# coding: utf-8 require 'cureutils/version' require 'cureutils/janken_controller' require 'cureutils/cure_date_checker' require 'active_support' require 'active_support/time' require 'time' require 'thor' require 'rubicure' require 'colorize' module Cureutils module EchoMode TRANSFORM = 1 ATTACK = 2 end # # The class represents the cli interface # class CLI < Thor class << self def exit_on_failure? true end end desc 'transform', 'Change human_name to precure_name' def transform print_converted_text($stdin, :human_name, :precure_name) end desc 'humanize', 'Change precure_name to human_name.' def humanize print_converted_text($stdin, :precure_name, :human_name) end desc 'girls', "Print girls' name" def girls Rubicure::Girl.config.map { |_k, v| v[:human_name] }.uniq.each do |v| puts v end end desc 'precures', 'Print Precure names' def precures Rubicure::Girl.config.map { |_k, v| v[:precure_name] }.uniq.each do |v| puts v end end desc 'grep [OPTIONS] PATTERN', 'Print lines matching a pattern.' option 'extended-regexp', aliases: 'E' option 'only-matching', aliases: 'o' def grep(pat = '[:precure_name:]', filename = nil) # Check whether the file is given or not @input = input_from(filename) extended_pat = options['extended-regexp'.to_sym] if extended_pat cure_pat = extended_pat else cure_pat = pregex2regex(pat) end # Check the file discriptor and check the pipe exists or not. pipe_flg = !$stdout.isatty if options['only-matching'.to_sym] if pipe_flg @input.each do |line| matched_strs = line.scan(/#{cure_pat}/) matched_strs.empty? || matched_strs.each do |str| puts str end end else @input.each do |line| matched_strs = line.scan(/#{cure_pat}/) matched_strs.empty? || matched_strs.each do |str| puts str.red end end end else if pipe_flg @input.each do |line| puts line.gsub(/#{cure_pat}/, '\0') if line =~ /#{cure_pat}/ end else @input.each do |line| puts line.gsub(/#{cure_pat}/, '\0'.red) if line =~ /#{cure_pat}/ end end end end desc 'tr PATTERN REPLACE', 'Translate Precure related parameters.' def tr(pat_from = '[:precure_name:]', pat_to = '[:human_name:]') pat_from = pregex2str(pat_from).to_sym pat_to = pregex2str(pat_to).to_sym print_converted_text($stdin, pat_from, pat_to) end desc 'echo PATTERN', 'Print messages of Precure.' option 'quick', aliases: 'q', type: :boolean, desc: 'Print messages immediately.' option 'attack', aliases: 'a', type: :boolean, desc: 'Print attack message.' option 'transform', aliases: 't', type: :boolean, desc: 'Print transform message.' option 'precure', aliases: 'p', type: :string, desc: "Print the given PRECURE's message." def echo cure_name = options[:precure] || 'echo' message_mode = EchoMode::TRANSFORM message_mode = EchoMode::TRANSFORM if options[:transform] message_mode = EchoMode::ATTACK if options[:attack] Rubicure::Girl.sleep_sec = 0 if options[:quick] cure = Rubicure::Girl.config.find { |k, _v| k == cure_name.to_sym } unless cure $stderr.puts "No such precure #{cure_name}" exit(1) end if message_mode == EchoMode::TRANSFORM Cure.send(cure_name.to_sym).transform! elsif message_mode == EchoMode::ATTACK Cure.send(cure_name.to_sym).transform! Cure.send(cure_name.to_sym).attack! end end desc 'date [OPTIONS] [+FORMAT]', 'Display date, time and Precure related events.' option 'date', aliases: 'd' # Original date command's default is '+%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y @P' # However, I would like to adopt this setting. def date(fmt = '+%F %H:%M:%S @P') # -d, --date=STRING (YYYY-MM-DD or +-N days) print_time = create_time_obj(options[:date]) updated_fmt = update_fmt(print_time, fmt) puts print_time.strftime(updated_fmt) end desc 'janken', %Q(Let's play "Pikarin Janken" !) def janken judge = JankenContoller.janken exit(judge.to_i) end private def input_from(filename) if filename.nil? || filename.empty? output = $stdin elsif filename =~ /^-$/ # If the file name is "-", use STDIN. output = $stdin else begin output = File.open(filename) rescue SystemCallError => e puts %(class=[#{e.class}] message=[#{e.message}]) rescue IOError => e puts %(class=[#{e.class}] message=[#{e.message}]) end end output end def update_fmt(datetime, fmt) # Find precure related events date4check_event = time2date(datetime) found_event = CureDateChecker.events(date4check_event) checked_fmt = fmt if fmt =~ /^\+(.*)$/ checked_fmt = Regexp.last_match(1) else puts "cure date: invalid date format '#{fmt}'" exit 1 end # Find precure related events checked_fmt.gsub(/@P/, found_event) end def create_time_obj(time_str) time_str ? natural_lang2time(time_str) : Time.now end def natural_lang2time(time_str) updated_fmt = time_str.dup updated_fmt.gsub!(/yesterday/, '1 day ago') updated_fmt.gsub!(/tomorrow/, '-1 day ago') units = 'second|minute|hour|day|week|month|year' regulated_format = /(-?[0-9]+) *(#{units})s? *(ago)?/ if updated_fmt =~ regulated_format diff_value = Regexp.last_match(1).to_i unit = Regexp.last_match(2).to_sym minus_flg = Regexp.last_match(3) if minus_flg.nil? Time.now + diff_value.send(unit) else Time.now - diff_value.send(unit) end else Time.parse(updated_fmt) end end desc 'pregex2regex', 'Convert string to precure regular expression' def pregex2regex(regex, br_flg = false) this_regex = regex.dup br_ex = br_flg ? '' : '?:' %w(girl_name human_name precure_name cast_name color).each do |attr| expression = '\[:' + attr + ':\]' precures_ex = cure_list(attr.to_sym).join('|') replaced = "(#{br_ex}#{precures_ex})" this_regex.gsub!(/#{expression}/, replaced) end this_regex end def str2pregex(str) '[:' + str + ':]' end def pregex2str(str) str.gsub(/\[:(.*):\]/, '\1') end def cure_list(sym) list = Precure.all_stars.map(&sym) list << Cure.echo[sym] list end def cure_table(to_sym, from_sym) to_arr = cure_list(to_sym) from_arr = cure_list(from_sym) hash = Hash[[to_arr, from_arr].transpose] hash end def time2date(timeObj) Date.parse(timeObj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) end def print_converted_text(input, from_sym, to_sym) # Create precure regular expression regex_tag = str2pregex(from_sym.to_s) # Get patterns cure_pattern = pregex2regex(regex_tag, true) # Get Key-Value table = cure_table(from_sym, to_sym) input.each do |line| updated_line = line.dup line.scan(/#{cure_pattern}/).each do |pat| updated_line.gsub!(/#{pat[0]}/, table[pat[0]]) end puts updated_line end end end end