module SoberSwag module Reporting module Output ## # A DSL for building "output object structs." class Struct # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class << self include Interface ## # Define a new field to be serialized. # # @param name [Symbol] name of this field. # @param output [Interface] reporting output to use to serialize. # @param description [String,nil] description for this field. # @param block [Proc, nil] # If a block is given, it will be defined as a method on the output object struct. # If the block takes an argument, the object being serialized will be passed to it. # Otherwise, it will be accessible as `#object_to_serialize` from within the body. # # You can access other methods from this method. def field(name, output, description: nil, &extract) define_field(name, extract) object_fields[name] = output.view(:base).via_map(&name.to_proc), description: description ) end def object_output base = { |o| new(o) } if description base.described(description) else base end end ## # Set a description for the *type* of this output. # It will show up as a description in the component key for this output. # Right now that unfortunately will not render with ReDoc, but it should eventually. # # @param val [String, nil] pass if you want to set, otherwise you will get the current value # @return [String] the description assigned to this object, if any. def description(val = nil) return @description unless val @description = val end ## # An output for this specific schema type. # If this schema has any views, it will be defined as a map of possible views to the actual views used. # Otherwise, it will directly be the base definition. def single_output single = if view_map.any? else inherited_output end identifier ? single.referenced(identifier) : single end ## # Used to generate 'allOf' subtyping relationships. # Probably do not call this yourself. # # @return [Interface] def identified_with_base object_output.referenced([identifier, 'Base'].join('.')) end ## # Used to generate 'allOf' subtyping relationships. # Probably do not call this yourself. def identified_without_base if parent_struct MergeObjects .new(parent_struct.inherited_output, object_output) else object_output end.referenced(identifier) end ## # Used to generate 'allOf' subtyping relationships. # Probably do not call this yourself! # Use {#single_output} instead. # # This allows us to implement *inheritance*. # So, if you inherit from another output object struct, you get its methods and attributes. # Views behave as if they have inherited the base object. # # This means that any views added to any parent output objects *will* be visible in children. # @return [Interface] def inherited_output inherited = if parent_struct MergeObjects .new(parent_struct.inherited_output, object_output) else object_output end identifier ? inherited.referenced([identifier, 'Base'].join('.')) : inherited end ## # Schema for this output. # Will include views, if applicable. def swagger_schema single_output.swagger_schema end ## # Serialize an object to a hash. # # @param value [Object] value to serialize # @param view [Symbol] which view to use to serialize this output. # @return [Hash] the serialized ruby hash, suitable for passing to JSON.generate def call(value, view: :base) view(view) end ## # Serialize an object to a hash, with type-checking. # # @param value [Object] value to serialize # @param view [Symbol] which view to use # @return [Hash] the serialized ruby hash, suitable for passsing to JSON.generate def serialize_report(value, view: :base) view(view).output.serialize_report(value) end ## # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object::Property>] the properties defined *directly* on this object. # Does not include inherited fields! def object_fields @object_fields ||= {} end ## # Define a view for this object. # # Views behave like their own output structs, which inherit the parent (or 'base' view). # This means that fields *after* the definition of a view *will be present in the view*. # This enables views to maintain a subtyping relationship. # # Your base view should thus serialize *as little as possible*. # # View classes get defined as child constants. # So, if I write `define_view(:foo)` on a struct called `Person`, # I will get `Person::Foo` as a class I can use if I want! # # @param name [Symbol] name of this view. # @yieldself [self] a block in which you can add more fields to the view. # @return [Class] def define_view(name, &block) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength raise ArgumentError, "duplicate view #{name}" if name == :base || views.include?(name) classy_name = name.to_s.classify do |c| c.instance_eval(&block) c.define_singleton_method(:define_view) do |*| raise ArgumentError, 'no nesting views' end c.define_singleton_method(:identifier) do [parent_struct.identifier, classy_name.gsub('::', '.')].join('.') end const_set(classy_name, c) view_map[name] = c end end ## # @return Hash<Symbol,Class> map of potential views. # Does not include the 'base' view. def view_map @view_map ||= {} end ## # @return [Set<Symbol>] all applicable views. # Will always include `:base`. def views [:base, *view_map.keys].to_set end ## # @param name [Symbol] which view to use. # @return [Interface] a serializer suitable for this interface. def view(name) return inherited_output if name == :base view_map.fetch(name).view(:base) end attr_accessor :parent_struct ## # When this class is inherited, it sets up a future subtyping relationship. # This gets expressed with 'allOf' in the generated swagger. def inherited(other) other.parent_struct = self unless self == ::SoberSwag::Reporting::Output::Struct end ## # Set a new identifier for this output object. # # @param value [String, nil] provide a new identifier to use. # Stateful operation. # @return [String] identifier key to use in the components hash. # In rare cases (a class with no name and no set identifier) it can return nil. # We consider this case "unsupported", IE, please do not do that. def identifier(value = nil) if value @identifier = value else @identifier || name&.gsub('::', '.') end end private def identified_view_map view_map.transform_values(&:identified_without_base).merge(base: inherited_output) end def define_field(method, extractor) e = if extractor.nil? proc { _struct_serialized.public_send(method) } elsif extractor.arity == 1 proc { } else extractor end define_method(method, &e) end end def initialize(struct_serialized) @_struct_serialized = struct_serialized end attr_reader :_struct_serialized ## # The object to serialize. # Use this if you're defining your own methods. def object_to_serialize @_struct_serialized end end end end end