Test page for Div
CVS Revision: "$Revision: 1.0 $"
This text is in a div with an id of div1 and title of test1
This text is in a div with an id of div2
This div has an onClick that increments text1
This div has an onClick that decrements text1
This input field gets its value from div3. Its name is text1
The following DIVS are used to test buttons and other objects in a div
Text1: Text2:
Span Tests
This text is in a span with an id of span1 and title of test2 This text is in a span with an id of span2 This span has an onClick that increments text2 This span has an onClick that decrements text2
This input field gets its value from span3. Its name is text1
The following spans are used to test buttons and other objects in a span
Text1: Text2: Text3:
This text is in a p with an id of
number1 and title of P_tag_1