require File.expand_path("../../spec_helper", __FILE__) describe "Friendly::Document" do before do @klass = { include Friendly::Document } @klass.attribute(:name, String) @storage_proxy = stub @klass.storage_proxy = @storage_proxy end it "delegates table_name to it's class" do == User.table_name end it "always has an id attribute" do @klass.attributes[:id].type.should == Friendly::UUID end it "always has a created_at attribute" do @klass.attributes[:created_at].type.should == Time end it "always has a updated_at attribute" do @klass.attributes[:updated_at].type.should == Time end describe "saving a new document" do before do @user = => "whatever") @storage_proxy.stubs(:create) end it "asks the storage_proxy to create" do @storage_proxy.should have_received(:create).with(@user) end end describe "saving an existing document" do before do @user = => "whatever", :id => 42, :new_record => false) @storage_proxy.stubs(:update) end it "asks the storage_proxy to update" do @storage_proxy.should have_received(:update).with(@user) end end describe "destroying a document" do before do @user = @storage_proxy.stubs(:destroy) @user.destroy end it "delegates to the storage proxy" do @storage_proxy.should have_received(:destroy).with(@user) end end describe "converting a document to a hash" do before do @object = => "Stewie") end it "creates a hash that contains its attributes" do @object.to_hash.should == {:name => "Stewie", :id =>, :created_at => @object.created_at, :updated_at => @object.updated_at} end end describe "setting the attributes all at once" do before do @object = @object.attributes = {:name => "Bond"} end it "sets the attributes using the setters" do == "Bond" end it "raises ArgumentError when there are duplicate keys of differing type" do lambda { @object.attributes = {:name => "Bond", "name" => "Bond"} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "initializing a document" do before do @doc = :name => "Bond" end it "sets the attributes using the setters" do == "Bond" end end describe "table name" do it "by default: is the class name, converted with pluralize.underscore" do User.table_name.should == "users" end it "is overridable" do @klass.table_name = "ASDF" @klass.table_name.should == "ASDF" end end describe "new record" do before do @object = end it "is new_record by default" do @object.should be_new_record end it "is not new_record when new_record is set to false" do @object.new_record = false @object.should_not be_new_record end end describe "object equality" do it "is never equal if both objects are new_records" do => "x").should_not == => "x") end it "is equal if both objects have the same id" do uuid = one = => uuid, :new_record => false) one.should == => uuid, :new_record => false) end it "is equal if the objects point to the same reference" do obj = obj.should == obj end it "is not equal if two objects are of differing types with the same id" do => 1).should_not == => 1) end end describe "adding an index" do before do @storage_proxy.stubs(:add) @klass = { include Friendly::Document } @klass.storage_proxy = @storage_proxy @klass.indexes :name end it "delegates to the storage_proxy" do @klass.storage_proxy.should have_received(:add).with([:name]) end end describe "adding a cache" do before do @storage_proxy.stubs(:cache) @klass.caches_by(:name, :created_at) end it "delegates to the storage_proxy" do @storage_proxy.should have_received(:cache).with([:name, :created_at], {}) end end describe "Document.first" do before do @doc = stub @query = stub @query_klass = stub @klass.query_klass = @query_klass @query_klass.stubs(:new).with(:id => 1).returns(@query) @storage_proxy.stubs(:first).with(@query).returns(@doc) end it "creates a query object and delegates to the storage proxy" do @klass.first(:id => 1).should == @doc end end describe "Document.all" do before do @docs = stub @query = stub @query_klass = stub @klass.query_klass = @query_klass @query_klass.stubs(:new).with(:name => "x").returns(@query) @storage_proxy.stubs(:all).with(@query).returns(@docs) end it "delegates to the storage proxy" do @klass.all(:name => "x").should == @docs end end describe "Document.find" do describe "when an object is found" do before do @doc = stub @query = stub @query_klass = stub @klass.query_klass = @query_klass @query_klass.stubs(:new).with(:id => 1).returns(@query) @storage_proxy.stubs(:first).with(@query).returns(@doc) end it "queries the storage proxy" do @klass.find(1).should == @doc end end describe "when no object is found" do before do @storage_proxy.stubs(:first).returns(nil) end it "raises RecordNotFound" do lambda { @klass.find(1) }.should raise_error(Friendly::RecordNotFound) end end end describe "Document.all" do before do @query = stub @query_klass = stub @klass.query_klass = @query_klass @query_klass.stubs(:new).with(:name => "x").returns(@query) @storage_proxy.stubs(:count).with(@query).returns(25) end it "delegates to the storage proxy" do @klass.count(:name => "x").should == 25 end end describe "Document.create" do before do @storage_proxy.stubs(:create) @doc = @klass.create(:name => "James") end it "initializes, then saves the document and returns it" do @storage_proxy.should have_received(:create).with(@doc) @doc.should be_kind_of(@klass) end end describe "Document#update_attributes" do before do @storage_proxy.stubs(:update) @doc = => "James", :new_record => false) @doc.update_attributes :name => "Steve" end it "sets the attributes" do == "Steve" end it "saves the document" do @storage_proxy.should have_received(:update).with(@doc) end end describe "when document has been included" do after { Friendly::Document.documents = [] } it "adds the document to the collection" do Friendly::Document.documents.should include(@klass) end end describe "Document.paginate" do before do @conditions = {:name => "Stewie", :page! => 1, :per_page! => 20} @query = stub(:page => 1, :per_page => 20) @docs = stub @query_klass = stub @klass.query_klass = @query_klass @count = 10 @collection_klass = stub @collection = stub @klass.collection_klass = @collection_klass @collection.stubs(:replace).returns(@collection) @collection_klass.stubs(:new).with(1, 20, @count).returns(@collection) @query_klass.stubs(:new).returns(@query) @storage_proxy.stubs(:count).with(@query).returns(@count) @storage_proxy.stubs(:all).with(@query).returns(@docs) @pagination = @klass.paginate(@conditions) end it "creates an instance of the collection klass and returns it" do @pagination.should == @collection end it "fills the collection with objects from the datastore" do @collection.should have_received(:replace).with(@docs) end end describe "creating a named_scope" do before do @scope_proxy = stub(:add_named => nil) @klass.scope_proxy = @scope_proxy @klass.named_scope(:by_name, :order => :name) end it "asks the named_scope_set to add it" do @klass.scope_proxy.should have_received(:add_named). with(:by_name, :order => :name) end end describe "Document.has_named_scope?" do it "delegates to the scope_proxy" do @scope_proxy = stub @scope_proxy.stubs(:has_named_scope?).with(:whatever).returns(true) @klass.scope_proxy = @scope_proxy @klass.has_named_scope?(:whatever).should be_true end end describe "accessing an ad-hoc scope" do before do @scope = stub @scope_proxy = stub @scope_proxy.stubs(:ad_hoc).with(:order! => :name).returns(@scope) @klass.scope_proxy = @scope_proxy end it "asks the named_scope_set to add it" do @klass.scope(:order! => :name).should == @scope end end describe "adding an association" do before do @assoc_set = stub(:add => nil) @klass.association_set = @assoc_set @klass.has_many :addresses end it "asks the association set to add it" do @assoc_set.should have_received(:add).with(:addresses, {}) end end end