module BeakerAnswers
  # This class provides methods for generating PE answer file
  # information.
  class Answers

      :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_user_email    => '',
      :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_password      => '~!@#$%^*-/ aZ',
      :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_port          => 25,
      :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_use_tls       => 'n',
      :q_verify_packages                             => 'y',
      :q_puppetdb_password                           => '~!@#$%^*-/ aZ',
      :q_puppetmaster_enterpriseconsole_port         => 443,
      :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_database_name => 'console_auth',
      :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_database_user => 'mYu7hu3r',
      :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_database_name      => 'console',
      :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_database_user      => 'mYc0nS03u3r',
      :q_database_root_password                      => '=ZYdjiP3jCwV5eo9s1MBd',
      :q_database_root_user                          => 'pe-postgres',
      :q_database_export_dir                         => '/tmp',
      :q_orchestrator_database_name                  => 'pe-orchestrator',
      :q_orchestrator_database_user                  => 'Orc3Str8R',
      :q_orchestrator_database_password              => '~!@#$%^*-/ aZ',
      :q_puppetdb_database_name                      => 'pe-puppetdb',
      :q_puppetdb_database_user                      => 'mYpdBu3r',
      :q_database_port                               => 5432,
      :q_puppetdb_port                               => 8081,
      :q_classifier_database_user                    => 'DFGhjlkj',
      :q_database_name                               => 'pe-classifier',
      :q_classifier_database_password                => '~!@#$%^*-/ aZ',
      :q_activity_database_user                      => 'adsfglkj',
      :q_activity_database_name                      => 'pe-activity',
      :q_activity_database_password                  => '~!@#$%^*-/ aZ',
      :q_rbac_database_user                          => 'RbhNBklm',
      :q_rbac_database_name                          => 'pe-rbac',
      :q_rbac_database_password                      => '~!@#$%^*-/ aZ',
      :q_install_update_server                       => 'y',
      :q_exit_for_nc_migrate                         => 'n',
      :q_enable_future_parser                        => 'n',
      :q_pe_check_for_updates                        => 'n',

    # Determine the list of supported PE versions, return as an array
    # @return [Array<String>] An array of the supported versions
    def self.supported_versions {|c| BeakerAnswers.const_get(c).is_a?(Class) && BeakerAnswers.const_get(c).respond_to?(:pe_version_matcher)}

    # When given a Puppet Enterprise version, a list of hosts and other
    # qualifying data this method will return the appropriate object that can be used
    # to generate answer file data.
    # @param [String] version Puppet Enterprise version to generate answer data for
    # @param [Array<Beaker::Host>] hosts An array of host objects.
    # @param [Hash] options options for answer files
    # @option options [Symbol] :type Should be one of :upgrade or :install.
    # @return [Hash] A hash (keyed from hosts) containing hashes of answer file
    #   data.
    def self.create version, hosts, options

      # finds all potential version classes
      # discovers new version classes as they are added, no more crazy case statement
      version_classes = self.supported_versions
      version_classes.each do |vc|
        # check to see if the version matches the regex for this class of answers
        if BeakerAnswers.const_get(vc).send(:pe_version_matcher) =~ version
          return BeakerAnswers.const_get(vc).send(:new, version, hosts, options)
      raise NotImplementedError, "Don't know how to generate answers for #{version}"

    # The answer value for a provided question.  Use the user answer when available, otherwise return the default
    # @param [Hash] options options for answer file
    # @option options [Symbol] :answer Contains a hash of user provided question name and answer value pairs.
    # @param [String] default Should there be no user value for the provided question name return this default
    # @return [String] The answer value
    def answer_for(options, q, default = nil)
      answer = DEFAULT_ANSWERS[q]
      # check to see if there is a value for this in the provided options
      if options[:answers] && options[:answers][q]
        answer = options[:answers][q]
      # use the default if we don't have anything
      if not answer
        answer = default

    # When given a Puppet Enterprise version, a list of hosts and other
    # qualifying data this method will return a hash (keyed from the hosts)
    # of default Puppet Enterprise answer file data hashes.
    # @param [String] version Puppet Enterprise version to generate answer data for
    # @param [Array<Beaker::Host>] hosts An array of host objects.
    # @param [Hash] options options for answer files
    # @option options [Symbol] :type Should be one of :upgrade or :install.
    # @return [Hash] A hash (keyed from hosts) containing hashes of answer file
    #   data.
    def initialize(version, hosts, options)
      @version = version
      @hosts = hosts
      @options = options

    # Generate the answers hash based upon version, host and option information
    def generate_answers
      raise "This should be handled by subclasses!"

    # Access the answers hash for this version, host and option information.  If the answers
    # have not yet been calculated, generate them.
    # @return [Hash] A hash of answers keyed by
    def answers
      @answers ||= generate_answers

    # This converts a data hash provided by answers, and returns a Puppet
    # Enterprise compatible answer file ready for use.
    # @param [Beaker::Host] host Host object in question to generate the answer
    #   file for.
    # @return [String] a string of answers
    # @example Generating an answer file for a series of hosts
    #   hosts.each do |host|
    #     answers ="2.0", hosts, "master")
    #     create_remote_file host, "/mypath/answer", answers.answer_string(host, answers)
    #  end
    def answer_string(host)
      answers[].map { |k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("\n")

    #Find a single host with the role provided.  Raise an error if more than one host is found to have the
    #provided role.
    #@param [Array<Host>] hosts The hosts to examine
    #@param [String] role The host returned will have this role in its role list
    #@return [Host] The single host with the desired role in its roles list
    #@raise [ArgumentError] Raised if more than one host has the given role defined, or if no host has the
    #                       role defined.
    def only_host_with_role(hosts, role)
      found_hosts ={ |host| role.nil? or host['roles'].include?(role.to_s)}
      if found_hosts.length == 0 or found_hosts.length > 1
        raise ArgumentError, "There should be one host with #{role} defined, found #{found_hosts.length} matching hosts (#{found_hosts})"


  # pull in all the available answer versions
  require_rel 'versions'