require 'util/miq-xml' require 'digest/md5' require 'metadata/util/win32/remote-registry' require 'util/miq-encode' class FleeceHives def self.collect_hive_data(xmlNode, hiveName, regHnd, xmlCol, fs) # SAM hive if hiveName.downcase == "sam" scanFor = [ ["SAM", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SAM\\SAM"], ] # SYSTEM hive elsif hiveName.downcase == "system" # Preprocess some keys by making copies of them so they are not lost during processServices scanFor = [ # The following are used for system category ["system/network", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters"], ] scanFor.each { |i| addElement(xmlNode.root, i[0], i[1], xmlCol, true) } processServices(xmlNode, hiveName, regHnd, xmlCol) scanFor = [ ["system/os", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName"], ["system/os", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment"], ["system/os", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions"], ] # SOFTWARE hive elsif hiveName.downcase == "software" scanFor = [ # The following are used for the system category ["system/network", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\NetworkCards"], # The following are used for the software category ["software", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Hotfix"], # ["software", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Classes\\Installer\\Products"], ["software", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData"], ["software", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"], ["software", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths"], # ["software", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"], # ["software", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce"], # ["software", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnceEx"], ] # The following are for the system/os category, but I can't remove it for # software because it screws up the product keys, due to the way product # keys are precollected from this key eNode = MIQRexml.findElement("system/os", xmlCol.root) eNode = eNode.add_element("key", "keyname" => "CurrentVersion", "fqname" => "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion") currentOS_ele =, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion") currentOS_ele.each_element_with_attribute('name') { |e| eNode << e } unless currentOS_ele.nil? end scanFor.each { |i| addElement(xmlNode.root, i[0], i[1], xmlCol) } unless scanFor.nil? case hiveName.downcase when "software" begin postProcessApps(xmlCol, fs) rescue Exception => err $log.warn "Exception during Post-process Applications: [#{err}]" end begin collectProductKeys(xmlNode.root, xmlCol, regHnd) rescue => err $log.warn "Exception during Collect Product Keys: [#{err}]" end end end def self.scanRegistry(_c, fs, hives = ["sam", nil, "security", nil, "default", nil, "system", nil, "software", nil]) xmlCol = MiqXml.createDoc("<miq/>") hives.each_slice(2) do |hive, filter| regHnd = $log.debug "Loading registry hive [#{hive}]..." xml = regHnd.loadHive(hive, filter) $log.debug "Loading registry hive complete." #"C:/temp/reg_extract_full_#{c}.xml","w"){|f| xml.write(f,0)} # Scrap details from this hive $log.debug "Fleecing registry data." FleeceHives.collect_hive_data(xml, hive, regHnd, xmlCol, fs) $log.debug "Fleecing complete." end #"C:/temp/reg_extract_#{c}.xml","w"){|f| xmlCol.write(f,0)} xmlCol end def self.collectProductKeys(_xml, xmlCol, regHnd) prodKeys = MIQRexml.findElement("software/productkeys", xmlCol.root) regHnd.digitalProductKeys.each do |e| if e.parent && e.parent.attributes['fqname'] && e.parent.attributes['fqname'].downcase != 'software\\microsoft\\windows nt\\currentversion' pk = productKeys(e) prodKeys << pk if pk end end end def self.productKeys(xmlNode) p = xmlNode.parent newEle = xmlNode.get_path t = nil newEle.each_recursive { |e1| t = e1 } p.each_element do|e| if e.attributes['name'] && e.attributes['name'].downcase.include?("product") x = e.shallow_copy x.text = e.text t << x end end ret = nil begin ret = newEle.find_first("//*/key[@keyname=\"Microsoft\"]") ret = ret.elements[1] if ret rescue => e end ret end def self.postProcessApps(xmlCol, fs) appPath = MIQRexml.findRegElement("software/App Paths", xmlCol.root) return if appPath.nil? # The icon sections below will need to be uncommented when we are ready to start # implementing application image uploading. # iconNode = MIQRexml.findElement("Applications/images", xmlCol.root) appPath.each_element do|e| e.each_element_with_attribute('name', '(Default)', max = 1) do|e1| begin fileName = e1.text!("\\", "/") fileName = fileName[1..-2] if fileName[0, 1] == "\"" && fileName[-1, 1] == "\"" # $log.warn "Processing App - [#{fileName}]" fh = fs.fileOpen(fileName) vi = File.getVersionInfo(fh) # Access application icons # peData = fh.close # $log.warn "Processing App - [#{fileName}] - VI length:[#{vi.length}]" if vi.length > 0 e2 = e.add_element('versioninfo') vi.each_pair { |k, v| e2.add_element("value", "name" => k).add_text(v.to_s) } end # if peData.icons.length > 0 # ie = e1.add_element("image",{"file"=>fileName, "count"=>peData.icons.length.to_s, "md5"=>Digest::MD5.hexdigest(peData.icons[0])}) # addIconData(ie, peData, iconNode) # end rescue Exception => e # $log.warn "postProcessApps - [#{fileName}] - error [#{e.to_s}]" end end end end def self.addIconData(icon_element, peData, iconNode) $log.debug "Adding application image: [#{icon_element}]" # Copy this element into another branch of the xml to store icon binary data newEle = iconNode.add_element(, icon_element.attributes) # Encode binary icon data as an element newEle.add_element("binary", {"type" => "icon"}).add_text(MIQEncode.encode(peData.icons[0])) end def self.processServices(xmlNode, _hiveName, _regHnd, xmlCol) eServices = MIQRexml.findElement("services", xmlCol.root) eSvcList = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services", xmlNode.root) if eSvcList eSvcList.each_element do |e| next if != "key" # Remove child elements's that have children. This data is not being processed on the server # and adds a lot of extract size to the xml and time for tagging. e.each_element { |e1| e1.remove! if == 'key' } # Create one element referring to the type by name serviceType = MIQRexml.getChildAttrib(e, "Type", 1).to_i e2 = e.add_element("value", "name" => "TypeName", "type" => "REG_SZ") e2.text = if (serviceType & 0x00000001) > 0 "kernel" elsif (serviceType & 0x00000002) > 0 "filesystem" elsif ((serviceType & 0x00000010) > 0) || ((serviceType & 0x00000020) > 0) "win32_service" else "misc" end eServices << e end end end def self.addElement(xmlNode, nodeName, regPath, xmlCol, makeCopy = false) eNode = MIQRexml.findElement(nodeName, xmlCol.root) eNew = MIQRexml.findRegElement(regPath, xmlNode) if makeCopy eNode << MiqXml.createDoc(eNew.to_s).root if eNew else eNode << eNew if eNew end end end