewUrl] def create_edit_view(account_id, template_id, return_url_request) data, _status_code, _headers = create_edit_view_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, return_url_request) return data end # Provides a URL to start an edit view of the Template UI # This method returns a URL for starting an edit view of a template that uses the DocuSign Template UI. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param return_url_request (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(ViewUrl, Fixnum, Hash)>] ViewUrl data, response status code and response headers def create_edit_view_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, return_url_request) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_edit_view ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_edit_view" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_edit_view" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/views/edit".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(return_url_request) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'ViewUrl') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_edit_view\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Lock a template. # Locks the specified template, and sets the time until the lock expires, to prevent other users or recipients from accessing and changing the template. ###### Note: Users must have envelope locking capability enabled to use this function (the userSetting property `canLockEnvelopes` must be set to **true** for the user). # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param lock_request (optional parameter) # @return [LockInformation] def create_lock(account_id, template_id, lock_request) data, _status_code, _headers = create_lock_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, lock_request) return data end # Lock a template. # Locks the specified template, and sets the time until the lock expires, to prevent other users or recipients from accessing and changing the template. ###### Note: Users must have envelope locking capability enabled to use this function (the userSetting property `canLockEnvelopes` must be set to **true** for the user). # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param lock_request (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(LockInformation, Fixnum, Hash)>] LockInformation data, response status code and response headers def create_lock_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, lock_request) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_lock ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_lock" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_lock" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/lock".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(lock_request) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'LockInformation') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_lock\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Adds tabs for a recipient. # Adds one or more recipients to a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_recipients (optional parameter) # @param DocuSign_eSign::CreateRecipientsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Recipients] def create_recipients(account_id, template_id, template_recipients, options = DocuSign_eSign::CreateRecipientsOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = create_recipients_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_recipients, options) return data end # Adds tabs for a recipient. # Adds one or more recipients to a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_recipients (optional parameter) # @param DocuSign_eSign::CreateRecipientsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(Recipients, Fixnum, Hash)>] Recipients data, response status code and response headers def create_recipients_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_recipients, options = DocuSign_eSign::CreateRecipientsOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_recipients ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_recipients" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_recipients" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'resend_envelope'] = options.resend_envelope if !options.resend_envelope.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_recipients) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Recipients') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_recipients\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Adds tabs for a recipient. # Adds one or more tabs for a recipient. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Tabs] def create_tabs(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_tabs) data, _status_code, _headers = create_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_tabs) return data end # Adds tabs for a recipient. # Adds one or more tabs for a recipient. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(Tabs, Fixnum, Hash)>] Tabs data, response status code and response headers def create_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_tabs) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_tabs ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_tabs" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'recipient_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'recipient_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_tabs" if recipient_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_tabs" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients/{recipientId}/tabs".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'recipientId' + '}', recipient_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_tabs) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Tabs') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_tabs\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Creates an envelope from a template. # Creates a template definition using a multipart request. ###Template Email Subject Merge Fields Call this endpoint to insert a recipient name and email address merge fields into the email subject line when creating or sending from a template. The merge fields, based on the recipient's role name, are added to the `emailSubject` property when the template is created or when the template is used to create an envelope. After a template sender adds the name and email information for the recipient and sends the envelope, the recipient information is automatically merged into the appropriate fields in the email subject line. Both the sender and the recipients will see the information in the email subject line for any emails associated with the template. This provides an easy way for senders to organize their envelope emails without having to open an envelope to check the recipient. ###### Note: If merging the recipient information into the subject line causes the subject line to exceed 100 characters, then any characters over the 100 character limit are not included in the subject line. For cases where the recipient name or email is expected to be long, you should consider placing the merge field at the start of the email subject. To add a recipient's name in the subject line add the following text in the `emailSubject` property when creating the template or when sending an envelope from a template: [[_UserName]] Example: `\"emailSubject\":\"[[Signer 1_UserName]], Please sign this NDA\",` To add a recipient's email address in the subject line add the following text in the `emailSubject` property when creating the template or when sending an envelope from a template: [[_Email]] Example: `\"emailSubject\":\"[[Signer 1_Email]], Please sign this NDA\",` In both cases the is the recipient's contents of the `roleName` property in the template. For cases where another recipient (such as an Agent, Editor, or Intermediary recipient) is entering the name and email information for the recipient included in the email subject, then [[_UserName]] or [[_Email]] is shown in the email subject. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param envelope_template (optional parameter) # @return [TemplateSummary] def create_template(account_id, envelope_template) data, _status_code, _headers = create_template_with_http_info(account_id, envelope_template) return data end # Creates an envelope from a template. # Creates a template definition using a multipart request. ###Template Email Subject Merge Fields Call this endpoint to insert a recipient name and email address merge fields into the email subject line when creating or sending from a template. The merge fields, based on the recipient's role name, are added to the `emailSubject` property when the template is created or when the template is used to create an envelope. After a template sender adds the name and email information for the recipient and sends the envelope, the recipient information is automatically merged into the appropriate fields in the email subject line. Both the sender and the recipients will see the information in the email subject line for any emails associated with the template. This provides an easy way for senders to organize their envelope emails without having to open an envelope to check the recipient. ###### Note: If merging the recipient information into the subject line causes the subject line to exceed 100 characters, then any characters over the 100 character limit are not included in the subject line. For cases where the recipient name or email is expected to be long, you should consider placing the merge field at the start of the email subject. To add a recipient's name in the subject line add the following text in the `emailSubject` property when creating the template or when sending an envelope from a template: [[<roleName>_UserName]] Example: `\"emailSubject\":\"[[Signer 1_UserName]], Please sign this NDA\",` To add a recipient's email address in the subject line add the following text in the `emailSubject` property when creating the template or when sending an envelope from a template: [[<roleName>_Email]] Example: `\"emailSubject\":\"[[Signer 1_Email]], Please sign this NDA\",` In both cases the <roleName> is the recipient's contents of the `roleName` property in the template. For cases where another recipient (such as an Agent, Editor, or Intermediary recipient) is entering the name and email information for the recipient included in the email subject, then [[<roleName>_UserName]] or [[<roleName>_Email]] is shown in the email subject. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param envelope_template (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(TemplateSummary, Fixnum, Hash)>] TemplateSummary data, response status code and response headers def create_template_with_http_info(account_id, envelope_template) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_template ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template" if account_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(envelope_template) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'TemplateSummary') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_template\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Post Responsive HTML Preview for a document in a template. # Creates a preview of the [responsive](/docs/esign-rest-api/esign101/concepts/responsive/), HTML version of a specific template document. This method enables you to preview a PDF document conversion to responsive HTML across device types prior to sending. The request body is a `documentHtmlDefinition` object, which holds the responsive signing parameters that define how to generate the HTML version of the signing document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param document_html_definition (optional parameter) # @return [DocumentHtmlDefinitions] def create_template_document_responsive_html_preview(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_html_definition) data, _status_code, _headers = create_template_document_responsive_html_preview_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_html_definition) return data end # Post Responsive HTML Preview for a document in a template. # Creates a preview of the [responsive](/docs/esign-rest-api/esign101/concepts/responsive/), HTML version of a specific template document. This method enables you to preview a PDF document conversion to responsive HTML across device types prior to sending. The request body is a `documentHtmlDefinition` object, which holds the responsive signing parameters that define how to generate the HTML version of the signing document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param document_html_definition (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(DocumentHtmlDefinitions, Fixnum, Hash)>] DocumentHtmlDefinitions data, response status code and response headers def create_template_document_responsive_html_preview_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_html_definition) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_template_document_responsive_html_preview ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template_document_responsive_html_preview" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template_document_responsive_html_preview" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template_document_responsive_html_preview" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/responsive_html_preview".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(document_html_definition) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'DocumentHtmlDefinitions') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_template_document_responsive_html_preview\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Adds the tabs to a tempate # Adds tabs to the document specified by `documentId` in the template specified by `templateId`. In the request body, you only need to specify the tabs that your are adding. For example, to add a text [prefill tab](/docs/esign-rest-api/reference/templates/templatedocumenttabs/create/#definition__templatetabs_prefilltabs), your request body might look like this: ``` { \"prefillTabs\": { \"textTabs\": [ { \"value\": \"a prefill text tab\", \"pageNumber\": \"1\", \"documentId\": \"1\", \"xPosition\": 316, \"yPosition\": 97 } ] } } ``` # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Tabs] def create_template_document_tabs(account_id, document_id, template_id, template_tabs) data, _status_code, _headers = create_template_document_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, template_tabs) return data end # Adds the tabs to a tempate # Adds tabs to the document specified by `documentId` in the template specified by `templateId`. In the request body, you only need to specify the tabs that your are adding. For example, to add a text [prefill tab](/docs/esign-rest-api/reference/templates/templatedocumenttabs/create/#definition__templatetabs_prefilltabs), your request body might look like this: ``` { \"prefillTabs\": { \"textTabs\": [ { \"value\": \"a prefill text tab\", \"pageNumber\": \"1\", \"documentId\": \"1\", \"xPosition\": 316, \"yPosition\": 97 } ] } } ``` # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(Tabs, Fixnum, Hash)>] Tabs data, response status code and response headers def create_template_document_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, template_tabs) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_template_document_tabs ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template_document_tabs" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template_document_tabs" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template_document_tabs" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/tabs".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_tabs) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Tabs') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_template_document_tabs\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Provides a URL to start a recipient view of the Envelope UI # This method returns a URL for a template recipient preview in the DocuSign UI that you can embed in your application. You use this method to enable the sender to preview the recipients' experience. For more information, see [Preview and Send](https://support.docusign.com/en/guides/ndse-user-guide-send-your-documents). # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param recipient_preview_request (optional parameter) # @return [ViewUrl] def create_template_recipient_preview(account_id, template_id, recipient_preview_request) data, _status_code, _headers = create_template_recipient_preview_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, recipient_preview_request) return data end # Provides a URL to start a recipient view of the Envelope UI # This method returns a URL for a template recipient preview in the DocuSign UI that you can embed in your application. You use this method to enable the sender to preview the recipients' experience. For more information, see [Preview and Send](https://support.docusign.com/en/guides/ndse-user-guide-send-your-documents). # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param recipient_preview_request (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(ViewUrl, Fixnum, Hash)>] ViewUrl data, response status code and response headers def create_template_recipient_preview_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, recipient_preview_request) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_template_recipient_preview ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template_recipient_preview" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template_recipient_preview" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/views/recipient_preview".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(recipient_preview_request) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'ViewUrl') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_template_recipient_preview\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Get Responsive HTML Preview for all documents in a template. # Creates a preview of the [responsive](/docs/esign-rest-api/esign101/concepts/responsive/), HTML versions of all of the documents associated with a template. This method enables you to preview the PDF document conversions to responsive HTML across device types prior to sending. The request body is a `documentHtmlDefinition` object, which holds the responsive signing parameters that define how to generate the HTML version of the documents. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param document_html_definition (optional parameter) # @return [DocumentHtmlDefinitions] def create_template_responsive_html_preview(account_id, template_id, document_html_definition) data, _status_code, _headers = create_template_responsive_html_preview_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, document_html_definition) return data end # Get Responsive HTML Preview for all documents in a template. # Creates a preview of the [responsive](/docs/esign-rest-api/esign101/concepts/responsive/), HTML versions of all of the documents associated with a template. This method enables you to preview the PDF document conversions to responsive HTML across device types prior to sending. The request body is a `documentHtmlDefinition` object, which holds the responsive signing parameters that define how to generate the HTML version of the documents. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param document_html_definition (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(DocumentHtmlDefinitions, Fixnum, Hash)>] DocumentHtmlDefinitions data, response status code and response headers def create_template_responsive_html_preview_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, document_html_definition) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.create_template_responsive_html_preview ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template_responsive_html_preview" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.create_template_responsive_html_preview" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/responsive_html_preview".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(document_html_definition) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'DocumentHtmlDefinitions') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#create_template_responsive_html_preview\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Deletes the bulk recipient list on a template. # Deletes the bulk recipient list on a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [BulkRecipientsUpdateResponse] def delete_bulk_recipients(account_id, recipient_id, template_id) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_bulk_recipients_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id) return data end # Deletes the bulk recipient list on a template. # Deletes the bulk recipient list on a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [Array<(BulkRecipientsUpdateResponse, Fixnum, Hash)>] BulkRecipientsUpdateResponse data, response status code and response headers def delete_bulk_recipients_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_bulk_recipients ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_bulk_recipients" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'recipient_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'recipient_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_bulk_recipients" if recipient_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_bulk_recipients" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients/{recipientId}/bulk_recipients".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'recipientId' + '}', recipient_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'BulkRecipientsUpdateResponse') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_bulk_recipients\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Deletes envelope custom fields in a template. # Deletes envelope custom fields in a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_custom_fields (optional parameter) # @return [CustomFields] def delete_custom_fields(account_id, template_id, template_custom_fields) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_custom_fields_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_custom_fields) return data end # Deletes envelope custom fields in a template. # Deletes envelope custom fields in a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_custom_fields (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(CustomFields, Fixnum, Hash)>] CustomFields data, response status code and response headers def delete_custom_fields_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_custom_fields) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_custom_fields ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_custom_fields" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_custom_fields" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/custom_fields".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_custom_fields) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'CustomFields') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_custom_fields\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Deletes custom document fields from an existing template document. # Deletes custom document fields from an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param document_fields_information (optional parameter) # @return [DocumentFieldsInformation] def delete_document_fields(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_fields_information) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_document_fields_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_fields_information) return data end # Deletes custom document fields from an existing template document. # Deletes custom document fields from an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param document_fields_information (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(DocumentFieldsInformation, Fixnum, Hash)>] DocumentFieldsInformation data, response status code and response headers def delete_document_fields_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_fields_information) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_document_fields ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_document_fields" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_document_fields" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_document_fields" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/fields".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(document_fields_information) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'DocumentFieldsInformation') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_document_fields\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Deletes a page from a document in an template. # Deletes a page from a document in a template based on the page number. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param page_number The page number being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param page_request (optional parameter) # @return [nil] def delete_document_page(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id, page_request) delete_document_page_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id, page_request) return nil end # Deletes a page from a document in an template. # Deletes a page from a document in a template based on the page number. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param page_number The page number being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param page_request (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(nil, Fixnum, Hash)>] nil, response status code and response headers def delete_document_page_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id, page_request) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_document_page ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_document_page" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_document_page" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'page_number' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'page_number' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_document_page" if page_number.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_document_page" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/pages/{pageNumber}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'pageNumber' + '}', page_number.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(page_request) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_document_page\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Deletes documents from a template. # Deletes one or more documents from an existing template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param envelope_definition (optional parameter) # @return [TemplateDocumentsResult] def delete_documents(account_id, template_id, envelope_definition) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_documents_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, envelope_definition) return data end # Deletes documents from a template. # Deletes one or more documents from an existing template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param envelope_definition (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(TemplateDocumentsResult, Fixnum, Hash)>] TemplateDocumentsResult data, response status code and response headers def delete_documents_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, envelope_definition) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_documents ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_documents" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_documents" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(envelope_definition) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'TemplateDocumentsResult') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_documents\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Removes a member group's sharing permissions for a template. # Removes a member group's sharing permissions for a specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_part Currently, the only defined part is **groups**. # @param group_information (optional parameter) # @return [GroupInformation] def delete_group_share(account_id, template_id, template_part, group_information) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_group_share_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_part, group_information) return data end # Removes a member group's sharing permissions for a template. # Removes a member group's sharing permissions for a specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_part Currently, the only defined part is **groups**. # @param group_information (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(GroupInformation, Fixnum, Hash)>] GroupInformation data, response status code and response headers def delete_group_share_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_part, group_information) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_group_share ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_group_share" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_group_share" if template_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_part' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_part' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_group_share" if template_part.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/{templatePart}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templatePart' + '}', template_part.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(group_information) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'GroupInformation') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_group_share\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Deletes a template lock. # Deletes the lock from the specified template. The `X-DocuSign-Edit` header must be included in the request. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param lock_request (optional parameter) # @return [LockInformation] def delete_lock(account_id, template_id, lock_request) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_lock_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, lock_request) return data end # Deletes a template lock. # Deletes the lock from the specified template. The `X-DocuSign-Edit` header must be included in the request. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param lock_request (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(LockInformation, Fixnum, Hash)>] LockInformation data, response status code and response headers def delete_lock_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, lock_request) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_lock ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_lock" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_lock" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/lock".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(lock_request) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'LockInformation') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_lock\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Deletes the specified recipient file from a template. # Deletes the specified recipient file from the specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_recipients (optional parameter) # @return [Recipients] def delete_recipient(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_recipients) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_recipient_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_recipients) return data end # Deletes the specified recipient file from a template. # Deletes the specified recipient file from the specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_recipients (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(Recipients, Fixnum, Hash)>] Recipients data, response status code and response headers def delete_recipient_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_recipients) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_recipient ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_recipient" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'recipient_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'recipient_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_recipient" if recipient_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_recipient" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients/{recipientId}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'recipientId' + '}', recipient_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_recipients) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Recipients') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_recipient\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Deletes recipients from a template. # Deletes one or more recipients from a template. Recipients to be deleted are listed in the request, with the `recipientId` being used as the key for deleting recipients. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_recipients (optional parameter) # @return [Recipients] def delete_recipients(account_id, template_id, template_recipients) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_recipients_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_recipients) return data end # Deletes recipients from a template. # Deletes one or more recipients from a template. Recipients to be deleted are listed in the request, with the `recipientId` being used as the key for deleting recipients. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_recipients (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(Recipients, Fixnum, Hash)>] Recipients data, response status code and response headers def delete_recipients_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_recipients) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_recipients ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_recipients" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_recipients" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_recipients) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Recipients') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_recipients\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Deletes the tabs associated with a recipient in a template. # Deletes one or more tabs associated with a recipient in a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Tabs] def delete_tabs(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_tabs) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_tabs) return data end # Deletes the tabs associated with a recipient in a template. # Deletes one or more tabs associated with a recipient in a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(Tabs, Fixnum, Hash)>] Tabs data, response status code and response headers def delete_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_tabs) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_tabs ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_tabs" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'recipient_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'recipient_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_tabs" if recipient_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_tabs" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients/{recipientId}/tabs".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'recipientId' + '}', recipient_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_tabs) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Tabs') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_tabs\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Deletes tabs from an envelope document # Deletes tabs from the document specified by `documentId` in the template specified by `templateId`. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Tabs] def delete_template_document_tabs(account_id, document_id, template_id, template_tabs) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_template_document_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, template_tabs) return data end # Deletes tabs from an envelope document # Deletes tabs from the document specified by `documentId` in the template specified by `templateId`. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(Tabs, Fixnum, Hash)>] Tabs data, response status code and response headers def delete_template_document_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, template_tabs) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.delete_template_document_tabs ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_template_document_tabs" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_template_document_tabs" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.delete_template_document_tabs" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/tabs".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_tabs) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Tabs') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#delete_template_document_tabs\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets a list of templates for a specified account. # Retrieves the definition of the specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::GetOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [EnvelopeTemplate] def get(account_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::GetOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = get_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, options) return data end # Gets a list of templates for a specified account. # Retrieves the definition of the specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::GetOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(EnvelopeTemplate, Fixnum, Hash)>] EnvelopeTemplate data, response status code and response headers def get_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::GetOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.get ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'include'] = options.include if !options.include.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'EnvelopeTemplate') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#get\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets PDF documents from a template. # Retrieves one or more PDF documents from the specified template. You can specify the ID of the document to retrieve or can specify `combined` to retrieve all documents in the template as one pdf. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [File] def get_document(account_id, document_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = get_document_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, options) return data end # Gets PDF documents from a template. # Retrieves one or more PDF documents from the specified template. You can specify the ID of the document to retrieve or can specify `combined` to retrieve all documents in the template as one pdf. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(File, Fixnum, Hash)>] File data, response status code and response headers def get_document_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.get_document ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_document" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_document" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_document" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'encrypt'] = options.encrypt if !options.encrypt.nil? query_params[:'show_changes'] = options.show_changes if !options.show_changes.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/pdf']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'File') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#get_document\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets a page image from a template for display. # Retrieves a page image for display from the specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param page_number The page number being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentPageImageOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [File] def get_document_page_image(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentPageImageOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = get_document_page_image_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id, options) return data end # Gets a page image from a template for display. # Retrieves a page image for display from the specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param page_number The page number being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentPageImageOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(File, Fixnum, Hash)>] File data, response status code and response headers def get_document_page_image_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentPageImageOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.get_document_page_image ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_document_page_image" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_document_page_image" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'page_number' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'page_number' when calling TemplatesApi.get_document_page_image" if page_number.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_document_page_image" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/pages/{pageNumber}/page_image".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'pageNumber' + '}', page_number.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'dpi'] = options.dpi if !options.dpi.nil? query_params[:'max_height'] = options.max_height if !options.max_height.nil? query_params[:'max_width'] = options.max_width if !options.max_width.nil? query_params[:'show_changes'] = options.show_changes if !options.show_changes.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['image/png']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'File') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#get_document_page_image\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Returns tabs on the document. # Returns the tabs on the document specified by `documentId` in the template specified by `templateId`. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentTabsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Tabs] def get_document_tabs(account_id, document_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentTabsOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = get_document_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, options) return data end # Returns tabs on the document. # Returns the tabs on the document specified by `documentId` in the template specified by `templateId`. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentTabsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(Tabs, Fixnum, Hash)>] Tabs data, response status code and response headers def get_document_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::GetDocumentTabsOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.get_document_tabs ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_document_tabs" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_document_tabs" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_document_tabs" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/tabs".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'page_numbers'] = options.page_numbers if !options.page_numbers.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Tabs') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#get_document_tabs\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets template lock information. # Retrieves general information about the template lock. If the call is made by the user who has the lock and the request has the same integrator key as original, then the `X-DocuSign-Edit` header field and additional lock information is included in the response. This allows users to recover a lost editing session token and the `X-DocuSign-Edit` header. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [LockInformation] def get_lock(account_id, template_id) data, _status_code, _headers = get_lock_with_http_info(account_id, template_id) return data end # Gets template lock information. # Retrieves general information about the template lock. If the call is made by the user who has the lock and the request has the same integrator key as original, then the `X-DocuSign-Edit` header field and additional lock information is included in the response. This allows users to recover a lost editing session token and the `X-DocuSign-Edit` header. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [Array<(LockInformation, Fixnum, Hash)>] LockInformation data, response status code and response headers def get_lock_with_http_info(account_id, template_id) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.get_lock ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_lock" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_lock" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/lock".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'LockInformation') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#get_lock\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets template notification information. # Retrieves the envelope notification, reminders and expirations, information for an existing template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [Notification] def get_notification_settings(account_id, template_id) data, _status_code, _headers = get_notification_settings_with_http_info(account_id, template_id) return data end # Gets template notification information. # Retrieves the envelope notification, reminders and expirations, information for an existing template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [Array<(Notification, Fixnum, Hash)>] Notification data, response status code and response headers def get_notification_settings_with_http_info(account_id, template_id) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.get_notification_settings ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_notification_settings" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_notification_settings" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/notification".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Notification') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#get_notification_settings\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Returns tabs on the specified page. # Returns the tabs from the page specified by `pageNumber` of the document specified by `documentId` in the template specified by `templateId`. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param page_number The page number being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [Tabs] def get_page_tabs(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id) data, _status_code, _headers = get_page_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id) return data end # Returns tabs on the specified page. # Returns the tabs from the page specified by `pageNumber` of the document specified by `documentId` in the template specified by `templateId`. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param page_number The page number being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [Array<(Tabs, Fixnum, Hash)>] Tabs data, response status code and response headers def get_page_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.get_page_tabs ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_page_tabs" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_page_tabs" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'page_number' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'page_number' when calling TemplatesApi.get_page_tabs" if page_number.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_page_tabs" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/pages/{pageNumber}/tabs".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'pageNumber' + '}', page_number.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Tabs') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#get_page_tabs\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Returns document page image(s) based on input. # Returns images of the pages in a template document for display based on the parameters that you specify. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::GetPagesOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [PageImages] def get_pages(account_id, document_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::GetPagesOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = get_pages_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, options) return data end # Returns document page image(s) based on input. # Returns images of the pages in a template document for display based on the parameters that you specify. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::GetPagesOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(PageImages, Fixnum, Hash)>] PageImages data, response status code and response headers def get_pages_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::GetPagesOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.get_pages ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_pages" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_pages" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_pages" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/pages".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'count'] = options.count if !options.count.nil? query_params[:'dpi'] = options.dpi if !options.dpi.nil? query_params[:'max_height'] = options.max_height if !options.max_height.nil? query_params[:'max_width'] = options.max_width if !options.max_width.nil? query_params[:'nocache'] = options.nocache if !options.nocache.nil? query_params[:'show_changes'] = options.show_changes if !options.show_changes.nil? query_params[:'start_position'] = options.start_position if !options.start_position.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'PageImages') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#get_pages\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Get the Original HTML Definition used to generate the Responsive HTML for a given document in a template. # # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginals] def get_template_document_html_definitions(account_id, document_id, template_id) data, _status_code, _headers = get_template_document_html_definitions_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id) return data end # Get the Original HTML Definition used to generate the Responsive HTML for a given document in a template. # # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [Array<(DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginals, Fixnum, Hash)>] DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginals data, response status code and response headers def get_template_document_html_definitions_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.get_template_document_html_definitions ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_template_document_html_definitions" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_template_document_html_definitions" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_template_document_html_definitions" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/html_definitions".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginals') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#get_template_document_html_definitions\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Get the Original HTML Definition used to generate the Responsive HTML for the template. # # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginals] def get_template_html_definitions(account_id, template_id) data, _status_code, _headers = get_template_html_definitions_with_http_info(account_id, template_id) return data end # Get the Original HTML Definition used to generate the Responsive HTML for the template. # # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [Array<(DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginals, Fixnum, Hash)>] DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginals data, response status code and response headers def get_template_html_definitions_with_http_info(account_id, template_id) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.get_template_html_definitions ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_template_html_definitions" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.get_template_html_definitions" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/html_definitions".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginals') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#get_template_html_definitions\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets the custom document fields from a template. # Retrieves the custom document field information from an existing template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [CustomFields] def list_custom_fields(account_id, template_id) data, _status_code, _headers = list_custom_fields_with_http_info(account_id, template_id) return data end # Gets the custom document fields from a template. # Retrieves the custom document field information from an existing template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [Array<(CustomFields, Fixnum, Hash)>] CustomFields data, response status code and response headers def list_custom_fields_with_http_info(account_id, template_id) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.list_custom_fields ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_custom_fields" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_custom_fields" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/custom_fields".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'CustomFields') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#list_custom_fields\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets the custom document fields for a an existing template document. # Retrieves the custom document fields for an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [DocumentFieldsInformation] def list_document_fields(account_id, document_id, template_id) data, _status_code, _headers = list_document_fields_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id) return data end # Gets the custom document fields for a an existing template document. # Retrieves the custom document fields for an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @return [Array<(DocumentFieldsInformation, Fixnum, Hash)>] DocumentFieldsInformation data, response status code and response headers def list_document_fields_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.list_document_fields ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_document_fields" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_document_fields" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_document_fields" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/fields".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'DocumentFieldsInformation') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#list_document_fields\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets a list of documents associated with a template. # Retrieves a list of documents associated with the specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::ListDocumentsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [TemplateDocumentsResult] def list_documents(account_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::ListDocumentsOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = list_documents_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, options) return data end # Gets a list of documents associated with a template. # Retrieves a list of documents associated with the specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::ListDocumentsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(TemplateDocumentsResult, Fixnum, Hash)>] TemplateDocumentsResult data, response status code and response headers def list_documents_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::ListDocumentsOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.list_documents ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_documents" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_documents" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'include_tabs'] = options.include_tabs if !options.include_tabs.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'TemplateDocumentsResult') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#list_documents\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets recipient information from a template. # Retrieves the information for all recipients in the specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::ListRecipientsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Recipients] def list_recipients(account_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::ListRecipientsOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = list_recipients_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, options) return data end # Gets recipient information from a template. # Retrieves the information for all recipients in the specified template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::ListRecipientsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(Recipients, Fixnum, Hash)>] Recipients data, response status code and response headers def list_recipients_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::ListRecipientsOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.list_recipients ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_recipients" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_recipients" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'include_anchor_tab_locations'] = options.include_anchor_tab_locations if !options.include_anchor_tab_locations.nil? query_params[:'include_extended'] = options.include_extended if !options.include_extended.nil? query_params[:'include_tabs'] = options.include_tabs if !options.include_tabs.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Recipients') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#list_recipients\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets the tabs information for a signer or sign-in-person recipient in a template. # Gets the tabs information for a signer or sign-in-person recipient in a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::ListTabsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Tabs] def list_tabs(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::ListTabsOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = list_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, options) return data end # Gets the tabs information for a signer or sign-in-person recipient in a template. # Gets the tabs information for a signer or sign-in-person recipient in a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param DocuSign_eSign::ListTabsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(Tabs, Fixnum, Hash)>] Tabs data, response status code and response headers def list_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::ListTabsOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.list_tabs ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_tabs" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'recipient_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'recipient_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_tabs" if recipient_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_tabs" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients/{recipientId}/tabs".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'recipientId' + '}', recipient_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'include_anchor_tab_locations'] = options.include_anchor_tab_locations if !options.include_anchor_tab_locations.nil? query_params[:'include_metadata'] = options.include_metadata if !options.include_metadata.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Tabs') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#list_tabs\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Gets the definition of a template. # Retrieves the list of templates for the specified account. The request can be limited to a specific folder. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param DocuSign_eSign::ListTemplatesOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [EnvelopeTemplateResults] def list_templates(account_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::ListTemplatesOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = list_templates_with_http_info(account_id, options) return data end # Gets the definition of a template. # Retrieves the list of templates for the specified account. The request can be limited to a specific folder. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param DocuSign_eSign::ListTemplatesOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(EnvelopeTemplateResults, Fixnum, Hash)>] EnvelopeTemplateResults data, response status code and response headers def list_templates_with_http_info(account_id, options = DocuSign_eSign::ListTemplatesOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.list_templates ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.list_templates" if account_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'count'] = options.count if !options.count.nil? query_params[:'created_from_date'] = options.created_from_date if !options.created_from_date.nil? query_params[:'created_to_date'] = options.created_to_date if !options.created_to_date.nil? query_params[:'folder_ids'] = options.folder_ids if !options.folder_ids.nil? query_params[:'folder_types'] = options.folder_types if !options.folder_types.nil? query_params[:'from_date'] = options.from_date if !options.from_date.nil? query_params[:'include'] = options.include if !options.include.nil? query_params[:'is_deleted_template_only'] = options.is_deleted_template_only if !options.is_deleted_template_only.nil? query_params[:'is_download'] = options.is_download if !options.is_download.nil? query_params[:'modified_from_date'] = options.modified_from_date if !options.modified_from_date.nil? query_params[:'modified_to_date'] = options.modified_to_date if !options.modified_to_date.nil? query_params[:'order'] = options.order if !options.order.nil? query_params[:'order_by'] = options.order_by if !options.order_by.nil? query_params[:'search_fields'] = options.search_fields if !options.search_fields.nil? query_params[:'search_text'] = options.search_text if !options.search_text.nil? query_params[:'shared_by_me'] = options.shared_by_me if !options.shared_by_me.nil? query_params[:'start_position'] = options.start_position if !options.start_position.nil? query_params[:'template_ids'] = options.template_ids if !options.template_ids.nil? query_params[:'to_date'] = options.to_date if !options.to_date.nil? query_params[:'used_from_date'] = options.used_from_date if !options.used_from_date.nil? query_params[:'used_to_date'] = options.used_to_date if !options.used_to_date.nil? query_params[:'user_filter'] = options.user_filter if !options.user_filter.nil? query_params[:'user_id'] = options.user_id if !options.user_id.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = nil auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'EnvelopeTemplateResults') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#list_templates\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Rotates page image from a template for display. # Rotates page image from a template for display. The page image can be rotated to the left or right. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param page_number The page number being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param page_request (optional parameter) # @return [nil] def rotate_document_page(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id, page_request) rotate_document_page_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id, page_request) return nil end # Rotates page image from a template for display. # Rotates page image from a template for display. The page image can be rotated to the left or right. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param page_number The page number being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param page_request (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(nil, Fixnum, Hash)>] nil, response status code and response headers def rotate_document_page_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, page_number, template_id, page_request) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.rotate_document_page ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.rotate_document_page" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.rotate_document_page" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'page_number' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'page_number' when calling TemplatesApi.rotate_document_page" if page_number.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.rotate_document_page" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/pages/{pageNumber}/page_image".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'pageNumber' + '}', page_number.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(page_request) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#rotate_document_page\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Updates an existing template. # Updates an existing template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param envelope_template (optional parameter) # @return [TemplateUpdateSummary] def update(account_id, template_id, envelope_template) data, _status_code, _headers = update_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, envelope_template) return data end # Updates an existing template. # Updates an existing template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param envelope_template (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(TemplateUpdateSummary, Fixnum, Hash)>] TemplateUpdateSummary data, response status code and response headers def update_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, envelope_template) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(envelope_template) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'TemplateUpdateSummary') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Updates envelope custom fields in a template. # Updates the custom fields in a template. Each custom field used in a template must have a unique name. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_custom_fields (optional parameter) # @return [CustomFields] def update_custom_fields(account_id, template_id, template_custom_fields) data, _status_code, _headers = update_custom_fields_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_custom_fields) return data end # Updates envelope custom fields in a template. # Updates the custom fields in a template. Each custom field used in a template must have a unique name. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_custom_fields (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(CustomFields, Fixnum, Hash)>] CustomFields data, response status code and response headers def update_custom_fields_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_custom_fields) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update_custom_fields ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_custom_fields" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_custom_fields" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/custom_fields".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_custom_fields) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'CustomFields') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update_custom_fields\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Adds a document to a template document. # Adds the specified document to an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param envelope_definition (optional parameter) # @param DocuSign_eSign::UpdateDocumentOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [EnvelopeDocument] def update_document(account_id, document_id, template_id, envelope_definition, options = DocuSign_eSign::UpdateDocumentOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = update_document_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, envelope_definition, options) return data end # Adds a document to a template document. # Adds the specified document to an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param envelope_definition (optional parameter) # @param DocuSign_eSign::UpdateDocumentOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(EnvelopeDocument, Fixnum, Hash)>] EnvelopeDocument data, response status code and response headers def update_document_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, envelope_definition, options = DocuSign_eSign::UpdateDocumentOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update_document ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_document" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_document" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_document" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'is_envelope_definition'] = options.is_envelope_definition if !options.is_envelope_definition.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(envelope_definition) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'EnvelopeDocument') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update_document\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Updates existing custom document fields in an existing template document. # Updates existing custom document fields in an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param document_fields_information (optional parameter) # @return [DocumentFieldsInformation] def update_document_fields(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_fields_information) data, _status_code, _headers = update_document_fields_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_fields_information) return data end # Updates existing custom document fields in an existing template document. # Updates existing custom document fields in an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param document_fields_information (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(DocumentFieldsInformation, Fixnum, Hash)>] DocumentFieldsInformation data, response status code and response headers def update_document_fields_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, document_fields_information) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update_document_fields ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_document_fields" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_document_fields" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_document_fields" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/fields".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(document_fields_information) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'DocumentFieldsInformation') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update_document_fields\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Adds documents to a template document. # Adds one or more documents to an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param envelope_definition (optional parameter) # @return [TemplateDocumentsResult] def update_documents(account_id, template_id, envelope_definition) data, _status_code, _headers = update_documents_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, envelope_definition) return data end # Adds documents to a template document. # Adds one or more documents to an existing template document. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param envelope_definition (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(TemplateDocumentsResult, Fixnum, Hash)>] TemplateDocumentsResult data, response status code and response headers def update_documents_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, envelope_definition) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update_documents ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_documents" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_documents" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(envelope_definition) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'TemplateDocumentsResult') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update_documents\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Shares a template with a group # Shares a template with the specified members group. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_part Currently, the only defined part is **groups**. # @param group_information (optional parameter) # @return [GroupInformation] def update_group_share(account_id, template_id, template_part, group_information) data, _status_code, _headers = update_group_share_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_part, group_information) return data end # Shares a template with a group # Shares a template with the specified members group. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_part Currently, the only defined part is **groups**. # @param group_information (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(GroupInformation, Fixnum, Hash)>] GroupInformation data, response status code and response headers def update_group_share_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_part, group_information) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update_group_share ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_group_share" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_group_share" if template_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_part' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_part' when calling TemplatesApi.update_group_share" if template_part.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/{templatePart}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templatePart' + '}', template_part.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(group_information) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'GroupInformation') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update_group_share\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Updates a template lock. # Updates the lock duration time or update the `lockedByApp` property information for the specified template. The user and integrator key must match the user specified by the `lockByUser` property and integrator key information and the `X-DocuSign-Edit` header must be included or an error will be generated. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param lock_request (optional parameter) # @return [LockInformation] def update_lock(account_id, template_id, lock_request) data, _status_code, _headers = update_lock_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, lock_request) return data end # Updates a template lock. # Updates the lock duration time or update the `lockedByApp` property information for the specified template. The user and integrator key must match the user specified by the `lockByUser` property and integrator key information and the `X-DocuSign-Edit` header must be included or an error will be generated. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param lock_request (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(LockInformation, Fixnum, Hash)>] LockInformation data, response status code and response headers def update_lock_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, lock_request) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update_lock ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_lock" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_lock" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/lock".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(lock_request) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'LockInformation') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update_lock\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Updates the notification structure for an existing template. # Updates the notification structure for an existing template. Use this endpoint to set reminder and expiration notifications. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_notification_request (optional parameter) # @return [Notification] def update_notification_settings(account_id, template_id, template_notification_request) data, _status_code, _headers = update_notification_settings_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_notification_request) return data end # Updates the notification structure for an existing template. # Updates the notification structure for an existing template. Use this endpoint to set reminder and expiration notifications. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_notification_request (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(Notification, Fixnum, Hash)>] Notification data, response status code and response headers def update_notification_settings_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_notification_request) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update_notification_settings ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_notification_settings" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_notification_settings" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/notification".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_notification_request) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Notification') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update_notification_settings\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Updates recipients in a template. # Updates recipients in a template. You can edit the following properties: `email`, `userName`, `routingOrder`, `faxNumber`, `deliveryMethod`, `accessCode`, and `requireIdLookup`. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_recipients (optional parameter) # @param DocuSign_eSign::UpdateRecipientsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [RecipientsUpdateSummary] def update_recipients(account_id, template_id, template_recipients, options = DocuSign_eSign::UpdateRecipientsOptions.default) data, _status_code, _headers = update_recipients_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_recipients, options) return data end # Updates recipients in a template. # Updates recipients in a template. You can edit the following properties: `email`, `userName`, `routingOrder`, `faxNumber`, `deliveryMethod`, `accessCode`, and `requireIdLookup`. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_recipients (optional parameter) # @param DocuSign_eSign::UpdateRecipientsOptions Options for modifying the behavior of the function. # @return [Array<(RecipientsUpdateSummary, Fixnum, Hash)>] RecipientsUpdateSummary data, response status code and response headers def update_recipients_with_http_info(account_id, template_id, template_recipients, options = DocuSign_eSign::UpdateRecipientsOptions.default) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update_recipients ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_recipients" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_recipients" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} query_params[:'resend_envelope'] = options.resend_envelope if !options.resend_envelope.nil? # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_recipients) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'RecipientsUpdateSummary') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update_recipients\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Updates the tabs for a recipient. # Updates one or more tabs for a recipient in a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Tabs] def update_tabs(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_tabs) data, _status_code, _headers = update_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_tabs) return data end # Updates the tabs for a recipient. # Updates one or more tabs for a recipient in a template. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param recipient_id The ID of the recipient being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(Tabs, Fixnum, Hash)>] Tabs data, response status code and response headers def update_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, recipient_id, template_id, template_tabs) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update_tabs ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_tabs" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'recipient_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'recipient_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_tabs" if recipient_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_tabs" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients/{recipientId}/tabs".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'recipientId' + '}', recipient_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_tabs) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Tabs') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update_tabs\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Updates the tabs for a template # Updates tabs in the document specified by `documentId` in the template specified by `templateId`. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Tabs] def update_template_document_tabs(account_id, document_id, template_id, template_tabs) data, _status_code, _headers = update_template_document_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, template_tabs) return data end # Updates the tabs for a template # Updates tabs in the document specified by `documentId` in the template specified by `templateId`. # @param account_id The external account number (int) or account ID Guid. # @param document_id The ID of the document being accessed. # @param template_id The ID of the template being accessed. # @param template_tabs (optional parameter) # @return [Array<(Tabs, Fixnum, Hash)>] Tabs data, response status code and response headers def update_template_document_tabs_with_http_info(account_id, document_id, template_id, template_tabs) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: TemplatesApi.update_template_document_tabs ..." end # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_template_document_tabs" if account_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'document_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'document_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_template_document_tabs" if document_id.nil? # verify the required parameter 'template_id' is set fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'template_id' when calling TemplatesApi.update_template_document_tabs" if template_id.nil? # resource path local_var_path = "/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}/tabs".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'accountId' + '}', account_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'documentId' + '}', document_id.to_s).sub('{' + 'templateId' + '}', template_id.to_s) # query parameters query_params = {} # header parameters header_params = {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = {} # http body (model) post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(template_tabs) auth_names = [] data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => 'Tabs') if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: TemplatesApi#update_template_document_tabs\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end end end