# Bretelline This is [Nebulab][nebulab]'s own Rails (mainly Solidus) application template. The strange name actually Italian for *little suspenders*. The idea for this gem came up because we need something like [Suspenders][suspenders]. ## Installation Install it as a standalone gem: ``` $ gem install bretelline ``` ## Usage Run the gem as you would with `rails new `: ``` $ bretelline ``` ## About [![Nebulab][nebulab-logo]][nebulab] Bretelline is funded and maintained by the [Nebulab][nebulab] team. We firmly believe in the power of open-source. [Contact us][contact-us] if you like our work and you need help with your project design or development. [nebulab]: http://nebulab.it/ [nebulab-logo]: http://nebulab.it/assets/images/public/logo.svg [contact-us]: http://nebulab.it/contact-us/ [suspenders]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/suspenders