2011-01-12 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/model.rb: Always initialize the dirty flag for Treequel::Model objects. [4a75d892a89d] [github/master, master, tip] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Fixed a bug in Treequel::Branch that caused non-schema attribute fetches through the index operator to pollute the values cache, which in turn caused Treequel::Model schema validations to fail. [8cee4f66c05d] * manual/src/models.page: More work on the manual [1652fd0874ab] * lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Made Treequel::Model#validate run the before_validation/after_validation hooks [55d6b5f34c2b] 2011-01-11 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/exceptions.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, manual/src/models.page, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Worked on model hooks and validations; added specs, raise exceptions by default, started adding info to the manual. [2454e05f1302] * lib/treequel/model/errors.rb, lib/treequel/model/schemavalidations.rb, spec/treequel/model/errors_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model/schemavalidations_spec.rb: Adding structural-objectClass validation [1b9bd6587cf0] * Rakefile: Add sysexits to the list of dev dependencies [54e20f994ef4] * Manifest.txt: Rearranged the release manifest a bit to make it easier to check against the source in TextMate [fd358623589a] 2011-01-10 Michael Granger * Rakefile: Cleaning up dependencies, adding a note to the post-install [633dfb8ea77a] * Manifest.txt: Adding the ChangeLog to the release manifest [8c1658a696bf] 2011-01-07 Michael Granger * bin/treewhat: Added the missing 'filter' mode of treewhat. [953995a0ad97] * History.md, bin/treewhat, lib/treequel/branch.rb: Updated History.md, squelch some debugging, fix --debug and --loglevel options in treewhat. [d20b35196dc6] * lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: Added Treequel::Directory#reconnect. [56c70223318a] 2011-01-06 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Automated merge with ssh://deveiate/Treequel [62e7348050eb] * bin/treequel: More logging constant fixes for the treequel shell. [6e159f32ed07] * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/model/objectclass.rb: Aesthetic cleanup [78e65cb8f30a] 2011-01-04 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Fixing log level constants in the Treequel shell [34e22e6f554c] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, lib/treequel/model/schemavalidations.rb, lib/treequel/monkeypatches.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Miscellaneous cleanup before 1.3.0 release. * Treequel::Branch - Check for explicit nil DN in .new - Check for nil parent_dn in #parent - Use 'top' instead of :top as objectClass default * Treequel::Model - New method #modification_ldif - Commented out some spammy debugging * Don't use Array() to array-ify values in Treequel::Model::SchemaValidations to avoid unintentional #to_str (on Time objects, specifically, but there are probably more) [805069ea8b46] 2010-12-30 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, lib/treequel/model/schemavalidations.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Treequel::Model fixes * Reapply objectClass mixins when the objectClass attribute is modified * Make the index operator return SINGLE/non-SINGLE values for new objects, too. * Fix incorrect LDIF generated by Treequel::Model#modifications * Make the MUST validations take the attribute's arity into account. [7edc8fbcdf90] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Change the return values of unset attributes to distinguish between SINGLE and non-SINGLE attributes [51487790ee27] * lib/treequel/monkeypatches.rb, spec/treequel/monkeypatches_spec.rb: Monkeypatch Date for LDAP time type conversions [fc8d015d1084] 2010-12-29 Michael Granger * bin/treewhat: Implemented the "display entry" mode for treewhat [d9dafc7de90b] * bin/treewhat: Fixed the no-arg mode of treewhat [c56127a56a75] * Manifest.txt: Updating release manifest with new files [30a4d5b011bd] * Rakefile, lib/treequel.rb: Version bump. [554028334395] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, lib/treequel/model/objectclass.rb, lib/treequel/model/schemavalidations.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model/objectclass_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model/schemavalidations_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Commit of initial implementation of deferred-write in Treequel::Model. [14e2414890e0] * manual/resources/css/manual.css: HTML5 fixes for the manual CSS [3702d4e0a2dd] * Rakefile: Only configure optional plugins if they've loaded [c40aec37ca0b] 2010-12-27 Michael Granger * bin/treewhat: Added basic artifact lookup [b8887a51c1b2] * README.md: Strip whitespace, add mail addresses to authors [a5025c08c083] * lib/treequel/exceptions.rb: Adding a new ValidationFailed exception class [ec337bf92921] * spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Fixing a spec broken by the elimination of RDN-attribute extraction from Treequel::Directory#create [247d4b8f91d5] * lib/treequel/branch.rb: Cleanup Treequel::Branch#delete [a6a076b5ccad] * lib/treequel/model/errors.rb, spec/treequel/model/errors_spec.rb: Adding an errors container for Treequel::Model validations [07b460cc1eee] * lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Removed a bunch of unnecessary cruft from Treequel::Directory#create [34868ca6b55f] 2010-12-26 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: More work on the new Treequel::Model functionality: * Cached converted attribute values are no longer frozen (for Model, anyway), since modifications are determined by diffing against it. This also allows one to turn off that behavior for Branch, as well. * Fixed a bug in attribute deletion/merging when the converted attribute hadn't been cached yet. * Added Treequel::Model#revert * Fixed a bug in the proxy method for single-letter attribute names. * Finished the implementation of Treequel::Model#modifications. Thanks to Mahlon E. Smith for the pair! [99e1ce9539c0] * .hgignore: Fixed some changed paths in the ignorefile [80b38a3e7474] * lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: Treequel::Directory.root_dse now returns Treequel::Branches [f1cdd9689425] * Rakefile: Set the manual source directory in the Rakefile [17e90746ea3f] * bin/treewhat: More work on treewhat tool [693342d03bda] * docs/manual/layouts/default.page, docs/manual/layouts/intro.page, docs/manual/lib/api-filter.rb, docs/manual/lib/editorial-filter.rb, docs/manual/lib/examples-filter.rb, docs/manual/lib/links-filter.rb, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/resources/images/arrow_225_small.png, docs/manual/resources/images/arrow_315_small.png, docs/manual/resources/images/arrow_skip.png, docs/manual/resources/images/cc-by.png, docs/manual/resources/images /dialog-error.png, docs/manual/resources/images/dialog- information.png, docs/manual/resources/images/dialog-warning.png, docs/manual/resources/images/emblem-important.png, docs/manual/resources/images/help.png, docs/manual/resources/images/information.png, docs/manual/resources/images/logo-small.png, docs/manual/resources/images/logo.png, docs/manual/resources/images/magnifier.png, docs/manual/resources/images/magnifier_left.png, docs/manual/resources/images/page_white_code.png, docs/manual/resources/images/page_white_copy.png, docs/manual/resources/images/printer.png, docs/manual/resources/images/question.png, docs/manual/resources/images/scripts_code.png, docs/manual/resources/images/wrap.png, docs/manual/resources/images/wrapping.png, docs/manual/resources/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js, docs/manual/resources/js/jquery.ThickBox.js, docs/manual/resources/js/manual.js, docs/manual/resources/js/sh.js, docs/manual/resources/swf/clipboard.swf, docs/manual/src/index.page, manual/layouts/default.page, manual/layouts/intro.page, manual/lib /api-filter.rb, manual/lib/editorial-filter.rb, manual/lib/examples- filter.rb, manual/lib/links-filter.rb, manual/resources/css/manual.css, manual/resources/images/arrow_225_small.png, manual/resources/images/arrow_315_small.png, manual/resources/images/arrow_skip.png, manual/resources/images/cc- by.png, manual/resources/images/dialog-error.png, manual/resources/images/dialog-information.png, manual/resources/images/dialog-warning.png, manual/resources/images /emblem-important.png, manual/resources/images/help.png, manual/resources/images/information.png, manual/resources/images /logo-small.png, manual/resources/images/logo.png, manual/resources/images/magnifier.png, manual/resources/images/magnifier_left.png, manual/resources/images/page_white_code.png, manual/resources/images/page_white_copy.png, manual/resources/images/printer.png, manual/resources/images/question.png, manual/resources/images/scripts_code.png, manual/resources/images/wrap.png, manual/resources/images/wrapping.png, manual/resources/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js, manual/resources/js/jquery.ThickBox.js, manual/resources/js/manual.js, manual/resources/js/sh.js, manual/resources/swf/clipboard.swf, manual/src/binding.page, manual/src/branchcollections.page, manual/src/branches.page, manual/src/branchsets.page, manual/src/connecting.page, manual/src/examples.page, manual/src/index.page, manual/src/models.page, manual/src/schema.page: Laying out manual for hoe-manualgen [d692b6298059] 2010-12-23 Michael Granger * spec/treequel/model/objectclass_spec.rb: Added some more Treequel::Model::ObjectClass specs [8f567053f9d5] * lib/treequel/mixins.rb: Fix block-style debugging method calls [0297a8ce010f] * Rakefile: Check for the right method before calling #hg_sign_tags= [94c9a49768e2] * lib/treequel/monkeypatches.rb: Adding a monkeypatch for bugs in Diff::LCS [a639ec7d1215] * lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Started work on making Treequel::Model act more like an ORM (#save method causes state change, not modification of the Model object) [b5954f0c2524] * lib/treequel/model/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/model/objectclass_spec.rb: Adding the initial Treequel::Model::ObjectClass.create implementation [de5e733b533b] * Manifest.txt: Fixing modified path to the control behavior in the Manifest [74dee58a18cd] * bin/treequel, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb: Simplified and removed duplication from the logging code, also: speed fixes [e5c011bc1e9f] * spec/lib/constants.rb: Adding multi-value DN test data constants [c2258e9f4d4c] * lib/treequel/schema.rb: Committing schema changes made to support treewhat [b34309ac5332] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Fixing a bug in Treequel::Branch#merge for values that need conversion [d3f1f3a9285f] * bin/treewhat: Initial commit of a new (unfinished) directory-introspection tool [146c03a0cc9c] 2010-12-22 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Removing inadvertant "rubygems" require in the treequel shell [af18fc026917] 2010-12-21 Michael Granger * Rakefile: Switched to hoe-mercurial, added guards for related top-level tasks [01c81f8677ba] 2010-12-15 Michael Granger * Rakefile, experiments/paged_results_example.rb, lib/treequel/behavior/control.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/controls/pagedresults.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/lib/control_behavior.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/contentsync_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/pagedresults_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/sortedresults_spec.rb: Extracted the controls behavior and rewrote the specs to use it. [dd1713e2c08a] 2010-12-14 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag v1.2.2 for changeset ddd4a27bfa1a [7673ef568a14] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset a0444fc510a3 [ddd4a27bfa1a] [v1.2.2] * History.md: Adding actual content to the History file [a0444fc510a3] * Rakefile, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, lib/treequel/monkeypatches.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/lib/matchers.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Treequel::Branch bugfixes, build system work * Bump version to 1.2.2 * More hoe fixups * refactored Treequel::Branch specs to mock much less and fixed a few bugs exposed by this work * Added a monkeypatch to add equality to LDAP::Mod objects [0c2883d2074a] 2010-12-13 Michael Granger * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset 1845c002216c [03eca02ba232] * .hgtags: Added tag v1.2.1 for changeset 44ab19c2cced [1845c002216c] * Rakefile: Giving up on converting the manual to something RDocable for now [44ab19c2cced] [v1.2.1] * lib/treequel/model.rb, lib/treequel/model/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/model/objectclass_spec.rb: Allow Treequel::Model::ObjectClass#model_objectclasses arguments to be anything that can #to_sym. [9f4203117712] 2010-12-10 Michael Granger * project.yml: Removing the project.yml [e661ceaf2232] * lib/treequel/model.rb: Cleaned up Treequel::Model#inspect for models that haven't yet loaded their entry [43a411db65fc] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Added a new method: Treequel::Branch#loaded? [11d3dcae4282] * .hgsub, .hgsubstate, History.md, Manifest.txt, README.md, Rakefile, Rakefile.local: Converted to hoe [cc8ec875118b] 2010-12-08 Michael Granger * lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb: Added more debugging to the mixin application in Treequel::Model. Bumped version to 1.2.1. [b9106049e6aa] 2010-11-30 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag v1.2.0 for changeset 3ceba5117883 [610ee837acd2] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset c6166a5cbc23 [3ceba5117883] [v1.2.0] * .hgsubstate, Rakefile: Updated build system. [c6166a5cbc23] 2010-11-24 Michael Granger * .hgsubstate, Rakefile, project.yml: Updated build system. [ccdee2d78e68] * .hgsubstate, lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Added hash-key conversion so Branches can be constructed with Symbol-key hashargs. [47697f2ebc27] 2010-11-18 Michael Granger * lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Adding 'Treequel::Branchset#from' mutator for changing the base DN. * Bump version to 1.2.0 * Add Treequel::Branchset#from and specs for it. * Spec cleanup - Refactored some specs to mock completely outside the library - Added a fixturing function to the spec helpers: get_fixtured_directory() - Replaced nested describes in some specs with contexts instead. [44f8be0662c4] 2010-11-11 Michael Granger * Merging with 316:33a7dcde80a1 [72dd41272f6f] * .hgsubstate, lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb, spec/treequel/monkeypatches_spec.rb: Spec fixes for RSpec 2.0 * Fix RSpec regex workaround for Treequel::Model#respond_to? * Fix monkeypatch Time tests for running outside of PST8PDT [9f9460125077] 2010-11-09 Michael Granger * .hgsub, .hgsubstate: Readding subrepo [33a7dcde80a1] * .hgsub, .hgsubstate, .hgsubstate: Fixing subrepo corruption caused by rollback [fc9ae9f5b034] * README: Merged with 310:cc7c63ff15a0 [c1b750e4e9fc] * .hgsubstate, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/pagedresults_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/sortedresults_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: stub! -> stub; added more debugging to try to track down the model test failure [380662d385e0] 2010-11-03 Michael Granger * README, README.md: Converting the README to Markdown [cc7c63ff15a0] 2010-11-08 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Fixed treequel shell's cp to support relative and absolute DNs [7f20ab74d6b1] 2010-10-22 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/schema.rb, spec/lib/control_behavior.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/lib/matchers.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/control_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/contentsync_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/pagedresults_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/sortedresults_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model/objectclass_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb, spec/treequel/monkeypatches_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/attributetype_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/matchingrule_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/table_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: Converted to RSpec 2.0 [26c3853695ea] * .hgsub, .hgsubstate, Rakefile, project.yml: Updating build system; add requirement for Ruby 1.8.7 [98b6847de872] 2010-09-21 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag 1.1.1 for changeset e52c71f4e4ca [7f70394868e2] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset c6d26ab6a7a4 [e52c71f4e4ca] [1.1.1] * lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Critical bugfix. * Fix a critical bug in the mapping of objectClasses to Model objects when the object is created with an entry hash rather than lazy- loaded. * Bump version to 1.1.1. [c6d26ab6a7a4] 2010-09-20 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag 1.1.0 for changeset b415e0fce774 [92c28b14730a] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset 4ba782a3a7e4 [b415e0fce774] [1.1.0] 2010-09-17 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/model.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb: Include mixins for inherited objectClasses, too. [4ba782a3a7e4] * Rakefile: Updated build system [f075a27a35eb] * docs/manual/src/index.page: Manual updates for the Model section (paired with Mahlon) [c77bac0bf816] 2010-09-15 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb: Use the #syntax method instead of the syntax_oid in #inspect output so inherited syntaxes are shown [1b375c5dc123] * bin/treeirb: Use the system LDAP config if no URI is given [0786411cd707] * lib/treequel/branch.rb: Un-spam debugging on entry lookup [d3a6c89d8004] * lib/treequel/model.rb: Overriding #inspect in Treequel::Model to show the list of extensions applied to the entry [2101482df41f] 2010-08-25 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Rescue the right error in Treequel::Model#method_missing and add a spec for the negative case. [a384412c0e6f] * lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Load the entry from Model's #method_missing to catch calls to methods that are added via objectClass mixins. [b220a83d31b5] 2010-08-23 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Fixing object/attribute mapping for attributes whose types that inherit their syntax from their superclass [2753f8405caf] * Rakefile.local, docs/Treequel Manual Diagrams.graffle, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/model/objectclass.rb, lib/treequel/monkeypatches.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model/objectclass_spec.rb, spec/treequel/monkeypatches_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/table_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb, spec/treequel/utils_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: Coverage improvements, manual work * Improved coverage * More work on the manual and manual graphics [2e2b035d3721] * docs/manual/lib/links-filter.rb, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel.rb: Started catching the manual up to 1.1.0. [693a163bd068] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Made Treequel::Branch#delete with no arguments delete the entry [df0b0594cb62] 2010-08-19 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/lib/control_behavior.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/control_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/contentsync_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/pagedresults_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/sortedresults_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model/objectclass_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/attributetype_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/matchingrule_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/table_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb, spec/treequel/utils_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: Fixes for Ruby 1.9.2. [31fc0ea1ea31] * Rakefile, project.yml: Build system update; fixed ruby-termios dependency [7c7d3e2034b0] 2010-08-18 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb: Implement Branchset operators * COMPAT: Change the way Branchset#+ works with a Branch argument to work with Model methods that return related searches. * Implement Branchset#- [f9151315d37f] 2010-08-16 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/attributetype_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: Reworked operational attributes to use the 'USAGE' attribute at Mahlon's suggestion. * Operational attributes are now fetched from the schema. * Treequel::Schema::AttributeType now has predicates for testing for various usage types. [cd3ef7e3ffb0] * lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Fixes for Treequel::Model instantiation and lookup. * Don't try to add objectclass mixins to the nil returned from a failed lookup. * Expanded coverage for Treequel::Model. [dfb032f5e5c1] * lib/treequel/schema/table.rb, spec/treequel/schema/table_spec.rb: Made Treequel::Schema::Table Enumerable [844ee21c6916] 2010-08-06 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Don't add the objectClass attribute when searching through Treequel::Model if the search doesn't specify any return attributes. [ff2629196b4e] * lib/treequel/filter.rb: Handle Sequel's Ruby1.9 Symbol-operator workaround in filter attributes [d4e58760ee34] * lib/treequel/branch.rb: Also output empty-string attributes as non-binary [d60c6b83db01] 2010-08-05 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb: Unwrap base64ed LDIF lines before wrapping them to the new line length. [bb182f705fe5] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Fix LDIF-generation for really reals. [32084630894f] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Optimizations, logging cleanup. * Optimize falling through Treequel::Model#method_missing for branch- traversal methods to avoid talking to the directory if possible. * Clean up some of the chattier but not-as-useful debug logging [aabbab99b093] 2010-08-02 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/lib/matchers.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Bugfixes. * Handle empty-string DNs in Treequel::Branch#parent_dn * Tidy up LDIF-generation * Add an RSpec workaround for Treequel::Model#respond_to? [7a4f2e5bef0a] 2010-07-29 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/filter.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb: Filter component symmetry, Model refactor * Added an append method for Treequel::Filter::AndComponent to serve as the underpinnings for an .and() method as soon as I figure out a way to track the last-appended component so I can collapse/follow apprpriately. * Refactored Treequel::Model#find_attribute_type [2f741e5294bf] 2010-07-28 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: Added support for Sequel-style #or: branchset.filter( :something ).or( :somethingelse ). [bc0bc3aea136] * lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Added Treequel::Model#respond_to? [30091794b910] 2010-07-27 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, lib/treequel/monkeypatches.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: Bugfix, make object conversion work for setting attributes too. * Add 'objectClass' to a Branchset that's resolved through a Treequel::Model so the model knows what ObjectClass modules to extend the results with. * Make setters on a Treequel::Branch do conversion from Ruby objects to correct LDAP attribute strings. * Added operational-attribute awareness to Treequel::Schema objects [e9c908b1f426] 2010-07-26 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Bugfixes, coverage of LDIF-generation. * Added support for empty base DNs to Treequel::Branch. * Added a spec example for LDIF output; still need one for Base64-encoded values, however. [30ba889041a8] 2010-07-16 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Fixing the "cd .." special case [a6dd7b685a6a] 2010-07-14 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/model.rb: Untaint objectClasses passed to Treequel::Model::mixins_for_objectclasses. [2793fa802dad] 2010-07-13 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: The workaround for two-param syntax mapping Procs didn't work after all. Modifying the default mappings to take that into account. [b76dd9ca1f3f] * experiments/schema_roundtrip.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/attributetype_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/matchingrule_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb: Added schema-object roundtripping, with a script/specs to test it. [70cc87a200ad] * lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: Added the ability to set the default results class on a per- directory basis. [47e865bfef9e] * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/model.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Fixes for Apache DS and bugfix in Treequel::Model. * Don't assume the 'structuralObjectClass' operational attribute exists in entries in the Treequel shell; Apache DS, for one, doesn't have it. * Fix a bug in Treequel::Model which caused under_barred attributes not to try their camelCased equivalent. [c61373e3dc49] 2010-07-10 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, lib/treequel/model/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb: Treequel::Model bugfix * Fixed Treequel::Model registration logic for objectclasses with no model_bases by registering them under the empty-string DN. * Return duplicates from Treequel::Model::ObjectClass::model_objectclasses and ::model_bases. * Add an alias for #include_operational_attrs -> include_operational_attributes [601003ff3077] 2010-07-09 Michael Granger * experiments/mixohm.rb, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/model.rb, lib/treequel/model/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/model/objectclass_spec.rb, spec/treequel/model_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb: Adding Treequel::Model, bumping version to 1.1.0. * New classes/modules: Treequel::Model, Treequel::Model::ObjectClass * Adding the spike for the OHM implementation [a76065cfeba0] * Merged with 47bb9cd7af3b [6dd6cb37f5ce] 2010-07-08 Michael Granger * .hgignore, lib/treequel/directory.rb: Delegate the Treequel::Directory#root_dse method through its #conn method too. [3f4134d20d9d] 2010-07-07 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag 1.0.4 for changeset 0ec4ff0ce67f [0188c2ba5b7e] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset c8534439a5bc [0ec4ff0ce67f] [1.0.4] * lib/treequel.rb: Bumping version to 1.0.4 because I'm an idiot and included some files that were intended for a future version in 1.0.3. [c8534439a5bc] * .hgtags: Added tag 1.0.3 for changeset 65be21a77bfe [47bb9cd7af3b] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset fd86e30957a6 [65be21a77bfe] [1.0.3] * Rakefile, experiments/control-syntax-spike.rb, experiments/ohm.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/exceptions.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, lib/treequel/schema/table.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/attributetype_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb: Build system update, prep for 1.0.3 release. * Refactored some methods in Treequel::Branch to allow for easier subclassing. * Fixed an edge case in Treequel::BranchCollection mutators when they are called without a mutating value, but require one. * Added Treequel::Branchset#+ * Factored out DN normalization functions into a Treequel::Normalization mixin * Made Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass include its ancestors' MUST and MAY OIDs by default in #must_oids and #may_oids. * Covered some more edge cases in the specs [fd86e30957a6] 2010-06-14 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Fix the 'parent' command in the treequel shell and the success message for the 'cp' command. [dd880dcd1b9a] * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: Treequel shell cleanup, new subcommand, Treequel::Directory#bound_user * 'treequel' shell: - Options and help consistency fixes - Added 'whoami' command * Make the bound user's DN fetchable via Treequel::Directory#bound_user [c2a696248d22] 2010-06-10 Michael Granger * Rakefile.local, bin/treequel, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/constants.rb: Added 'cp' treequel shell command, removed FOLDED_LDIF_ATTRVAL_SPEC pattern. [61d5aae13b7e] 2010-05-27 Michael Granger * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Treequel shell cleanup, support config-loaded directory, Branch#move fixes * Treequel shell: - Cleaned up the option-parsing/startup code - Made the shell use the system config with no URL argument via Treequel.directory_from_config instead of just defaulting to ldap://localhost - Fixed the 'mv' command * Cleaned up the Treequel::Branch#move command, removing the unfinished attribute-modification code, which was redundant. [d9073c3a9f0e] 2010-05-03 Michael Granger * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/schema/table.rb: Treequel shell work, made schema tables more Hash-like. * Treequel shell: - Added a 'mv' command - Added a confirmation for the deletion of each sub-entry to 'rm', and a -f(orce) flag to avoid it. * Made Treequel::Schema::Table a bit more Hash-like with more delegation. [0982bb19bfb9] 2010-04-14 Michael Granger * lib/treequel.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: Fixed a bug in Treequel.read_opts_from_config which caused directory_from_config not to work. Thanks to Mahlon for spotting this. [b725e5424fa9] 2010-04-13 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb: More YARD docs [561646be1b80] 2010-04-11 Michael Granger * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb: Fixed LDIF and highlighting in treequel shell * Replaced LDIF function from ruby-ldap, as it modifies its receiver and has hardcoded column width. * Made the LDIF-matching pattern handle folded attribute values. [94b428852c7a] 2010-04-10 Michael Granger * Rakefile: Updated build system. [a42d7297577a] 2010-04-08 Michael Granger * Rakefile, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: Updated build system, more YARDificiation. [a039187fcbfd] 2010-04-07 Michael Granger * Rakefile: Updated build system. [b54fe9c1171d] * .hgignore, Rakefile, bin/treequel, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/control.rb, lib/treequel/controls/contentsync.rb, lib/treequel/controls/pagedresults.rb, lib/treequel/controls/persistentsearch.rb, lib/treequel/controls/sortedresults.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/exceptions.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, lib/treequel/monkeypatches.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse.rb, lib/treequel/sequel_integration.rb, lib/treequel/utils.rb, project.yml, spec/lib/control_behavior.rb, spec/lib/matchers.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/contentsync_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/pagedresults_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/sortedresults_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/table_spec.rb: More specs, more YARD docs. * Finished SortedResultsControl spec * Added YARD docs for the top-level namespace, started work on the rest. * Added a warning when trying to use the ContentSyncControl * Removed the PersistentSearchControl, which isn't supported by any of my test servers, and has been replaced by the ContentSyncControl anyway. * Criteria in SortedResultsControl are now contained in a Struct instead of a Hash for more literate code. * Added an extension module (Treequel::LDAPControlExtensions) to add comparability to LDAP::Control * treequel shell: 'ls' command - added several sort criteria - refactored into smaller methods * Fixed ArgumentError in Treequel::Branch#delete, added the ability to delete individual attribute values * Started a collection of RSpec matchers (spec/lib/matchers.rb) [96125f5e3297] 2010-04-06 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: New method Treequel::Branch#values_at, rewrote #delete to be consistent with Hash#delete. * Added the #values_at method which works like Hash#values_at. * Made #delete operate on Branch attributes instead of duplicating the functionality of Directory#delete. * Made Treequel::Directory#modify take an Array of LDAP::Mod objects in addition to a hash of attribute modifications. [91486cbc9047] 2010-03-23 Michael Granger * lib/treequel.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: Added NSS-style ldap.conf support. [bc24a82b0e9c] 2010-03-19 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/table.rb, spec/treequel/schema/table_spec.rb: Converted hash-based schema tables to a case-insensitive Table class (fixes #1) * Created a new Treequel::Schema::Table class which provides case- insensitive (as well as struct-like method) access to schema information. * Aliased Treequel::Directory#bind to #bind_as [2f756d5f12e2] 2010-03-18 Michael Granger * lib/treequel.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: Adding system-config methods to the Treequel methods [f8de798625ee] 2010-03-02 Michael Granger * spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb: Finished specs for BranchCollection#empty? [02660115ea46] 2010-03-01 Michael Granger * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb: Treequel shell bugfixes, #empty? on Branchsets and BranchCollections * Handle tab when the command line is empty in the treequel shell. (Thanks Mahlon) * Add an #empty? predicate method to both Branchsets and BranchCollections (one spec still pending). [cbdb4342dc46] 2010-02-17 Michael Granger * bin/treequel, lib/treequel.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: Added an 'irb' command to the treequel shell, fixed build-number parsing. [5af1ee6a7f6c] 2010-02-09 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Implemented the `-b bind_dn` option. [8a43b642fd91] 2010-02-03 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Merged 233:1d06d28159a6 [2a1bac85c038] * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: Adding the beginnings of ActiveDirectory support, treequel shell options, server introspection. * Treequel shell: - Added a few initial command-line options for connection type, bind DN, etc. - Made colorization of encoded and URL attributes consistent with regular ones. - Downcase attribute names before using them in the 'cdn' command. * Added more server-introspection support to Treequel::Directory; added more control OIDs, and new methods for fetching supported extensions and features. * Adding ActiveDirectory support to Treequel::Schema: - Made alterations to the parser to support ActiveDirectory-style non- standard schema entries (OIDs in quotes, descriptors in attributeType SYNTAX attributes, etc.). - Handle the case where the schema doesn't have syntaxes, matching rules, and/or matching rule use entries. [e96bbf2e7325] 2010-01-26 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Merged with 230:b994d8d9d608 [1d06d28159a6] * experiments/sorted_results_example.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/controls/contentsync.rb, lib/treequel/controls/sortedresults.rb, lib/treequel/exceptions.rb: Initial (untested) implementation of the sorted results control. * Added Treequel::SortedResultsControl * Added an experiment for testing the sorted results control. * Re-sorted the OID constants to be in OID order [8b2fb7415412] 2010-01-24 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Convert the option parsers to a class global instead of a constant [b994d8d9d608] 2010-01-13 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Make treequel shell's 'cat' command error for non-existant entries [84087b01d473] * bin/treequel: Fix the 'grep' command in the Treequel shell. [669a09149f48] 2010-01-12 Michael Granger * LICENSE, bin/treequel, examples/ldap-rack-auth.rb, experiments/contentsync.rb, experiments/filter-syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel/controls/contentsync.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: Operational attributes propagation and treequel shell fixes. * Fix propagation of Treequel::Branch#include_operational_attrs flag through search. * Made short-form 'ls' output show entries with subordinates appear with a '/'. * Removed some old copied cruft from the treequel shell. * Added content-sync control experiment. * Got a little closer to content-sync control functioning. [ab2a2ff43b60] 2010-01-07 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Merged with d77a0bf26034 [14f5f723d0aa] * Rakefile: Updated build system [00ac1bc4e917] 2009-12-22 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Reworked LDIF display colors in the shell to be more visible. [d77a0bf26034] * bin/treequel: Make the treequel shell fall back to plain connect (with a warning) if TLS fails. [9aeccec1ee84] 2010-01-07 Michael Granger * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/utils.rb: Improvements to the treequel shell, fixes for 1.9.1. * Fixes for 1.9.1: - Handle the change in the URI::REGEXP namespace under 1.9.1 - Eliminated most of the shadowed variable warnings - Fixed the compact 'ls' display * Got the 'create' treequel shell command working reasonably well * Made Treequel::Branch#object_classes raise an exception if one of the specified additional_classes [5afefa230ef0] 2010-01-06 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: Eliminate duplicates when smushing RDN attributes on a Treequel::Directory#create [83b178f0850e] 2009-12-22 Michael Granger * examples/ldap-monitor.rb, examples/ldap- monitor/public/css/master.css, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/card_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/chain_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/globe_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/globe_small_green.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/plug.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/shadows/large-30-down.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/tick.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/tick_circle.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/treequel-favicon.png, examples/ldap- monitor/views/backends.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/connections.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/databases.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/dump_subsystem.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/index.erb, examples/ldap-monitor/views/layout.erb, examples/ldap-monitor/views/listeners.erb: Automated merge with ssh://hg@deveiate/Treequel [3bdd645530fe] 2009-12-18 Michael Granger * Merged with 5fd4033e1556 [9571c9d8e4dd] 2009-12-17 Michael Granger * docs/openldap-oids.txt, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/controls/contentsync.rb, lib/treequel/controls/persistentsearch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb: More controls work, started several more control modules. * Adding a breakdown of all the controls the OpenLDAP server I have has, so I know which controls I can test against. * Added some control constants. * Added the ContentSyncControl and the PersistentSearchControl. * Added a Directory#supported_controls method. [ffc2ebacdfd0] 2009-12-22 Michael Granger * bin/treequel, examples/ldap-monitor.rb, examples/ldap- monitor/public/css/master.css, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/card_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/chain_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/globe_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/globe_small_green.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/plug.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/shadows/large-30-down.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/tick.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/tick_circle.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/treequel-favicon.png, examples/ldap- monitor/views/backends.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/connections.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/databases.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/dump_subsystem.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/index.erb, examples/ldap-monitor/views/layout.erb, examples/ldap-monitor/views/listeners.erb, lib/treequel.rb: Treequel shell fix, splitting off the LDAP monitor example, version bump. * Removed the check for an existing user record from the 'bind' command, as the user in question might not be visible until the bind happens. * Split off the ldap-monitor example into a project of its own (http://deveiate.org/misc.html). * Bumped the version to 1.0.2. [31c326800cc6] 2009-12-16 Michael Granger * Rakefile, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, project.yml: Updated build system, normalized comments in mixins.rb. [5fd4033e1556] 2009-12-11 Michael Granger * Rakefile.local, experiments/paged_results_example.rb, lib/treequel/controls/pagedresults.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, misc/ruby-ldap-controlsfix.patch, spec/lib/control_behavior.rb, spec/treequel/control_spec.rb, spec/treequel/controls/pagedresults_spec.rb: More work on controls, * Added a spec:gdb task for running specs under GDB. * Added a port of the paged-results control example that comes with Ruby-LDAP using Treequel instead. * Warn in the PagedResultsControl if the Ruby-LDAP that's installed is 0.9.9 or earlier, since those versions have broken #search_ext and #search_ext2 methods, and added a patch for 0.9.9. * Minimized the codepath differences between the two styles of Directory#search calls (with and without a block). * Added a shared behavior for control module specs. * Finished specs for the control module and the paged-results control. [b04972837e63] 2009-12-08 Michael Granger * lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/control.rb, lib/treequel/controls/pagedresults.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/exceptions.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/control_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: Finished initial Controls implementation, added PagedResultsControl. * Added delegators for Branchset->Branch->Directory->Conn#{controls,referrals} * Freeze the Treequel::Constants::Pattern constants so collisions show up right away. We'll reduce the number of exported constants soon, and the remaining ones will be the more-unique ones, but this change will at least stop it from happening (relatively) silently. * Finished the implementation of Treequel::Control * added tests for inclusion of controls in the searches that happen through Branchset * Added the interface for registering controls with Directory objects * Added Treequel::PagedResultsControl, which doesn't work quite yet because of a problem fetching the search cookie from the results. Not sure if this is a bug in Ruby-LDAP, or on our end. [d1ef2c0f53f2] 2009-12-07 Mahlon E. Smith * lib/treequel/control.rb, spec/treequel/control_spec.rb: Add scaffolding for Treequel::Control. [b937fbec04ca] 2009-12-07 Michael Granger * Rakefile, experiments/control-syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb: Law of Demeter fix and more work on the controls spike. [30f67c57d0bb] 2009-12-06 Michael Granger * .irbrc, Rakefile, bin/treequel, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, project.yml: Fixed the shell 'edit' command, cleaned up LDIF output, dependency fixes. - Made the LDIF output highlight correctly by adding LDIF regexen - Dup output values before converting them to LDIF - Removed dependencies are aren't required except for the 'treequel' shell. [014435b07b2d] * bin/treequel, lib/treequel.rb: Adding '+' mode to 'cat' (stolen from shelldap) [b259ac7d021e] 2009-12-01 Mahlon E. Smith * Rakefile: Heh heh heh, he said 'fem' [150d5cf819a9] 2009-11-17 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag 1.0.1 for changeset 9c9993ba908e [ff8226a744d8] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset c5e4cb039999 [9c9993ba908e] [1.0.1] * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb: Added Branchset#as, added 'yaml'/disabled 'edit' command in treequel shell [c5e4cb039999] * Rakefile, project.yml: Updated build system. [67502a7b9224] 2009-11-10 Michael Granger * .hgignore: Ignore .orig files [fd8e18e00cf5] * Rakefile, bin/treequel, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, lib/treequel/utils.rb: Factored out generic utility code from the treequel binary; added color logging [e7d7f6b3c101] 2009-10-27 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: Fix a bug in #filter( String => String ) [8a309df5700a] 2009-10-19 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Fixing highlighting for wrapped LDIF values in the treequel shell. [32cf480d20a5] 2009-10-15 Michael Granger * Rakefile, bin/treequel, examples/ldap-rack-auth.rb, experiments/ohm.rb, lib/treequel.rb: Version bump, build system updates, made 'treequel' gem-binary- friendly, and some experiments. * Beginnings of experimental rack middleware to do LDAP authentication. * Taking a different tack in the OHM idea. * Removed the $0 == __FILE__ wrapper around 'treequel' startup so it works from the gem. * Bumping version to 1.0.1. [ca660bd12f7f] 2009-10-14 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Adding features to bin/treequel * Persistant history * Completion for attributes in command arguments * New 'rm' and 'grep' commands * Made the prompt for 'bind' a little clearer [9e4ba9a59fd3] 2009-10-11 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Factored out short- and long-ls output generation into separate methods [b375e07370b2] 2009-10-02 Michael Granger * Rakefile, bin/treequel, lib/treequel.rb: * Fixed option parsing. Thanks to apeiros and dominikh on #Ruby-Pro @Freenode for their help. [ac1efb8eea87] * bin/treequel: * Trying a different strategy for option-parsing [311df09556e1] 2009-10-01 Michael Granger * Automated merge with ssh://hg@repo.deveiate.org/Treequel [59c98c071fc3] * Merged 192 and 193 [186ab733dad9] 2009-09-30 Michael Granger * experiments/control-syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel.rb, misc/ruby- terminfo-0.1.1.gem: Adding rebuilt terminfo gem and the beginnings of a spike to work out branch-control syntax [01e0025b7bdd] 2009-08-13 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag 1.0.0 for changeset 300dd8a5aa24 [744c193e6f50] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset a4e90241950d [f907b569dcbe] * README, Rakefile, lib/treequel/directory.rb: Miscellaneous docs fixups. [af4cd38971b0] * README, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb: Adding Branchset#to_hash [98303f8ae4d2] * Rakefile, project.yml: Updated build system. [3622b1711521] * examples/company-directory.rb: Fixed the display in the company directory example template. [aeae86442cac] * .hgignore, LICENSE, README, docs/manual/src/index.page, examples /company-directory.rb, examples/ldap-monitor.rb: * Adding some more examples, updating the README. * Moving benthanks to the README and manual instead of LICENSE. [24d2ac287c7a] * LICENSE, README, Rakefile, project.yml: Some cleanup and additions for release. [9f455dbd34ef] * lib/treequel.rb: Bumping version for release. [73f377edf18e] * Rakefile, docs/manual/resources/js/sh.js, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb: Fixes for Ruby 1.9.1. [4c3e13d4e6c3] * examples/ldap-monitor.rb, examples/ldap- monitor/public/css/master.css, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/globe_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/globe_small_green.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/plug.png, examples/ldap- monitor/views/backends.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/databases.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/listeners.erb: More work on the ldap-monitor example. [b4408d13d3c1] 2009-08-12 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/css/deveiate.css, docs/manual/resources/js/sh.js, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb: * Removing unused deveiate-theme stylesheet. * Made examples use a new IRb SyntaxHighlighter brush instead of the Ruby one. * More manual work. * Fixed a bug in Treequel::Directory's default syntax mapping for boolean types. * Fixed a bug in Treequel::Delegation for delegated methods passed in as Symbols. * Made Directory delegate all possible Branch methods via its #base instead of just a few. [da86adb16b81] * examples/ldap-monitor/public/css/master.css: Committing CSS I forgot to commit with the last rev [ec8f2af665c6] 2009-08-11 Michael Granger * docs/treequel-favicon.png, examples/ldap-monitor.rb, examples/ldap- monitor/public/css/master.css, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/card_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/chain_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/tick.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/tick_circle.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/treequel-favicon.png, examples/ldap- monitor/views/backends.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/connections.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/dump_subsystem.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/layout.erb, examples/ldap_state.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Added another real-world example and added a bit more work to the web monitor app. * Made the rev spec tolerant of keywords being turned on or off. [bfc759ec3d3a] * examples/ldap-monitor.rb, examples/ldap- monitor/public/css/master.css, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/shadows/large-30-down.png, examples/ldap- monitor/views/connections.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/dump_subsystem.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/index.erb, examples/ldap-monitor/views/layout.erb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Added my nascent LDAP web monitor sinatra app under examples/ * Re-worked the way Treequel::Branch#[] works, as OpenLDAP's operational attributes don't seem to be in its schema, or at least not how it's being fetched currently. Need to investigate cn=subschema. * Fix the Treequel.version spec to expect the rev keyword. [c9e2a6b28d39] 2009-08-10 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, experiments/userservice.rb, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/exceptions.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: Stripped SVN constants and headers. [83fc292048c9] * .irbrc, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * More manual work * Removed 'order' from BranchCollection * Fixed hash-filters for Hashes that contain both single matches and composite matches. [0b6835347c3b] * docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css: Fixes for the manual footer [6b35527b9525] * .hgignore, docs/Treequel Manual Diagrams.graffle, docs/manual/layouts/default.page, docs/manual/layouts/intro.page, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/resources/images /dialog-error.png, docs/manual/resources/images/dialog- information.png, docs/manual/resources/images/dialog-warning.png, docs/manual/resources/images/emblem-important.png, docs/manual/resources/images/logo-small.png, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb: * Removing Branch#order, since the client-library sort attribute and function don't do server-side ordering. [dfe7e7e17359] 2009-08-05 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Manual headings have a bit more top-margin. * More manual work. * Untangled Hash expressions from the Array cases and made them distinctly useful [21333d9653ff] 2009-08-03 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page: Merged f9ac0e1fa95f [b1aa9a5642f5] * .irbrc, LICENSE, docs/manual/src/index.page: * Adding a prompt mode to the .irbrc for manual example generation. * More manual work. * Adding Mahlon to the license file. [4b7381e4c35c] * docs/manual/lib/examples-filter.rb, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/src/index.page: * Finished conversion of the manual to client-side syntax- highlighting instead of Ultraviolet. * Merged some CSS from Redleaf's manual. [a0cbc5a505fb] 2009-08-01 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, experiments/filter-syntax-spike.rb, experiments/inspect_entry.rb, experiments/laika.rb, experiments/ohm.rb, experiments/syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, lib/treequel/utils.rb: * Added details about Branchset#filter, #scope, #limit, and #select * Fixed the list of delegated branchset method in Treequel::Branch. [1d45903c1750] 2009-07-31 Michael Granger * Rakefile, project.yml: Updated build system [a3aeb3c6c147] * .hgignore, Rakefile, docs/manual/src/index.page: Merged. Someday I'll get the hang of this. [0d8816a380da] 2009-07-29 Michael Granger * .hgignore, Rakefile, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/filter.rb, project.yml, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Adding coverage cache to the ignorefile. * Added ruby-ldap dependency. Yay! * More work on the manual. * Made Treequel::Branch#filter treat a Hash like an array of tuples. [4ece63b2cc6e] 2009-07-28 Michael Granger * .hgignore, Rakefile: Merged with 34cc97817266 [067907cead97] 2009-07-27 Michael Granger * .hgignore, Rakefile: Updated build system [109b2cbe661e] * Merging work from gont [e67354b564e1] 2009-07-24 Michael Granger * .hgsub, .hgsubstate: Unlinking the subrepo, as it doesn't behave well enough quite yet. [9c59112d9e42] 2009-07-28 Michael Granger * .hgignore, Rakefile, docs/manual/src/index.page: Manual rewording, .hgignore updates [4c4abfba98e0] 2009-07-24 Michael Granger * .hgsub, .hgsubstate: Merging build system fixes [2e081686cd5d] * Rakefile: Updated build system [dcf67ec9818a] * .hgsub, .hgsubstate, Rakefile: Removing subrepo, as it doesn't work quite the way I'd hoped. [b8de99344904] * .hgignore, .hgsubstate, Rakefile, Rakefile.local, project.yml: Initial commit of Mercurial-based tasks [5415543ce713] 2009-07-23 Michael Granger * .hgsubstate, Rakefile, docs/treequel-red-small.png: Started converting svn-specific helpers and tasks to vcs-agnostic ones [48d9fbeb2d3e] 2009-07-21 Michael Granger * .hgsub, .hgsubstate: Adding experimental .hgsub for the rake tasklibs [ae447545aa01] 2009-07-21 Mahlon E. Smith * docs/manual/src/index.page: Manual updates for Branches, Branchsets, and Directory.base. [7779841b6553] 2009-07-21 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/images/cc-by.png, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch - Clear caches after a #delete - Return self from #create * Cleaned up Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass#inspect's return value a bit. * Check for non-existant objectClasses to avoid calling NilClass#structural? in Treequel::Directory#create. * Treequel::Branchset - Cleaned up #inspect's return value - New method: Sequel::Dataset-style #map * Manual work * Added a cc-by license badge instead of hitting creativecommons.org every time. [9baa3aa59ac7] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Fixing Treequel::Branch#copy, which was mistakenly using a modrdn to copy. * Removing Treequel::Directory#copy, which was based on a misreading of `ldap_modrdn2()`. [d227d5d6f07e] 2009-07-20 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb: * Treequel::Branch: Don't freeze non-Arrays in the cached attribute values hash. * Make a distinct copy of the log proxy for duplicated objects. * Manual work. [7af3d5893bbe] * Rakefile, Rakefile.local, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb: * Made the Hash merge function a module_function instead of a constant * Added copying to the manual, and fixed it in Treequel::Directory. * Added a local Rakefile, and added a manual-check task [0f343c7bac68] * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Added the ability to include operational attributes in Treequel::Branch at the class and instance level. * Bumped logging around binding/rebinding to INFO level. [88a37f71375a] 2009-07-19 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/images/wrap.png: Adding missing wrap.png for the manual [741f1a399ca8] 2009-07-18 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/images/logo.png, docs/manual/src/index.page, docs/treequel-red.png, docs/treequel-red.svg, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb: * Make ObjectClass#sup return the corresponding ObjectClass instance. * Added #get_extended_entry to Directory. * More manual work. [6f0e1d82faa4] 2009-07-17 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/resources/images/arrow_225_small.png, docs/manual/resources/images/arrow_315_small.png, docs/manual/resources/images/arrow_skip.png, docs/manual/resources/images/information.png, docs/manual/resources/images/logo.png, docs/manual/resources/images/magnifier_left.png, docs/manual/resources/images/printer.png, docs/manual/resources/images/question.png, docs/manual/resources/images/scripts_code.png, docs/manual/resources/js/manual.js, docs/manual/src/index.page, docs /treequel-red-medium.png, docs/treequel-red-small.png, docs /treequel-red.png, docs/treequel-red.svg, docs/treequel.svg: Cleaned up the manual syntax-highlighting a bunch. Red logo! [b470955b4277] * docs/manual/layouts/intro.page, docs/manual/lib/examples-filter.rb, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/resources/images/help.png, docs/manual/resources/images/magnifier.png, docs/manual/resources/images/page_white_code.png, docs/manual/resources/images/page_white_copy.png, docs/manual/resources/images/printer.png, docs/manual/resources/images/wrapping.png, docs/manual/resources/js/manual.js, docs/manual/resources/js/sh.js, docs/manual/resources/swf/clipboard.swf, docs/manual/src/index.page: Use client-side highlighting instead of Ultraviolet. [31ce6958889d] 2009-07-17 Mahlon E. Smith * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: * Wrap branch rdn attributes in an array for easy mungin' and merging. * Fix base_dn option from URI parsing and options hash. * Minor manual updates. [2f1b04aa4c88] 2009-07-17 Michael Granger * docs/manual/lib/editorial-filter.rb, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/resources/js/manual.js, docs/manual/src/index.page: * Manual work. [7fec5e5e47cf] * docs/manual/layouts/intro.page, docs/manual/resources/images/logo.png, docs/manual/resources/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js, docs/manual/resources/js/jquery.ThickBox.js, docs/manual/resources/js/manual.js, docs/manual/src/index.page: * Logo and other manual work * Added the missing resources/js/ dir to the manual [4a9186101ea3] * bin/treequel, docs/manual/src/index.page, docs/treequel-blue.svgz, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch - Added #exists?, #get_child, - Fixed #object_classes and other schema-related methods. * Added Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass#structural? * Added some fixes for Ruby/LDAP 0.9.9. [eea6b8cff79a] 2009-07-16 Mahlon E. Smith * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Wrap branch rdn attributes in an array for easy mungin' and merging. * Fix base_dn option from URI parsing and options hash. * Minor manual updates. [b27a0b79f367] 2009-07-15 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Order attributes by their key when composing a multi-value RDN from a pair + a Hash for predictabilty. * Added support for negated Sequel expressions (e.g., `~:cn` => `(!(cn=*))`, `~{:cn => 'foo'}` => `(!(cn=foo))` ) [191820b894dc] * docs/treequel.svgz: Adding logo [9e3c3d925484] 2009-07-13 Michael Granger * Rakefile, docs/manual/src/index.page, experiments/ohm.rb, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Updated build system * Treequel::Branch: - refactored so it uses its DN for everything instead of having to constantly build its DN from its RDN attribute/value pair. - added support for multi-value RDNs (e.g., cn=foo+l=bar) - new method: #uri * Commented out the spammy debug from the schema-parsing functions * Treequel::Directory - Renamed #basedn to #base_dn - Added #base method for creating a Branch that wraps the base DN - Delegate Branch-ish methods through the new #base branch. - New method #uri - Refactored search methods to use search_ext2 for efficiency * Treequel::Branchset - refactored to explicitly use a Branch - made it Enumerable and refactored #all out as an alias for #entries - added a convenience method for creating a BranchCollection from the Branchset's results * Treequel::BranchCollection - made it Enumerable through each branchset's #each; refactored #all as an alias for #entries * Treequel::Constants - Added an inverse mapping for SCOPE. - Disambiguated the 'ESCAPED' pattern for DNs from the one for attribute values. * Updated the manual [aa1a22869419] 2009-07-08 Michael Granger * bin/treequel, experiments/dn.abnf, experiments/ohm.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * A bit more hacking on the OHM experiment. * Treequel::Branch - Made attribute values in #must_attributes_hash empty strings to distinguish them from those created by #may_attributes_hash. - Added #valid_attributes_hash as a convenience method for a merged `must_attributes_hash` and `may_attributes_hash`. * Made the collection class returned from Treequel::Directory#search settable via a hash parameter, with fallback to the class of the base argument if it supports `new_from_entry` or Treequel::Branch if not. * Added RFC 4514 (Distinguished Names) productions to Treequel::Constants::Patterns * Treequel shell: - Changed the 'cd' command to 'cdn' - Validate the RDN passed to 'cdn' - Added a 'parent' command to allow changing up one RDN - Added a 'log' command to allow setting of log level, default log level to 'WARN' [4f3928271278] 2009-07-03 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch - Made entry-fetching not raise an exception, but just return nil instead. - Added #must_attributes_hash and #may_attributes_hash - Added a splat-array to #object_classes, #must_attribute_types, #must_oids, #may_attribute_types, #may_oids, * Added a logged warning for the case-sensitivity bug * Refactored the parameter-normalization stuff out of Treequel::Directory#search method for readability, and to simplify the argument signature of #search. [878ce9a276b2] 2009-07-02 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, experiments/delegation_cost.rb, experiments/userservice.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Adding experimental Arrow service that uses Treequel to return ou=People records. * Made Branch#create create the underlying entry instead of a child to better match what #delete, #modify, etc. are doing. * Treequel::Directory: - Fixed the argument list passed to LDAP::Conn#search_ext2 to match what the actual code expects. - Modified #create to create the entry underlying the branch passed in the first argument instead of an entry specified by RDN. * Treequel::Filter: - Factored out the tuple-parsing part of .parse_array_expression into a separate method. - Added a fallback to tuple-style expressions to handle expressions like { :uidNumber => 1414 } * Treequel::Branchset - Made it Enumerable - Added #limit * More work on the manual [f9b545b72c09] 2009-06-30 Michael Granger * experiments/ohm.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: Removing the call to `Time.today` from the specs, as it requires the loading of 'time'. [a5b773de4514] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/connection.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/connection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Added Treequel::Branch#to_ufn * Removed Treequel::Connection class in favor of just handling the specific problems in the #search method. * Changed Treequel::Directory#search to be implemented in terms of #search_ext2 instead of the deprecated #search2 [9e88e5e2559c] 2009-06-29 Michael Granger * experiments/ohm.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Adding the beginnings of an experimental object-mapping (tree- based ORM analogue) for LDAP entries. * Added handling for > and < Sequel expressions [e34950351275] 2009-06-27 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/utils.rb: Updated HTML logger formatter to the latest. [3bfc1759a408] 2009-06-25 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: * Renamed Treequel::Branch#modify to #merge * More manual work. [ba8c0f6589c3] 2009-06-24 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page: Fixed some LAIKA references in the manual. [9fc34044d06a] 2009-06-23 Michael Granger * docs/Treequel Manual Diagrams.graffle, docs/manual/layouts/intro.page, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Fixed docs on the binding arguments for Treequel::Directory#initialize. * Fixed some typos. * Stopdoc'ed the sub-modules under Treequel::Constants. * Made Treequel.directory more flexible. * Added a tentative logo to the diagrams. * Updated the manual CSS and templates from Redleaf's. * Manual work. * Made the initial argument to Treequel::Directory#bind accept an object that duck-types as a Branch. [79dbb11efb67] * lib/treequel/connection.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, spec/treequel/connection_spec.rb: * Added delegation to the connection wrapper. * Fixed a bug in the Treequel::Delegation code-generation when it generates a delegated assignment method (#foo=). [13c3ae870b11] 2009-06-22 Michael Granger * docs/manual/layouts/default.page, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/connection.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/exceptions.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/connection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Fixed RDoc headers. * Started work on a connection-abstraction that handles referrals, exception-normalization, and reconnection. * Merged filter constants into the Constants module's namespace and factored out some duplication and inconsistency. * Some manual work. * Fixed a buggy substring filter spec that was uncovered by the constants refactoring. [726aa7f95eb7] 2009-06-18 Michael Granger * README, Rakefile, docs/Treequel Manual Diagrams.graffle, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, project.yml, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: * Updated the build system. * Untaint all schema names before trying to turn them into Symbols so it works under $SAFE = 1. * Fixed some documentation, updated the description with something less-vague. [062424db136b] * Rakefile, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Adding BranchCollection class. * Treequel::Branchset - Added #base_dn method - Added the base to the inspection text * Made argument to Treequel.directory optional [d175301aab61] 2009-10-01 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: * More work on option-parsing [a4acbdcb366e] 2009-09-30 Michael Granger * bin/treequel: Worked on the treequel shell, adding option-parsing and help [b1374ce2d79b] * bin/treequel, lib/treequel/directory.rb: * Fixes for the treequel shell, which was very broken in the initial release. :/ * Fixed method docs for Treequel::Directory#bind [0de4d48e9b2d] 2009-08-13 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag 1.0.0 for changeset 300dd8a5aa24 [104e3d7685c3] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset a4e90241950d [300dd8a5aa24] [1.0.0] * README, Rakefile, lib/treequel/directory.rb: Miscellaneous docs fixups. [a4e90241950d] * README, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb: Adding Branchset#to_hash [e98fb34df0c0] * Rakefile, project.yml: Updated build system. [e18bfe831135] * examples/company-directory.rb: Fixed the display in the company directory example template. [a8927110eaa6] * .hgignore, LICENSE, README, docs/manual/src/index.page, examples /company-directory.rb, examples/ldap-monitor.rb: * Adding some more examples, updating the README. * Moving benthanks to the README and manual instead of LICENSE. [dddcad307b99] * LICENSE, README, Rakefile, project.yml: Some cleanup and additions for release. [c8fc81f20772] * lib/treequel.rb: Bumping version for release. [e352bc86498a] * Rakefile, docs/manual/resources/js/sh.js, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb: Fixes for Ruby 1.9.1. [73775f828f6b] * examples/ldap-monitor.rb, examples/ldap- monitor/public/css/master.css, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/globe_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/globe_small_green.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/plug.png, examples/ldap- monitor/views/backends.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/databases.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/listeners.erb: More work on the ldap-monitor example. [af19a52bb21a] 2009-08-12 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/css/deveiate.css, docs/manual/resources/js/sh.js, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb: * Removing unused deveiate-theme stylesheet. * Made examples use a new IRb SyntaxHighlighter brush instead of the Ruby one. * More manual work. * Fixed a bug in Treequel::Directory's default syntax mapping for boolean types. * Fixed a bug in Treequel::Delegation for delegated methods passed in as Symbols. * Made Directory delegate all possible Branch methods via its #base instead of just a few. [809044df70bd] * examples/ldap-monitor/public/css/master.css: Committing CSS I forgot to commit with the last rev [633687b023c4] 2009-08-11 Michael Granger * docs/treequel-favicon.png, examples/ldap-monitor.rb, examples/ldap- monitor/public/css/master.css, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/card_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/chain_small.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/tick.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/tick_circle.png, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/treequel-favicon.png, examples/ldap- monitor/views/backends.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/connections.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/dump_subsystem.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/layout.erb, examples/ldap_state.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Added another real-world example and added a bit more work to the web monitor app. * Made the rev spec tolerant of keywords being turned on or off. [f9551821eced] * examples/ldap-monitor.rb, examples/ldap- monitor/public/css/master.css, examples/ldap- monitor/public/images/shadows/large-30-down.png, examples/ldap- monitor/views/connections.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/dump_subsystem.erb, examples/ldap- monitor/views/index.erb, examples/ldap-monitor/views/layout.erb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Added my nascent LDAP web monitor sinatra app under examples/ * Re-worked the way Treequel::Branch#[] works, as OpenLDAP's operational attributes don't seem to be in its schema, or at least not how it's being fetched currently. Need to investigate cn=subschema. * Fix the Treequel.version spec to expect the rev keyword. [85dadbaf70a9] 2009-08-10 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, experiments/userservice.rb, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/exceptions.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: Stripped SVN constants and headers. [c8c4db6916f1] * .irbrc, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * More manual work * Removed 'order' from BranchCollection * Fixed hash-filters for Hashes that contain both single matches and composite matches. [3624f71a141d] * docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css: Fixes for the manual footer [1b0eaa8f5a64] * .hgignore, docs/Treequel Manual Diagrams.graffle, docs/manual/layouts/default.page, docs/manual/layouts/intro.page, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/resources/images /dialog-error.png, docs/manual/resources/images/dialog- information.png, docs/manual/resources/images/dialog-warning.png, docs/manual/resources/images/emblem-important.png, docs/manual/resources/images/logo-small.png, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb: * Removing Branch#order, since the client-library sort attribute and function don't do server-side ordering. [72833e18e4f8] 2009-08-05 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Manual headings have a bit more top-margin. * More manual work. * Untangled Hash expressions from the Array cases and made them distinctly useful [bacf91784530] 2009-08-03 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page: Merged f9ac0e1fa95f [b53d391399ce] * docs/manual/lib/examples-filter.rb, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/src/index.page: * Finished conversion of the manual to client-side syntax- highlighting instead of Ultraviolet. * Merged some CSS from Redleaf's manual. [afeff031274d] * .irbrc, LICENSE, docs/manual/src/index.page: * Adding a prompt mode to the .irbrc for manual example generation. * More manual work. * Adding Mahlon to the license file. [f9ac0e1fa95f] 2009-08-01 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, experiments/filter-syntax-spike.rb, experiments/inspect_entry.rb, experiments/laika.rb, experiments/ohm.rb, experiments/syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, lib/treequel/utils.rb: * Added details about Branchset#filter, #scope, #limit, and #select * Fixed the list of delegated branchset method in Treequel::Branch. [1ddf7d4212c7] 2009-07-31 Michael Granger * Rakefile, project.yml: Updated build system [6b5358420802] * .hgignore, Rakefile, docs/manual/src/index.page: Merged. Someday I'll get the hang of this. [a5e715f5f877] 2009-07-28 Michael Granger * .hgignore, Rakefile: Merged with 34cc97817266 [395b7bf6f248] * .hgignore, Rakefile, docs/manual/src/index.page: Manual rewording, .hgignore updates [89f74035c67d] 2009-07-29 Michael Granger * .hgignore, Rakefile, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/filter.rb, project.yml, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Adding coverage cache to the ignorefile. * Added ruby-ldap dependency. Yay! * More work on the manual. * Made Treequel::Branch#filter treat a Hash like an array of tuples. [46e6dce0c011] 2009-07-27 Michael Granger * .hgignore, Rakefile: Updated build system [34cc97817266] * Merging work from gont [daf0e44c41ac] 2009-07-24 Michael Granger * .hgsub, .hgsubstate: Merging build system fixes [b7a919b2ad5d] * Rakefile: Updated build system [620807d4c6d5] * .hgsub, .hgsubstate, Rakefile: Removing subrepo, as it doesn't work quite the way I'd hoped. [f631900a9ad8] * .hgsub, .hgsubstate: Unlinking the subrepo, as it doesn't behave well enough quite yet. [fc3c3bac2c22] * .hgignore, .hgsubstate, Rakefile, Rakefile.local, project.yml: Initial commit of Mercurial-based tasks [65236b2101e5] 2009-07-23 Michael Granger * .hgsubstate, Rakefile, docs/treequel-red-small.png: Started converting svn-specific helpers and tasks to vcs-agnostic ones [76e4c3cc308b] 2009-07-21 Michael Granger * .hgsub, .hgsubstate: Adding experimental .hgsub for the rake tasklibs [8be8e94f829d] 2009-07-21 Mahlon E. Smith * docs/manual/src/index.page: Manual updates for Branches, Branchsets, and Directory.base. [7bd626d9f0cd] 2009-07-21 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/images/cc-by.png, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch - Clear caches after a #delete - Return self from #create * Cleaned up Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass#inspect's return value a bit. * Check for non-existant objectClasses to avoid calling NilClass#structural? in Treequel::Directory#create. * Treequel::Branchset - Cleaned up #inspect's return value - New method: Sequel::Dataset-style #map * Manual work * Added a cc-by license badge instead of hitting creativecommons.org every time. [8ca3428f711e] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Fixing Treequel::Branch#copy, which was mistakenly using a modrdn to copy. * Removing Treequel::Directory#copy, which was based on a misreading of `ldap_modrdn2()`. [15bfd9785019] 2009-07-20 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb: * Treequel::Branch: Don't freeze non-Arrays in the cached attribute values hash. * Make a distinct copy of the log proxy for duplicated objects. * Manual work. [74b7a9bca977] * Rakefile, Rakefile.local, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb: * Made the Hash merge function a module_function instead of a constant * Added copying to the manual, and fixed it in Treequel::Directory. * Added a local Rakefile, and added a manual-check task [3e4105c3ebaa] * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Added the ability to include operational attributes in Treequel::Branch at the class and instance level. * Bumped logging around binding/rebinding to INFO level. [7a62ac4c346b] 2009-07-19 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/images/wrap.png: Adding missing wrap.png for the manual [206b077875e5] 2009-07-18 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/images/logo.png, docs/manual/src/index.page, docs/treequel-red.png, docs/treequel-red.svg, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb: * Make ObjectClass#sup return the corresponding ObjectClass instance. * Added #get_extended_entry to Directory. * More manual work. [1505adefc436] 2009-07-17 Michael Granger * docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/resources/images/arrow_225_small.png, docs/manual/resources/images/arrow_315_small.png, docs/manual/resources/images/arrow_skip.png, docs/manual/resources/images/information.png, docs/manual/resources/images/logo.png, docs/manual/resources/images/magnifier_left.png, docs/manual/resources/images/printer.png, docs/manual/resources/images/question.png, docs/manual/resources/images/scripts_code.png, docs/manual/resources/js/manual.js, docs/manual/src/index.page, docs /treequel-red-medium.png, docs/treequel-red-small.png, docs /treequel-red.png, docs/treequel-red.svg, docs/treequel.svg: Cleaned up the manual syntax-highlighting a bunch. Red logo! [12ec14055953] * docs/manual/layouts/intro.page, docs/manual/lib/examples-filter.rb, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/resources/images/help.png, docs/manual/resources/images/magnifier.png, docs/manual/resources/images/page_white_code.png, docs/manual/resources/images/page_white_copy.png, docs/manual/resources/images/printer.png, docs/manual/resources/images/wrapping.png, docs/manual/resources/js/manual.js, docs/manual/resources/js/sh.js, docs/manual/resources/swf/clipboard.swf, docs/manual/src/index.page: Use client-side highlighting instead of Ultraviolet. [8c8193c00a6a] 2009-07-17 Mahlon E. Smith * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: * Wrap branch rdn attributes in an array for easy mungin' and merging. * Fix base_dn option from URI parsing and options hash. * Minor manual updates. [1e2391e73329] 2009-07-17 Michael Granger * docs/manual/lib/editorial-filter.rb, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/resources/js/manual.js, docs/manual/src/index.page: * Manual work. [96e0654c8652] * docs/manual/layouts/intro.page, docs/manual/resources/images/logo.png, docs/manual/resources/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js, docs/manual/resources/js/jquery.ThickBox.js, docs/manual/resources/js/manual.js, docs/manual/src/index.page: * Logo and other manual work * Added the missing resources/js/ dir to the manual [3e2835dbe859] * bin/treequel, docs/manual/src/index.page, docs/treequel-blue.svgz, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch - Added #exists?, #get_child, - Fixed #object_classes and other schema-related methods. * Added Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass#structural? * Added some fixes for Ruby/LDAP 0.9.9. [cf1c7d481519] 2009-07-16 Mahlon E. Smith * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Wrap branch rdn attributes in an array for easy mungin' and merging. * Fix base_dn option from URI parsing and options hash. * Minor manual updates. [bf47d67f76f1] 2009-07-15 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Order attributes by their key when composing a multi-value RDN from a pair + a Hash for predictabilty. * Added support for negated Sequel expressions (e.g., `~:cn` => `(!(cn=*))`, `~{:cn => 'foo'}` => `(!(cn=foo))` ) [7d8dc70f5fe1] * docs/treequel.svgz: Adding logo [f21be0277b19] 2009-07-13 Michael Granger * Rakefile, docs/manual/src/index.page, experiments/ohm.rb, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Updated build system * Treequel::Branch: - refactored so it uses its DN for everything instead of having to constantly build its DN from its RDN attribute/value pair. - added support for multi-value RDNs (e.g., cn=foo+l=bar) - new method: #uri * Commented out the spammy debug from the schema-parsing functions * Treequel::Directory - Renamed #basedn to #base_dn - Added #base method for creating a Branch that wraps the base DN - Delegate Branch-ish methods through the new #base branch. - New method #uri - Refactored search methods to use search_ext2 for efficiency * Treequel::Branchset - refactored to explicitly use a Branch - made it Enumerable and refactored #all out as an alias for #entries - added a convenience method for creating a BranchCollection from the Branchset's results * Treequel::BranchCollection - made it Enumerable through each branchset's #each; refactored #all as an alias for #entries * Treequel::Constants - Added an inverse mapping for SCOPE. - Disambiguated the 'ESCAPED' pattern for DNs from the one for attribute values. * Updated the manual [e434f63779e5] 2009-07-08 Michael Granger * bin/treequel, experiments/dn.abnf, experiments/ohm.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * A bit more hacking on the OHM experiment. * Treequel::Branch - Made attribute values in #must_attributes_hash empty strings to distinguish them from those created by #may_attributes_hash. - Added #valid_attributes_hash as a convenience method for a merged `must_attributes_hash` and `may_attributes_hash`. * Made the collection class returned from Treequel::Directory#search settable via a hash parameter, with fallback to the class of the base argument if it supports `new_from_entry` or Treequel::Branch if not. * Added RFC 4514 (Distinguished Names) productions to Treequel::Constants::Patterns * Treequel shell: - Changed the 'cd' command to 'cdn' - Validate the RDN passed to 'cdn' - Added a 'parent' command to allow changing up one RDN - Added a 'log' command to allow setting of log level, default log level to 'WARN' [f2b47be064b6] 2009-07-03 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch - Made entry-fetching not raise an exception, but just return nil instead. - Added #must_attributes_hash and #may_attributes_hash - Added a splat-array to #object_classes, #must_attribute_types, #must_oids, #may_attribute_types, #may_oids, * Added a logged warning for the case-sensitivity bug * Refactored the parameter-normalization stuff out of Treequel::Directory#search method for readability, and to simplify the argument signature of #search. [57360b9b8143] 2009-07-02 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, experiments/delegation_cost.rb, experiments/userservice.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Adding experimental Arrow service that uses Treequel to return ou=People records. * Made Branch#create create the underlying entry instead of a child to better match what #delete, #modify, etc. are doing. * Treequel::Directory: - Fixed the argument list passed to LDAP::Conn#search_ext2 to match what the actual code expects. - Modified #create to create the entry underlying the branch passed in the first argument instead of an entry specified by RDN. * Treequel::Filter: - Factored out the tuple-parsing part of .parse_array_expression into a separate method. - Added a fallback to tuple-style expressions to handle expressions like { :uidNumber => 1414 } * Treequel::Branchset - Made it Enumerable - Added #limit * More work on the manual [1c3bd5a2a4f0] 2009-06-30 Michael Granger * experiments/ohm.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: Removing the call to `Time.today` from the specs, as it requires the loading of 'time'. [1853efa345e2] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/connection.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/connection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Added Treequel::Branch#to_ufn * Removed Treequel::Connection class in favor of just handling the specific problems in the #search method. * Changed Treequel::Directory#search to be implemented in terms of #search_ext2 instead of the deprecated #search2 [e5a2a960c89d] 2009-06-29 Michael Granger * experiments/ohm.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Adding the beginnings of an experimental object-mapping (tree- based ORM analogue) for LDAP entries. * Added handling for > and < Sequel expressions [9759280f111a] 2009-06-27 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/utils.rb: Updated HTML logger formatter to the latest. [bc236240ca46] 2009-06-25 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb: * Renamed Treequel::Branch#modify to #merge * More manual work. [35d0872f8b7f] 2009-06-24 Michael Granger * docs/manual/src/index.page: Fixed some LAIKA references in the manual. [30445a043298] 2009-06-23 Michael Granger * docs/Treequel Manual Diagrams.graffle, docs/manual/layouts/intro.page, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Fixed docs on the binding arguments for Treequel::Directory#initialize. * Fixed some typos. * Stopdoc'ed the sub-modules under Treequel::Constants. * Made Treequel.directory more flexible. * Added a tentative logo to the diagrams. * Updated the manual CSS and templates from Redleaf's. * Manual work. * Made the initial argument to Treequel::Directory#bind accept an object that duck-types as a Branch. [6cc39e6befdb] * lib/treequel/connection.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, spec/treequel/connection_spec.rb: * Added delegation to the connection wrapper. * Fixed a bug in the Treequel::Delegation code-generation when it generates a delegated assignment method (#foo=). [3a204e54603e] 2009-06-22 Michael Granger * docs/manual/layouts/default.page, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/connection.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/exceptions.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/connection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Fixed RDoc headers. * Started work on a connection-abstraction that handles referrals, exception-normalization, and reconnection. * Merged filter constants into the Constants module's namespace and factored out some duplication and inconsistency. * Some manual work. * Fixed a buggy substring filter spec that was uncovered by the constants refactoring. [6defed90cfcc] 2009-06-18 Michael Granger * README, Rakefile, docs/Treequel Manual Diagrams.graffle, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, project.yml, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: * Updated the build system. * Untaint all schema names before trying to turn them into Symbols so it works under $SAFE = 1. * Fixed some documentation, updated the description with something less-vague. [cdbb80f015b6] * Rakefile, bin/treequel, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchcollection.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchcollection_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Adding BranchCollection class. * Treequel::Branchset - Added #base_dn method - Added the base to the inspection text * Made argument to Treequel.directory optional [6da5c8ac1752] 2009-06-17 Michael Granger * Rakefile, bin/treeirb, bin/treequel, docs/Treequel Manual Diagrams.graffle, docs/manual/src/index.page, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Updated build system * Fixed a bug in Treequel::Branch#to_ldif * Modified Treequel.directory to also accept a options hash. * A little work on the manual * Started an OmniGraffle doc for manual diagrams [8713fc4b41a9] 2009-06-11 Michael Granger * docs/manual/layouts/default.page, docs/manual/lib/api-filter.rb, docs/manual/lib/editorial-filter.rb, docs/manual/lib/examples- filter.rb, docs/manual/lib/links-filter.rb, docs/manual/resources/css/deveiate.css, docs/manual/resources/css/manual.css, docs/manual/src/index.page: Adding the beginnings of a manual. [d33d81ff8327] * bin/shelldapper, bin/treequel, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch: - New methods: #rdn=, #split_dn, #<=> - Added Comparable interface - Made the proxy method actually check the schema for valid attribute type OIDs instead of assuming every message wanted a sub- branch. * Treequel::Directory: - Implemented #move - Fixed non-functional #children. - Same fix for #method_missing as in Branch. * Renamed 'shelldapper' to 'treequel' to reflect a planned change in direction (i.e., closer) to Sequel's 'sequel' shell. [99d1553532f1] * bin/shelldapper, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Fetch the default baseDN from the directory's root DSE instead of just using the empty string. * Giving up on rbreadline -- too buggy and slow. * More work on the shell. [3cf7a6589f40] 2009-06-09 Michael Granger * bin/shelldapper, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/utils.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/matchingrule_spec.rb: * Added Branch#to_ldif * Aliased Directory#dn to Directory#base * Fleshed out the shelldapper proof-of-concept. * Un-pendinged a Schema::MatchingRule spec that should have been passing, and made it pass. [decd99bd99e9] 2009-06-08 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Added datatype conversions for some of the default syntaxes to Directory. * Made Branch#[] fetch values through its directory's datatype conversion method. [b27a2eb78d02] 2009-06-04 Michael Granger * experiments/syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch - Removed the #move method, as the requisite Directory#move method is not yet implemented. - Made #copy a bit more flexible. [4c2477eb2a68] 2009-06-02 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, spec/treequel/schema/attributetype_spec.rb: * Finished hooking up LDAPSyntax to AttributeType. * Fixed malformed UTF patterns. [b02d86bf9162] 2009-06-01 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse.rb, spec/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/matchingruleuse_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: * Finished implementation of matchingRuleUses and ldapSyntaxes. [7617a4b44fd9] * lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/ldapsyntax.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, spec/treequel/schema/matchingrule_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Checkpoint commit of Treequel::Schema::LDAPSyntax class. [99fd606993ac] 2009-05-29 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/matchingrule.rb, spec/treequel/schema/attributetype_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/matchingrule_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: * Adding Treequel::Schema::MatchingRule. * Added some missing tests for Treequel::Schema class methods. [3dd18fa1c7fc] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch -- Changed the 'value' and 'attribute' attributes to 'rdn_value' and 'rdn_attribute' for clarification. * Treequel::Directory#copy now automatically makes the necessary adjustments to the new record's RDN attribute and value. [cb93500e5d98] * lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/exceptions.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Added custom #inspect methods for Schema and Directory. * Renamed Treequel::Filter::ExpressionError to Treequel::ExpressionError and moved it into lib/treequel/exceptions.rb. * Added the morning's work on Sequel expression-parsing. Symbol#like now interpreted as either a wildcarded 'equal' or an 'approx' filter, depending on whether the value has at least one asterisk. [fb415faaeddb] 2009-05-23 Michael Granger * Rakefile, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, project.yml, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Updated build system * Made Treequel::Directory#modify normalize the hash of attributes before using it. * Moved the dependency on 'ldap' to a requirement since there's no gem for 'ldap'. [aaef0c5c4703] 2009-05-20 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch - Implemented #parent and #children - Implemented #copy - Implemented #modify [3132d19804a1] 2009-05-19 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb: Include the superior class's name in Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass#inspect output. [e43f57f0f04c] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch - Implemented #delete and #create [3ebeec1eacf6] 2009-05-18 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Finished up Treequel::Branch#[]= [c615693a11e0] 2009-05-18 Mahlon E. Smith * lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * If a user/pass is supplied via the directory connect URI, bind immediately. * Small whitespace cleanup(s) * Ruby 1.8.7 has an URI::LDAPS (where ruby 1.8.6 does not), so add it conditionally. * Don't attempt to connect via TLS if using the ldaps:// protocol. [72cd36c693ca] 2009-05-16 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch - Remove #[] and #[]= delegators to the underlying entry in preparation for real accessors. - Added attributeType and objectClass introspection - Cache values fetched through #[] in preparation for datatype- conversion * Added Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass#may * Changed the quantifier for QDSTRINGS to zero-or-more as a workaround for malformed DESC attributes in the wild (namely the 'retcode' overlay in OpenLDAP) [a9bcbecb60f3] 2009-05-15 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/attributetype_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: * Treequel::Branch: - Raise an exception if the entry associated with a Branch can't be fetched. - Added the attribute-fetching operator (#[]) * Finished the implementation of Treequel::Schema::AttributeType. * Added Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass#inspect * Treequel::Schema component objects now have a reference to their schema so they can look up associated OIDs. * Un-camelCased the schema component attributes * Cache the Treequel::Directory's #schema instead of re-fetching it every time. [72ccdbdccd8d] 2009-05-14 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/attributetype.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/attributetype_spec.rb: * Finished the initial implementation of the Sequel::Schema::AttributeType class. * Added a Treequel::AttributeDeclarations mixin for various kind of attribute declaration functions. This just contains the `predicate_attr` function for now. * Factored the schema-part normalization methods across from Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass into Treequel::Schema so Treequel::Schema::AttributeType can use 'em too. [34bce6d3ec1a] 2009-05-13 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: * Replaced the plain Treequel::Directory#schema method with the one that returns a new Treequel::Schema parsed from the directory's LDAP::Schema. * Finished the objectClass portion of Treequel::Schema. * Started work on schema attributeTypes. [3a222b303870] * lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb: * Renamed Treequel::Branch#attr_pair to #rdn. [4946985217e9] 2009-05-12 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb: * Unified must/may oids into @must_oids and @may_oids to distinguish between them and the later Attribute objects that will be constructed from them. * Added #obsolete? predicate method for the OBSOLETE attribute. [da533735fb9f] 2009-05-11 Michael Granger * lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb: * Added name, desc, kind, must, and may attribute normalization to Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass. [44a3834ff324] * lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/exceptions.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, lib/treequel/schema/objectclass.rb, spec/data/objectClasses.yml, spec/data/schema.yml, spec/treequel/schema/objectclass_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: Checkpoint commit: * More work on schema-parsing (objectClasses) * Added some exception classes * Removed accidentally-committed LAIKA objectClasses from the test schema data. [1d9b831d1579] * .irbrc, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: Checkpoint commit: * Added some convenience stuff for testing patterns to .irbrc. * Finished the objectClass pattern; no tests yet. [9a1ba6888856] 2009-05-08 Michael Granger * .irbrc, lib/treequel/constants.rb: More work on parsing objectClasses. [fc25616368b8] 2009-05-07 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, spec/data/objectClasses.yml, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: Checkpoint commit -- converting schema regexps to match the BNF in RFC 4512 instead of the one from 2252. [2378ca43e383] 2009-04-29 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/constants.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb: * Added more RFC2252 regexp patterns to constants.rb. * Upgraded spec helpers to use the webkit RSpec formatter if it's available. [feedf3cfda8b] 2009-04-24 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/schema.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/schema_spec.rb: * Starting work on schema support. * Fixed calls to search2 caused by misdocumented defaults in Ruby- LDAP. [f2fef4dea785] 2009-04-22 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Fixed .filter( :attribute => value ) * Added support for .filter( :attribute => Range ) [fa68642a4c6b] * .irbrc, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, lib/treequel/sequel_integration.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Started filter support for Sequel expressions * Branchset - Completed implementation for #order - Renamed #no_timeout to #without_timeout * Set up the connection in Treequel::Directory to be LDAPv3 [d009a339d2cd] 2009-04-21 Michael Granger * LICENSE, README, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: More filter work. [cb0752ae5ce9] 2009-04-20 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: Finished up initial filter work. [53fef8079a4e] 2009-04-18 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb: * Committing yesterday's work on substring filters before I fall asleep. [621dbbe99418] 2009-04-16 Michael Granger * experiments/filter-syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: * Started work on substring item filter syntax and class. * Added support for string literal clauses in a logical filter [b71338a3b66f] * lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: Checkpoint of more filter work. [27d7a681eb00] 2009-04-15 Michael Granger * Rakefile, lib/treequel/filter.rb, project.yml, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: Committing this morning's work. [53cf56feaad8] 2009-04-13 Michael Granger * experiments/filter-syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/branchset/clauses.rb, lib/treequel/filter.rb, spec/treequel/branchset/clauses_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/filter_spec.rb: Checkpoint commit of this morning's work. [ba1440c71f01] 2009-04-10 Michael Granger * bin/shelldapper, experiments/filter-syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/branchset/clauses.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branchset/clauses_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: Checkpoint commit. [e8fd5884c22f] 2009-04-09 Michael Granger * experiments/syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb: Checkpoint commit. [6924adc0feb2] 2009-03-30 Michael Granger * experiments/laika.rb, experiments/syntax-spike.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/branchset.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/branchset_spec.rb: Checkpoint commit. [0c1438a9105a] 2009-03-18 Michael Granger * lib/treequel/branch.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Finished Treequel::Branch.new_from_dn * Finished pending specs. [5f3f334406cf] 2009-03-10 Michael Granger * experiments/inspect_entry.rb, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb: * Checkpoint of the morning's work. [83d533b2987d] * .irbrc, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Snapshot of today's work. [27b230b291a3] 2009-03-09 Michael Granger * experiments/delegation_cost.rb, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/branch.rb, lib/treequel/constants.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/treequel/branch_spec.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb: * Committing the morning's work. [f73835204ddc] * Rakefile, experiments/ldapexpr.rb, experiments/syntax-spike.rb, experiments/utils.rb, lib/treequel.rb, lib/treequel/directory.rb, lib/treequel/mixins.rb, lib/treequel/utils.rb, spec/lib/constants.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/treequel/directory_spec.rb, spec/treequel/mixins_spec.rb, spec/treequel/utils_spec.rb, spec/treequel_spec.rb: * Updated build system * Renamed the spike to `syntax-spike.rb` and fleshed it out a bunch * Started on the actual implementation [7709b9520686] 2009-03-07 Michael Granger * LICENSE, README, Rakefile, experiments/ldapexpr.rb, lib/treequel.rb, project.yml: * Started an initial spike and installed build system. [d8e78b6b4088] 2008-12-05 Michael Granger * Creating repo [b21f833298d6]