require 'serverspec' require 'serverspec/type/base' require 'net/http' require 'json' module Serverspec::Type class OctopusDeployWorkerPool < Base @worker_pool = nil @worker_pool_name = nil @serverUrl = nil @apiKey = nil def initialize(*url_and_api_key, worker_pool_name) serverUrl = get_octopus_url(url_and_api_key[0]) apiKey = get_octopus_api_key(url_and_api_key[1]) @worker_pool_name = worker_pool_name @name = "Octopus Deploy Worker Pool #{worker_pool_name}" @runner = Specinfra::Runner @serverUrl = serverUrl @apiKey = apiKey if (serverUrl.nil?) raise "'serverUrl' was not provided. Unable to connect to Octopus server to validate configuration." end if (apiKey.nil?) raise "'apiKey' was not provided. Unable to connect to Octopus server to validate configuration." end if (worker_pool_name.nil?) raise "'worker_pool_name' was not provided. Unable to connect to Octopus server to validate configuration." end @worker_pool = get_worker_pool_via_api(serverUrl, apiKey, worker_pool_name) end def in_space(space_name) # allows us to tag .in_space() onto the end of the resource. as in # describe octopus_worker_pool("account name").in_space("MyNewSpace") do @spaceId = get_space_id?(space_name) if @worker_pool_name.nil? raise "'worker_pool_name' was not provided. Unable to connect to Octopus server to validate configuration." end self end def exists? (!@worker_pool.nil?) && (@worker_pool != []) end end def octopus_deploy_worker_pool(*url_and_api_key, worker_pool_name) serverUrl, apiKey = get_octopus_url(url_and_api_key), apiKey, worker_pool_name) end def octopus_worker_pool(*url_and_api_key, worker_pool_name) serverUrl, apiKey = get_octopus_url(url_and_api_key), apiKey, worker_pool_name) end private def get_worker_pool_via_api(serverUrl, apiKey, worker_pool_name) worker_pool = nil if @serverSupportsSpaces # set the spaceId correctly @spaceFragment = "#{@spaceId}/" end url = "#{serverUrl}/api/#{@spaceFragment}workerpools/all?api-key=#{apiKey}" begin resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)) body = JSON.parse(resp.body) worker_pool = {|i| i['Name'] == worker_pool_name } unless body.nil? rescue => e raise "Unable to connect to #{url}: #{e}" end worker_pool end end include Serverspec::Type