= acts_as_markup by Brian Landau of Viget Labs GitHub Project: http://github.com/vigetlabs/acts_as_markup RDoc: http://viget.rubyforge.org/acts_as_markup == DESCRIPTION: Allows you to specify columns of an ActiveRecord model that contain Markdown or Textile text. You may then use +to_s+ to get the original markdown or textile text or +to_html+ to get the formated HTML. This AR extension can use 3 different types of Markdown processing backends: BlueCloth, RDiscount, or Ruby PEG. You specify which one you want to use by setting a config value in your environment.rb file: ActsAsMarkup.markdown_library = :bluecloth By default RDiscount will be used. == EXAMPLES: ==== Using +acts_as_markdown+: class Post < ActiveRecrod acts_as_markdown :body end @post = Post.find(:first) @post.body.to_s #=> "## Markdown Headline" @post.body.to_html #=> "

Markdown Headline

" ==== Using +acts_as_textile+: class Post < ActiveRecrod acts_as_textile :body end @post = Post.find(:first) @post.body.to_s #=> "h2. Markdown Headline" @post.body.to_html #=> "

Markdown Headline

" ==== Using +acts_as_markup+: class Post < ActiveRecrod acts_as_markup :language => :markdown, :columns => [:body] end @post = Post.find(:first) @post.body.to_s #=> "## Markdown Headline" @post.body.to_html #=> "

Markdown Headline

" == REQUIREMENTS: You will need the RedCloth library for processing the Textile text. You will also need to install some type of Markdown processor. The three options currently supported are: * BlueCloth * RDiscount[http://github.com/rtomayko/rdiscount] * {Ruby PEG}[http://github.com/rtomayko/rpeg-markdown/tree/master] == INSTALL: sudo gem install acts_as_markup Add "+acts_as_markup+" to your environment.rb: config.gem "acts_as_markup"