window.clonePagination = ->
window.initPopover = ->
$('a[rel=popover]').popover({trigger: 'hover'})
window.initAcFileds = ->
for el in $('.ac_field')
$el = $(el)
params = $.extend({class: $'class')}, $'params') || {})
serviceUrl: '/admin/autocomplete'
params: params
minChars: 2
maxHeight: 400
width: 220
window.initTooltip = ->
animation: false
placement: 'right'
window.initEditor = ->
return if gon.test
$('form .do_wysihtml5').each ->
$el = $(this)
return if $el.hasClass('wysihtml5_done')
editor = $el.wysihtml5({html: true, locale: 'ru'}).data('wysihtml5').editor
resizeIframe = -> = editor.composer.element.scrollHeight + "px"
editor.on "load", ->
if editor.composer
editor.composer.element.addEventListener "keyup", resizeIframe, false
editor.composer.element.addEventListener "blur", resizeIframe, false
editor.composer.element.addEventListener "focus", resizeIframe, false
window.inputSetToggle = ->
$('.label.do_toggle').click ->
window.flash = (message, type='notice') ->
$('#container').prepend $("
window.focusInput = (scope=null) ->
scope ||= $('form.simple_form:first')
$('input[type="text"],input[type="string"],select:visible,textarea:visible', scope).not('.fancy_select,.datepicker').get(0)?.focus()
window.templateStorage = {}
window.fetchTemplate = (tmpl_id) ->
window.templateStorage[tmpl_id] ||= Handlebars.compile($(tmpl_id).html())
window.initFancySelect = ->
return if gon.test
defaults =
formatNoMatches: ->
placeholder: ' '
allowClear: true
minimumResultsForSearch: 10
$('form .fancy_select, form input.token, .without_form.fancy_select').each ->
$el = $(this)
return if $'select2')
options = _.defaults({}, defaults)
options.multiple = $'multi') unless _.isUndefined($'multi'))
options.width = $el[0].style.width || 'resolve'
if $'tags')
options.tokenSeparators = [","]
options.tags = $'tags')
else if $'class')
if $'image')
options.formatResult = (item) ->
html = ''
html += "
" if item.image
html += "
#{item.text} "
options.formatSelection = (item) ->
html = ''
html += "
" if item.image
html += "
#{item.text} "
if $'result')
options.formatResult = (item) -> fetchTemplate($'result'))(item)
if $'selection')
options.formatSelection = (item) -> fetchTemplate($'selection'))(item)
if $'image') || $'result') || $'selection')
options.escapeMarkup = (m) -> m
options.initSelection = (el, callback) ->
data = $'pre')
if $'multi')
data = $'pre')
data = $'pre')[0]
options.ajax =
url: "/admin/autocomplete",
data: (term, page) ->
cond = {}
if $'c')
for kind in ['with', 'without']
if $'c')[kind]
cond[kind] ||= {}
for attr, id of $'c')[kind]
value = $('#' + id).val()
cond[kind][attr] = value if value
for kind in ['with_term', 'without_term']
if $'c')[kind]
kind_key = kind.replace(/_term$/, '')
cond[kind_key] ||= {}
for attr, value of $'c')[kind]
cond[kind_key][attr] = value if value
for kind in ['with_selector', 'without_selector']
if $'c')[kind]
kind_key = kind.replace(/_selector$/, '')
cond[kind_key] ||= {}
for attr, value of $'c')[kind]
selectors = value.split(/\s+/)
value = $el.closest(selectors[1] || 'html').find(selectors[0]).val()
cond[kind_key][attr] = value if value
log cond
data = {q: term, class: $'class'), token: true}
_.extend(data, cond)
results: (data, page) ->
results: data
# $('#district_location_id').select2("data", {id: 123, text: '123'})
# $el.change (data) ->
# log data.val
# createSearchChoice: (term) ->
# log term
# {id: 3, text: '123'}