# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC. # # To contact SUSE about this file by physical or electronic mail, # you may find current contact information at www.suse.com module Machinery class ServicesInspector < Machinery::Inspector has_priority 70 def initialize(system, description) @system = system @description = description end def inspect(_filter, _options = {}) services, init_system = if @description.environment.system_type == "docker" [[], "none"] elsif @system.has_command?("systemctl") [inspect_systemd_services, "systemd"] elsif @system.has_command?("initctl") && @system.has_command?("chkconfig") [parse_redhat_chkconfig.map { |s| s["legacy_sysv"] = true; s }, "upstart"] elsif @system.has_command?("initctl") && !@system.has_command?("chkconfig") [inspect_ubuntu_services, "upstart"] else [inspect_sysvinit_services, "sysvinit"] end @description.services = ServicesScope.new( services, init_system: init_system ) end def summary "Found #{Machinery.pluralize(@description.services.length, "%d service")}." end private def inspect_systemd_services services = list_unit_files.map do |line| name, state = line.split(/\s+/) Service.new(name: name, state: state) end list_unit_files(true).map { |line| line.split(/\s+/) }.each do |name, state| prefix, suffix = name.split("@") instances = list_units.select { |i| i =~ /#{prefix}@.+#{suffix}/ }.each do |instance| services << Service.new(name: instance, state: unit_is_enabled?(instance)) end services << Service.new(name: name, state: state) if instances.empty? end services.sort_by(&:name) end def list_unit_files(templates = false) @unit_files ||= @system.run_command( "systemctl", "list-unit-files", "--type=service,socket", stdout: :capture ) # The first line contains a table header. The last two lines contain a # separator and a summary (e.g. "197 unit files listed"). # Files will be grouped by depending on # wether they are templates or not. @unit_files.lines[1..-3].group_by { |l| l.include?("@") }[templates] end def list_units output = @system.run_command( "systemctl", "list-units", "--all", stdout: :capture ) output.lines[1..-8].map { |line| line.split.first } end def unit_is_enabled?(unit) output = @system.run_command("systemctl", "is-enabled", unit, stdout: :capture) return output.split("\n").first rescue Cheetah::ExecutionFailed return "disabled" end def inspect_sysvinit_services # Red Hat's chkconfig behaves differently than SUSE's: It takes different # command line arguments and has a different output format. We determine # if it's Red Hat by calling 'chkconfig --version'. On SUSE it exits with # an error, on Red Hat it doesn't. # begin @system.run_command("/sbin/chkconfig", "--version") services = parse_redhat_chkconfig rescue services = parse_suse_chkconfig end services.sort_by(&:name) end def inspect_ubuntu_services # Ubuntu is managing its services using upstart but also has some # services still not handled by that. Therefor we need to scan upstart # and sysV to determine all services and their bootup state services = parse_ubuntu_upstart parse_ubuntu_sysv.each do |service| services << service unless services.find { |s| s.name == service.name } end services.sort_by(&:name) end def parse_ubuntu_upstart initctl_output = @system.run_command( "/sbin/initctl", "show-config", "-e", stdout: :capture ) servicelist = initctl_output.lines.map(&:chomp).slice_before do |l| !l.start_with?(" ") end enabled, disabled = servicelist.partition do |s| s.find { |e| e.start_with?(" start on runlevel", " start on startup") } end services = enabled.map(&:first).each.map do |name| Service.new(name: name, state: "enabled", legacy_sysv: false) end services + disabled.map(&:first).each.map do |name| Service.new(name: name, state: "disabled", legacy_sysv: false) end end def parse_ubuntu_sysv # Get all sysV services out, err = @system.run_command( "/usr/sbin/service", "--status-all", stdout: :capture, stderr: :capture ) services_output = out + err sysv_all = services_output.each_line.map { |line| line.chomp.sub(/^.*\]../, "") } # Get all enabled sysV services - default in ubuntu1404 is runlevel 2 # and runlevels 3,4 and 5 are considered to be identical to 2. runlevels = ["2", "S"] find_output = runlevels.each.map do |runlevel| @system.run_command( "/usr/bin/find", "/etc/rc#{runlevel}.d", "-name", "S\*", stdout: :capture ).split end sysv_enabled = find_output.flatten.map { |line| line.chomp.sub(/^\/etc\/rc.\.d\/.../, "") }.uniq sysv_disabled = sysv_all - sysv_enabled services = sysv_enabled.map.each do |name| Service.new(name: name, state: "enabled", legacy_sysv: true) end services + sysv_disabled.map.each do |name| Service.new(name: name, state: "disabled", legacy_sysv: true) end end def parse_suse_chkconfig # check if chkconfig is available otherwise use /sbin/chkconfig # this fixes issue on sles11sp3 where chkconfig isn't in /usr/bin chkconfig = @system.check_requirement(["chkconfig", "/sbin/chkconfig"], "--help") output = @system.run_command( chkconfig, "--allservices", stdout: :capture ) output.lines.map do |line| name, state = line.split(/\s+/) Service.new(name: name, state: state) end end def parse_redhat_chkconfig @system.check_requirement("/sbin/runlevel") _, runlevel = @system.run_command( "/sbin/runlevel", stdout: :capture ).split(" ") output = @system.run_command( "/sbin/chkconfig", "--list", stdout: :capture ) # Run chkconfig output through regular expressions to parse # seperatly for systemv and xinetd services. services = output.lines.select do |line| line =~ /^\S+(\s+\d:(on|off))+.*$/ end.map do |line| name, *state = line.split(/\s+/) Service.new(name: name, state: state[runlevel.to_i].split(":")[1]) end services += output.lines.select { |line| line =~ /^\s+\S+:\s+(on|off).*$/ }.map do |line| name, state = line.split(/:/) Service.new(name: name.strip, state: state.strip) end services end end end