desc 'Create an application generator' task :new do OrigenAppGenerators::New.start [] end desc 'Test run the new app process' task :test, [:set] do |t, args| _delete_tmp_dir if args[:set] vals = OrigenAppGenerators::TEST_INPUTS[args[:set].to_i] vals.pop # Throw away the test commands str = { |i| i == :default ? "\n" : "#{i}\n" }.join('') result = system "echo '#{str}' | rake test" else result = _execute_generator(:invoke) end exit 1 unless result end desc "Test run a specific generator: rake 'run[TestEngineering::GenericTestBlock]'" task :run, [:generator_class] do |_t, args| _delete_tmp_dir begin klass = eval(args[:generator_class]) rescue klass = eval("OrigenAppGenerators::#{args[:generator_class]}") end _execute_generator(klass) end desc 'Test that all generators build' task :regression do OrigenAppGenerators::TEST_INPUTS.each do |inputs| # Test that origen and the console can boot in the new app commands = ['origen -v', 'origen lint', 'rake new_app_tests:load_target'] + inputs.pop if ENV['TRAVIS'] && ENV['CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION'] prefix = 'bundle && bundle exec ' end str = { |i| i == :default ? "\n" : "#{i}\n" }.join('') # Test the app can build unless system "echo '#{str}' | rake test" exit 1 end # Copy the new app test rake tasks to the new app t = File.expand_path('../new_app_tests.rake', FileUtils.cp t, 'tmp/lib/tasks' # Test the app can boot Bundler.with_clean_env do Dir.chdir 'tmp' do commands.each do |command| "Running command: #{command}" unless system("#{prefix}#{command}") exit 1 end Origen.log.success "Command passed: #{command}" end end end end end def _execute_generator(klass) # With the generator identified this now launches it in a standalone shell # This is to emulate how it will run in real life and cause it to fail if there are # any dependencies on running within an Origen app environment boot = "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/boot.rb" origen_lib = "#{}/lib" origen_lib = '/proj/mem_c40tfs_testeng/r49409/origen/lib' cmd = "#{boot} #{origen_lib} #{klass}" cmd = "ruby #{cmd}" if Origen.running_on_windows? # puts cmd result = false Bundler.with_clean_env do result = system cmd end result end def _delete_tmp_dir sh "rm -rf #{Origen.root}/tmp", verbose: false do |ok, _res| # Sometimes vim can lock a dir if the file is being viewed, trying again will # usually finish the job unless ok sh "rm -rf #{Origen.root}/tmp", verbose: false do |ok, _res| unless ok # I did my best! end end end end end