require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ThinkingSphinx::Interfaces::SQL do let(:interface) { configuration, {:verbose => true}, stream ) } let(:configuration) { double 'configuration', :preload_indices => true, :render => true, :indices => [double(:index, :type => 'plain')], :indices_location => '/path/to/indices' } let(:stream) { double :puts => nil } describe '#clear' do let(:users_index) { double(:name => 'users', :type => 'plain', :render => true, :path => '/path/to/my/index/users') } let(:parts_index) { double(:name => 'users', :type => 'plain', :render => true, :path => '/path/to/my/index/parts') } let(:rt_index) { double(:type => 'rt') } before :each do allow(configuration).to receive_messages( :indices => [users_index, parts_index, rt_index] ) allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).with('/path/to/my/index/users.*'). and_return(['users.a', 'users.b']) allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).with('/path/to/my/index/parts.*'). and_return(['parts.a', 'parts.b']) allow(FileUtils).to receive_messages :mkdir_p => true, :rm_r => true, :rm => true allow(File).to receive_messages :exists? => true end it 'finds each file for sql-backed indices' do expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).with('/path/to/my/index/users.*'). and_return([]) interface.clear end it "removes each file for real-time indices" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm).with('users.a') expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm).with('users.b') expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm).with('parts.a') expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm).with('parts.b') interface.clear end end describe '#index' do let(:index_command) { double :call => true } let(:configure_command) { double :call => true } before :each do stub_const 'ThinkingSphinx::Commands::Index', index_command stub_const 'ThinkingSphinx::Commands::Configure', configure_command allow(ThinkingSphinx).to receive_messages :before_index_hooks => [] allow(FileUtils).to receive_messages :mkdir_p => true end it "renders the configuration to a file by default" do expect(configure_command).to receive(:call) interface.index end it "does not render the configuration if requested" do expect(configure_command).not_to receive(:call) interface.index false end it "creates the directory for the index files" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with('/path/to/indices') interface.index end it "calls all registered hooks" do called = false ThinkingSphinx.before_index_hooks << { called = true } interface.index expect(called).to be_truthy end it "executes the index command" do expect(index_command).to receive(:call).with( configuration, {:verbose => true}, stream ) interface.index end end end