require 'spec_helper' describe Frenetic::Structured do let(:my_temp_resource) do do def initialize( attrs = {} ) @attrs = attrs end end end let(:signatures) do described_class.class_variable_get('@@signatures') end let(:signature) do { 'MyTempResourceFreneticResourceStruct' => 'barfoo' } end before do stub_const 'MyTempResource', my_temp_resource MyTempResource.send :include, described_class end after { instance.destroy_structure! } subject(:instance) { foo:'foo', bar:'bar' ) } describe '#struct_key' do subject { super().struct_key } it 'returns a valid, unique Ruby constant name' do expect(subject).to eq 'MyTempResourceFreneticResourceStruct' end end describe '#signature' do subject { super().signature } it 'returns a unique and predictable key' do expect(subject).to eq 'barfoo' end end describe '#structure' do subject { super().structure } context 'with no previously defined signature' do before do allow(instance).to receive(:structure_expired?).and_return(true) end it 'rebuilds the structure' do allow(instance).to receive(:rebuild_structure!).and_call_original subject expect(instance).to have_received(:rebuild_structure!) end end context 'with a fresh signature' do before do instance.structure allow(instance).to receive(:structure_expired?).and_return(false) end it 'does not rebuild the structure' do allow(instance).to receive(:rebuild_structure!) subject expect(instance).to_not have_received(:rebuild_structure!) end end context 'with an expired signature' do before do instance.structure allow(instance).to receive(:structure_expired?).and_return(true) end it 'rebuilds the structure' do allow(instance).to receive(:rebuild_structure!) subject expect(instance).to have_received(:rebuild_structure!) end end end describe '#fetch_structure' do before { instance.structure } subject { super().fetch_structure } it 'returns the Struct class of the resource' do expect(subject).to eq Struct::MyTempResourceFreneticResourceStruct end end describe '#rebuild_structure!' do before{ instance.structure } subject { super().rebuild_structure! } it 'destroys the previous Struct' do allow(instance).to receive(:destroy_structure!).and_call_original subject expect(instance).to have_received(:destroy_structure!) end it 'caches the signature of the resource' do subject expect(signatures).to include signature end it 'builds the Struct resource' do subject expect(instance.fetch_structure.members).to eq [:foo, :bar] end end describe '#structure_expired?' do subject { super().structure_expired? } before do allow(instance).to receive(:signature).and_return(new_sig) described_class.class_variable_set '@@signatures', { 'MyTempResourceFreneticResourceStruct' => old_sig } end context 'with a fresh signature' do let(:old_sig) { 'fresh' } let(:new_sig) { 'fresh' } it 'return FALSE' do expect(subject).to eq false end end context 'with no predefined signature' do let(:old_sig) { nil } let(:new_sig) { 'new' } it 'returns TRUE' do expect(subject).to eq true end end context 'with an expired signature' do let(:old_sig) { 'old' } let(:new_sig) { 'new' } it 'returns TRUE' do expect(subject).to eq true end end end describe '#structure_defined?' do let(:consts) { Struct.constants || [] } before do allow(Struct).to receive(:constants).and_return(consts) end subject { super().structure_defined? } it 'checks if the structure is defined' do allow(instance).to receive(:struct_key).and_return('Foo') allow(consts).to receive(:include?) subject expect(consts).to have_received(:include?).with(:Foo) end end describe '#destroy_structure!' do before { instance.structure } subject { super().destroy_structure! } context 'with an undefined structure' do before { instance.destroy_structure! } it 'does not attempt to remove the constant from the Struct' do allow(Struct).to receive(:remove_const) subject expect(Struct).to_not have_received(:remove_const) end it 'does not remove the signature from the cache' do allow(signatures).to receive(:delete) subject expect(signatures).to_not receive(:delete) end end context 'with an predefined structure' do it 'removes the constant' do expect(Struct.constants).to include instance.struct_key.to_sym subject expect(Struct.constants).to_not include instance.struct_key.to_sym end it 'removes the signature from the cache' do expect(signatures).to include signature subject expect(signatures).to_not include signature end end end end