{:in_out=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:diagdir=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:diagdir, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :chptdir=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:chptdir, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :read_checkpoint=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:read_checkpoint, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :write_checkpoint=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:write_checkpoint, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :many_chpts=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:many_chpts, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :istep_schpt=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_schpt, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_field=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_field, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_mom=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_mom, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_nrg=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_nrg, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_neoclass=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_neoclass, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_vsp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_vsp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_omega=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_omega, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_g1=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_g1, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_prof=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_prof, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :write_fielddiff=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:write_fielddiff, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :mm_format=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:mm_format, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :istep_energy=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_energy, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_energy3d=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_energy3d, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_dfout=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_dfout, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :write_geom=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:write_geom, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :istep_srcmom=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_srcmom, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :write_h5=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:write_h5, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :write_std=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:write_std, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :chpt_h5=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:chpt_h5, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :chpt_read_h5=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:chpt_read_h5, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :chpt_write_h5=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:chpt_write_h5, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :istep_nlt=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_nlt, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_gav=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_gav, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :write_flux_final=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:write_flux_final, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_gyroles=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_gyroles, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_fe_time=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_fe_time, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_fe_twod=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_fe_twod, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :istep_fe_transfer=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_fe_transfer, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :avg_window=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:avg_window, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :iterdb_file=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:iterdb_file, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :iterdb_time=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:iterdb_time, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :momentum_flux=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:momentum_flux, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :istep_fsa_moments=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_fsa_moments, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :cat_output=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:cat_output, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :istep_nlev=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:istep_nlev, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}}}, :box=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:nx0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nx0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :nky0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nky0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :nz0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nz0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :nv0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nv0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :nw0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nw0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :n_spec=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_spec, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :lx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :lx_a=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lx_a, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :kymin=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:kymin, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :lv=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lv, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :lw=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lw, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :ky0_ind=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ky0_ind, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :kx_center=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:kx_center, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :nexc=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nexc, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :adapt_lx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:adapt_lx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :adapt_ly=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:adapt_ly, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :x0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:x0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :mu_grid_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:mu_grid_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :n0_global=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n0_global, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}}}, :general=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:nonlinear=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nonlinear, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :parallel_nl=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:parallel_nl, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :x_local=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:x_local, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :y_local=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:y_local, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :lilo=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lilo, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :comp_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:comp_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :perf_vec=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:perf_vec, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :nblocks=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nblocks, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :parscheme=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:parscheme, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :turbdeal=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:turbdeal, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :precomp_nc=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:precomp_nc, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :include_f0_contr=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:include_f0_contr, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :timescheme=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:timescheme, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :calc_dt=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:calc_dt, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :dt_max=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:dt_max, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :courant=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:courant, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :coll_split=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:coll_split, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :coll_split_scheme=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:coll_split_scheme, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :n_ev=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_ev, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :which_ev=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:which_ev, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :ev_max_it=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ev_max_it, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :ev_shift=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ev_shift, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Complex", :explanation=>"This variable must be a complex number."}], :type=>:Complex}, :ev_n_test=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ev_n_test, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :ev_prec=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ev_prec, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :vec_out_limit=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:vec_out_limit, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :ev_out=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ev_out, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :ev_left=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ev_left, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :ev_right=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ev_right, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :pc_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:pc_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :sub_pc_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:sub_pc_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :pc_sub_it=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:pc_sub_it, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :pc_factor_level=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:pc_factor_level, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :pc_blocks=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:pc_blocks, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :nc_prec=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nc_prec, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :nc_max_it=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nc_max_it, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :ntimesteps=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ntimesteps, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :timelim=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:timelim, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :simtimelim=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:simtimelim, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :overflow_limit=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:overflow_limit, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :underflow_limit=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:underflow_limit, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :omega_prec=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:omega_prec, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :beta=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:beta, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :debye2=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:debye2, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :delzonal=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:delzonal, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :delzonal_factor=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:delzonal_factor, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :delzonal_fields=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:delzonal_fields, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :bpar=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:bpar, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :bpar_off=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:bpar_off, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :pressure_term=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:pressure_term, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :pressure_off=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:pressure_off, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :apar0_antenna=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:apar0_antenna, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :omega0_antenna=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:omega0_antenna, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :del_phi=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:del_phi, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :del_fields=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:del_fields, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :only_er=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:only_er, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :trap_pass=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:trap_pass, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :tau=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:tau, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :no_electron_response=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:no_electron_response, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :coll=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:coll, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :collision_op=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:collision_op, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :coll_cons_model=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:coll_cons_model, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :spacediff=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:spacediff, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :spacediff_off=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:spacediff_off, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :coll_f_fm_on=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:coll_f_fm_on, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :zeff=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:zeff, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :adiabatic_mass=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:adiabatic_mass, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :init_cond=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:init_cond, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :init_aux_x=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:init_aux_x, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :init_aux_y=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:init_aux_y, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :init_aux_z=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:init_aux_z, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :init_aux_amp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:init_aux_amp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :init_vpar_fluct=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:init_vpar_fluct, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :hyp_x=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hyp_x, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :hyp_x_order=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hyp_x_order, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :hyp_y=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hyp_y, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :hyp_y_order=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hyp_y_order, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :hyp_perp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hyp_perp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :hyp_perp_order=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hyp_perp_order, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :hyp_z=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hyp_z, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :hyp_z_order=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hyp_z_order, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :hyp_v=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hyp_v, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :hyp_on_h=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hyp_on_h, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :hypz_opt=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:hypz_opt, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :gyroles=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:gyroles, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :fracx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:fracx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :fracy=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:fracy, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :diag_gyroles=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:diag_gyroles, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :tky=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:tky, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :tkx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:tkx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :tkperp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:tkperp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :n_shells_kperp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_shells_kperp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :t_log_kperp_fb=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:t_log_kperp_fb, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :tk3_log_kperp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:tk3_log_kperp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :tk3_ky=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:tk3_ky, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :tk3_kx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:tk3_kx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :t_log_kperp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:t_log_kperp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :t_log_ky=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:t_log_ky, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :n_shells_log_kperp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_shells_log_kperp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :n_shells_log_ky=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_shells_log_ky, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :tk3_log_kperp_1=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:tk3_log_kperp_1, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :tk3_log_kperp_h=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:tk3_log_kperp_h, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :t_log_kperp_1=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:t_log_kperp_1, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :n_shells_log_kperp_1=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_shells_log_kperp_1, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :lambda1=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lambda1, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :lambda2=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lambda2, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :with_nvp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:with_nvp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :coeff_g1_en_source=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:coeff_g1_en_source, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :perf_tsteps=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:perf_tsteps, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :arakawa_zv=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:arakawa_zv, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :arakawa_cons_bc=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:arakawa_cons_bc, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :arakawa_zv_order=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:arakawa_zv_order, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :fourier2d=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:fourier2d, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :yx_order=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:yx_order, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :diag_blev=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:diag_blev, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :diag_trap_levels=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:diag_trap_levels, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :avgflux_stime=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:avgflux_stime, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :avgprof_stime=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:avgprof_stime, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :avgflux_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:avgflux_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :avgflux_alpha=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:avgflux_alpha, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :gav_stime=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:gav_stime, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :gpu_cpu_ratio=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:gpu_cpu_ratio, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :which_func_as=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:which_func_as, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}}}, :extended_diags=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:which_ky=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:which_ky, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :num_ky_modes=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:num_ky_modes, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :num_kx_modes=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:num_kx_modes, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :which_kx_center=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:which_kx_center, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :dfout_mpiio=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:dfout_mpiio, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :svd_proj=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_proj, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :svd_kx_ind=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_kx_ind, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :svd_ky_ind=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_ky_ind, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :svd_nkx0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_nkx0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :svd_df_n_time=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_df_n_time, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :svd_start_time=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_start_time, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :svd_sparse_factor=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_sparse_factor, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :svd_df_file_name=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_df_file_name, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :svd_f0_flag=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_f0_flag, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :svd_df_file_path=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_df_file_path, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :svd_df_file_suffix=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_df_file_suffix, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :svd_n_restarts=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_n_restarts, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :svd_pbc_phase=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_pbc_phase, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :svd_parallel=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_parallel, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :svd_field_mom=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_field_mom, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :svd_swap_endian=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:svd_swap_endian, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :num_nlt_modes=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:num_nlt_modes, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :kx_nlt_ind=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:kx_nlt_ind, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :ky_nlt_ind=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ky_nlt_ind, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :nlt_symmetrize=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nlt_symmetrize, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :nx0_nlt_pod=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nx0_nlt_pod, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :num_nlt_pod_modes=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:num_nlt_pod_modes, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :nlt_pod=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nlt_pod, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :nlev_stime=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nlev_stime, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :n_nlev=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_nlev, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}}}, :nonlocal_x=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:rad_bc_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:rad_bc_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :dealiasing=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:dealiasing, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :pbc_dealiasing=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:pbc_dealiasing, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :lag_order=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lag_order, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :gyroav_in_xi_eta=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:gyroav_in_xi_eta, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :arakawa=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:arakawa, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :shifted_metric=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:shifted_metric, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :ck_heat=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ck_heat, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :ck_part=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ck_part, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :ck_heat_smooth=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ck_heat_smooth, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :ck_part_smooth=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ck_part_smooth, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :ck_filter_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ck_filter_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :l_buffer_size=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:l_buffer_size, :must_pass=>[{:test=>nil, :explanation=>nil}], :type=>nil}, :lcoef_krook=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lcoef_krook, :must_pass=>[{:test=>nil, :explanation=>nil}], :type=>nil}, :lpow_krook=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lpow_krook, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :u_buffer_size=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:u_buffer_size, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :ucoef_krook=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ucoef_krook, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :upow_krook=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:upow_krook, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :buffer_on_ky0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:buffer_on_ky0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :lck_buffer_size=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lck_buffer_size, :must_pass=>[{:test=>nil, :explanation=>nil}], :type=>nil}, :lckcoef_krook=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lckcoef_krook, :must_pass=>[{:test=>nil, :explanation=>nil}], :type=>nil}, :lckpow_krook=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lckpow_krook, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :uck_buffer_size=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:uck_buffer_size, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :uckcoef_krook=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:uckcoef_krook, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :uckpow_krook=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:uckpow_krook, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :puls_start=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:puls_start, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :puls_amp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:puls_amp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :puls_on_duration=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:puls_on_duration, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :puls_off_duration=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:puls_off_duration, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :reset_limit=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:reset_limit, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :smooth_reset=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:smooth_reset, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :smooth_reset_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:smooth_reset_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :drive_buffer=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:drive_buffer, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :explicit_buffer=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:explicit_buffer, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :psource_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:psource_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :intsource_heat_coeff=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:intsource_heat_coeff, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :intsource_part_coeff=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:intsource_part_coeff, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :intsource_time=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:intsource_time, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :ga_spatial_var=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ga_spatial_var, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}}}, :external_contr=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:phi0_ext=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:phi0_ext, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :kxind_phi_ext=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:kxind_phi_ext, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :phase_phi_ext=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:phase_phi_ext, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :omt0_ext=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:omt0_ext, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :kxind_omt_ext=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:kxind_omt_ext, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :phase_omt_ext=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:phase_omt_ext, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :omn0_ext=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:omn0_ext, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :kxind_omn_ext=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:kxind_omn_ext, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :phase_omn_ext=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:phase_omn_ext, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :exbrate=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:exbrate, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :pfsrate=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:pfsrate, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :exb_stime=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:exb_stime, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :erad=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:erad, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :upar0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:upar0, :must_pass=>[{:test=>nil, :explanation=>nil}], :type=>nil}}}, :geometry=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:magn_geometry=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:magn_geometry, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :shat=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:shat, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :limit_shat=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:limit_shat, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :parscale=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:parscale, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :q0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:q0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :major_r=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:major_r, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :minor_r=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:minor_r, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :major_z=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:major_z, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :trpeps=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:trpeps, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :amhd=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:amhd, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :geomdir=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:geomdir, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :geomfile=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:geomfile, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :x_def=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:x_def, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :flux_pos=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:flux_pos, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :rhostar=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:rhostar, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :mag_prof=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:mag_prof, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :q_coeffs=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:q_coeffs, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :n_pol=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_pol, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :edge_opt=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:edge_opt, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :norm_flux_projection=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:norm_flux_projection, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :psi_o_twopi=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:psi_o_twopi, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :q_scalefac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:q_scalefac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :force_x=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:force_x, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :force_z=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:force_z, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :kappa=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:kappa, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :delta=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:delta, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :rho=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:rho, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :s_kappa=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:s_kappa, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :s_delta=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:s_delta, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :drr=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:drr, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :drz=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:drz, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :zeta=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:zeta, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :s_zeta=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:s_zeta, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :dpdx_term=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:dpdx_term, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :dpdx_pm=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:dpdx_pm, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :bprof_coeffs=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:bprof_coeffs, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}}}, :species=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :enumerator=>{:name=>:n_spec, :estimated_value=>5}, :variables=> {:name=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:name, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :passive=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:passive, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :omn=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:omn, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :omt=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:omt, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :mass=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:mass, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :charge=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:charge, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :temp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:temp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :dens=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:dens, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :kappa_t=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:kappa_t, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :lt_center=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lt_center, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :lt_width=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lt_width, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :kappa_n=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:kappa_n, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :ln_center=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ln_center, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :ln_width=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:ln_width, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :delta_x_t=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:delta_x_t, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :delta_x_n=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:delta_x_n, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :prof_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:prof_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :src_amp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:src_amp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :src_width=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:src_width, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :src_x0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:src_x0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :src_prof_type=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:src_prof_type, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :prof_file=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:prof_file, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}}}, :units=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:tref=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:tref, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :nref=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nref, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :lref=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lref, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :bref=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:bref, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :mref=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:mref, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :vtorref=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:vtorref, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :norm_index=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:norm_index, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}}}, :adaptivity=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:is_grid_adptv=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:is_grid_adptv, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :is_numofvpoints_const=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:is_numofvpoints_const, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool}, :n_vx_blks=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_vx_blks, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :n_wx_blks=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_wx_blks, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :prob_vx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:prob_vx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :prob_wx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:prob_wx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :opt_mthd_vx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:opt_mthd_vx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :opt_mthd_wx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:opt_mthd_wx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :blk_mks_r_v=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:blk_mks_r_v, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :blk_mks_v=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:blk_mks_v, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :blk_mks_r_w=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:blk_mks_r_w, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :blk_mks_w=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:blk_mks_w, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}}}, :parallelization=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:n_procs_s=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_procs_s, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :n_procs_w=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_procs_w, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :n_procs_v=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_procs_v, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :n_procs_z=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_procs_z, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :n_procs_y=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_procs_y, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :n_procs_x=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_procs_x, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :n_procs_sim=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_procs_sim, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :n_parallel_sims=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_parallel_sims, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :max_nps=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:max_nps, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :max_npw=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:max_npw, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :max_npv=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:max_npv, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :max_npz=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:max_npz, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :max_npy=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:max_npy, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :max_npx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:max_npx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :min_nps=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:min_nps, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :min_npw=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:min_npw, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :min_npv=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:min_npv, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :min_npz=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:min_npz, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :min_npy=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:min_npy, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :min_npx=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:min_npx, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}}}, :parameters=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:q0_pars=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:q0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :gridpoints=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:gridpoints, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? 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Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :nref_pars=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:nref, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :bref_pars=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:bref, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :Lef_pars=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:lref, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :cy=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:cy, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :cxy=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:cxy, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :magn_geometry_pars=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:magn_geometry, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? 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Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}, :minor_r_pars=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:minor_r, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float}}}, :scan=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:scan_dims=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:scan_dims, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}, :par_in_dir=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:par_in_dir, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :chpt_in=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:chpt_in, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String}, :n_procs_sim_scan=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:n_procs_sim, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer}}}}