require File.expand_path("../spec_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require "ostruct" describe "Supernova::Criteria" do let(:scope) { } before(:each) do scope.stub!(:execute).and_return [].paginate(:page => 1) end describe "#initialize" do it "can be initialized" do be_an_instance_of(Supernova::Criteria) end it "sets the clazz_name" do == Offer end end [ [:order, "popularity desc"], [:group_by, "title"], [:search, "query"], [:limit, 10], [:with, { :stars => 2 }], [:conditions, { :stars => 2 }], [:paginate, { :stars => 2 }], [:select, %w(stars)], [:near, "test"], [:within, 10], [:options, {}], [:without, {}], [:facet_fields, "name"] ].each do |args| it "returns the scope itself for #{args.first}" do scope.send(*args).should == scope end it "delegates all methods to the instance when responding to" do scope_double = Supernova::Criteria.should_receive(:new).and_return scope_double scope_double.should_receive(args.first).with(*args[1..-1]) Supernova::Criteria.send(*args) end end describe "#facet_fields" do it "sets the facets" do scope.facet_fields("title").facet_fields("name", "first_name").search_options[:facets].should == %w(title name first_name) end end describe "#order" do it "sets the order statement" do scope.order("popularity desc").search_options[:order].should == "popularity desc" end end describe "#group_by" do it "sets the group option" do scope.group_by("name").search_options[:group_by].should == "name" end end it "sets the limit option" do scope.limit(77).search_options[:limit].should == 77 end describe "#search" do it "sets the query" do"title").search_options[:search].should == ["title"] end end describe "#for_classes" do it "sets the correct classes" do scope.for_classes([Offer, Host]).filters[:classes].should == [Offer, Host] end it "also sets single classes" do scope.for_classes(Offer).filters[:classes].should == [Offer] end end [:with, :conditions].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do it "adds all filters to the #{method} block" do scope.send(method, { :length => 3, :height => 99 }).filters[method].should == { :length => 3, :height => 99 } end it "overwrites before set filters" do scope.send(method, { :length => 3, :height => 88 }).send(method, { :length => 4 }).filters[method].should == { :length => 4, :height => 88 } end end end it "sets select option" do b)).search_options[:select].should == %w(a b) end it "sets the correct pagination fields" do scope.paginate(:page => 9, :per_page => 2).search_options[:pagination].should == { :page => 9, :per_page => 2 } end describe "#without" do it "sets the correct without filter" do scope.without(:user_id => 1).filters[:without].should == { :user_id => [1] } end it "combines multiple without filters" do scope.without(:user_id => 1).without(:user_id => 1).without(:user_id => 2).filters[:without].should == { :user_id => [1, 2] } end end it "to_parameters raises an implement in subclass error" do lambda { scope.to_parameters }.should raise_error("implement in subclass") end it "to_a raises an implement in subclass error" do scope.unstub(:execute) lambda { scope.execute }.should raise_error("implement in subclass") end describe "#to_a" do it "calls populate" do scope.should_receive(:populate) scope.to_a end it "returns the results" do res = double("results") scope.instance_variable_set("@results", res) scope.to_a.should == res end end describe "#populate" do it "returns self when" do scope.stub!(:populated?).and_return true scope.populate.should == scope end it "does not change @results when already populated" do res = double("results") scope.instance_variable_set("@results", res) scope.stub!(:populated?).and_return true scope.populate.should == scope scope.instance_variable_get("@results").should == res end it "returns the scope when not populated yet" do scope.populate.should == scope end it "calls execute" do scope.should_receive(:execute).and_return [] scope.populate end it "assigns the result of populate" do result = double("result") scope.stub!(:execute).and_return result scope.populate scope.instance_variable_get("@results").should == result end end describe "#populated?" do it "returns false when @results not set" do scope.should_not be_populated end it "returns true when instance variable set" do scope.stub!(:execute).and_return [] scope.populate scope.should be_populated end end describe "with to_a stubbed" do let(:array_double) { double("array") } before(:each) do scope.stub!(:to_a).and_return array_double end [ :first, :each, :count, :last, :total_entries ].each do |method| it "forwards #{method} to array" do results = double("ret") scope.instance_variable_set("@results", results) scope.should_receive(:populated?).and_return false scope.send(method) end end it "hands given blocks in" do array = [1, 2, 3] scope.instance_variable_set("@results", array) scope.stub!(:populated?).and_return true called = [] scope.each do |i| called << i end called.should == array end it "does raise errors when array does not respond" do lambda { scope.rgne }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "#method_missing" do it "raises a no method error when methd not defined" do lambda { scope.method_missing(:rgne) }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "forwards all array methods to @results" do results = double("results") scope.instance_variable_set("@results", results) results.should_receive(:index, "1") scope.index("1") end it "calls named_scope_defined" do scope.should_receive(:named_scope_defined?).with(:rgne).and_return false scope.method_missing(:rgne) rescue nil end it "does not call named scopes when named_scope_defined? returns false" do clazz = double("clazz") scope = scope.stub(:named_scope_defined?).and_return false clazz.should_not_receive(:rgne) end it "it calls merge with self and returned scope" do clazz = double("clazz") scope = scope.stub(:named_scope_defined?).and_return true rge_scope = double("rgne_scope") scope_ret = double("ret") clazz.should_receive(:rgne).with(1, 2).and_return scope_ret merge_ret = double("merge_ret") scope.should_receive(:merge).with(scope_ret).and_return merge_ret scope.method_missing(:rgne, 1, 2).should == merge_ret end end describe "#where" do it "delegates to with" do ret = double("ret") scope.should_receive(:with).with(:a => 9).and_return ret scope.where(:a => 9).should == ret end end describe "#attribute_mapping" do it "sets the attribute_mapping option" do mapping = { :title => { :type => :integer } } scope.attribute_mapping(mapping).search_options[:attribute_mapping].should == mapping end end describe "#merge" do let(:criteria) {"popularity asc").with(:a => 1).conditions(:b => 2).search("New Search") } let(:new_crit) {"popularity desc").with(:c => 8).conditions(:e => 9).search("Search") } it "it returns the original criteria" do new_crit.merge(criteria).should == new_crit end it "merges e.g. the order" do new_crit.merge(criteria).search_options[:order].should == "popularity asc" end it "merges e.g. the with filters" do new_crit.merge(criteria).filters[:with].should == { :c => 8, :a => 1 } end it "merges e.g. the conditions filters" do new_crit.merge(criteria).filters[:conditions].should == { :b => 2, :e => 9 } end it "merges search search" do new_crit.merge(criteria).search_options[:search].should == ["New Search"] end it "correctly merges select statements" do[:select].should == [:title, :name] end it "correctly merges the named_scope_class" do new_crit.named_scope_class(String) new_crit.merge(criteria).search_options[:named_scope_class].should == String end it "correctly merges the attribute_mapping" do mapping = { :title => { :type => :string } } new_crit.attribute_mapping(mapping) new_crit.merge(criteria).search_options[:attribute_mapping].should == mapping end it "uses the base attributes_mapping when " do mapping = { :title => { :type => :string }, :artist_name => { :type => :string } } other = => "name") => "test").merge(other).to_params[:fq].should include("artist_name_s:name") => "test").merge(other).to_params[:fq].should include("title_s:test") end it "calls merge on options" do criteria.stub!(:search_options).and_return({ :x => 2, :y => 9 }) new_crit.stub!(:search_options).and_return({ :z => 3, :c => 1 }) new_crit.should_receive(:merge_search_options).with(:x, 2) new_crit.should_receive(:merge_search_options).with(:y, 9) new_crit.merge(criteria) end it "calls merge filters on all filters" do criteria.stub!(:filters).and_return({ :a => 1, :c => 3 }) new_crit.stub!(:filters).and_return({ :b => 2, :e => 1 }) new_crit.should_receive(:merge_filters).with(:a, 1) new_crit.should_receive(:merge_filters).with(:c, 3) new_crit.merge(criteria) end end describe "#near" do it "sets the geo_center option" do scope.near([47, 11]).search_options[:geo_center].should == { :lat => 47.0, :lng => 11.0 } end it "can be called without an array" do scope.near(47, 11).search_options[:geo_center].should == { :lat => 47.0, :lng => 11.0 } end end describe "#within" do it "sets the distance to a value in meters when numeric given" do scope.within("test").search_options[:geo_distance].should == "test" end end describe "#options" do it "merges full hash into options" do scope.order("popularity desc").options(:test => "out", :order => "popularity asc").search_options[:custom_options].should == { :test => "out", :order => "popularity asc" } end end describe "normalize_coordinates" do it "returns a hash when array given" do scope.normalize_coordinates([47, 12]).should == { :lat => 47.0, :lng => 12.0 } end it "returns a hash when two parameters given" do scope.normalize_coordinates(47, 12).should == { :lat => 47.0, :lng => 12.0 } end [ [:lat, :lng], [:lat, :lon], [:latitude, :longitude] ].each do |(lat_name, lng_name)| it "returns a hash when object responding to lat and lng is given" do scope.normalize_coordinates( => 11, lng_name => 19)).should == { :lat => 11.0, :lng => 19.0 } end end end describe "#named_scope_defined?" do it "returns false when clazz is nil" do be_named_scope_defined(:rgne) end it "returns false when clazz is present but not responding to defined_search_scopes" do"test").should_not be_named_scope_defined(:rgne) end it "returns false when clazz is responding to defined_search_scopes but empty" do clazz = class << clazz attr_accessor :defined_named_search_scopes end clazz.defined_named_search_scopes = nil be_named_scope_defined(:rgne) end it "returns false when clazz is responding to defined_search_scopes but not included" do clazz = class << clazz attr_accessor :defined_named_search_scopes end clazz.defined_named_search_scopes = [:some_other] be_named_scope_defined(:rgne) end it "returns true when clazz is responding to defined_search_scopes and included" do clazz = class << clazz attr_accessor :defined_named_search_scopes end clazz.defined_named_search_scopes = [:rgne] be_named_scope_defined(:rgne) end end describe "#named_scope_class" do it "sets the named_scope_class search_option" do[:named_scope_class].should == String end end end