#require 'rubygems'
#require 'kramdown'
require 'bluecloth'
#require 'redcloth'
module Typedown
class Document < String
def initialize text = nil
super ""
self << text if text
def to_markdown
text = self
# Translate '! headings' to '# headings'
text.gsub!(/^! /, "# ")
text.gsub!(/^!! /, "## ")
text.gsub!(/^!!! /, "### ")
text.gsub!(/^!!!! /, "#### ")
text.gsub!(/^!!!!! /, "##### ")
text.gsub!(/^!!!!!! /, "###### ")
# Dialogue dashes
text.gsub!(/^-\.? /, "― ")
text.gsub!(/\s-\.? /, " ― ")
# Insert placeholders around lead in
text.gsub!(/^\. (( *[^\n].+\n)*)/, "! x!\\1!x-!\n")
# Remove placeholders while using them to remove whitespace
text.gsub!(/^! x!\s*/, "**")
text.gsub!(/\s*!x-!$/, "**")
# Insert placeholders around lead in
text.gsub!(/^\/\/\. (( *[^\n].+\n)*)/, "! x!\\1!x-!\n")
# Remove placeholders while using them to remove whitespace
text.gsub!(/^! x!\s*/, "**")
text.gsub!(/\s*!x-!$/, "**")
# Textile links to markdown links
text.gsub!(/\"([^\"]+)"\:(\S+[\w\d\/])/, "[\\1](\\2)")
# Typedown image tag
text.gsub!(/!\[(.+)\]\((.+)\)/, "

# Insert placeholders around lead in
text.gsub!(/^\/\. (( *[^\n].+\n)*)/, "! x!\\1!x-!\n")
# Remove placeholders while using them to remove whitespace
text.gsub!(/^! x!\s*/, "*")
text.gsub!(/\s*!x-!$/, "*")
# Slash for _
text.gsub!(/(\s)\/(\S+)\/(\s)[\.\,\?\!]?/, "\\1_\\2_\\3")
text.gsub!(/(\s)\/\/(\S+)\/\/[\.\,\?\!]?(\s)/, "\\1__\\2__\\3")
text.gsub!(/(\s)\/\/\/(\S+)\/\/\/[\.\,\?\!]?(\s)/, "\\1___\\2___\\3")
def to_textile
text = self
# Translate '! headings' to '# headings'
text.gsub!(/^! /, "h1. ")
text.gsub!(/^!! /, "h2. ")
text.gsub!(/^!!! /, "h3. ")
text.gsub!(/^!!!! /, "h4. ")
text.gsub!(/^!!!!! /, "h5. ")
text.gsub!(/^!!!!!! /, "h6. ")
# Dialogue dashes
text.gsub!(/^-\.? /, "― ")
text.gsub!(/\s-\.? /, " ― ")
# Insert placeholders around lead in
text.gsub!(/^\. (( *[^\n].+\n)*)/, "! x!\\1!x-!\n")
# Remove placeholders while using them to remove whitespace
text.gsub!(/^! x!\s*/, "*")
text.gsub!(/\s*!x-!$/, "*")
# Insert placeholders around lead in / bold paragraph
text.gsub!(/^\/\/\. (( *[^\n].*\n)*)/, "! x!\\1!x-!\n")
# Remove placeholders while using them to remove whitespace
text.gsub!(/^! x!\s*/, "*")
text.gsub!(/\s*!x-!$/, "*")
# Insert placeholders around italicized paragraph
text.gsub!(/^\/\. (( *[^\n].*\n)*)/, "! x!\\1!x-!\n")
# Remove placeholders while using them to remove whitespace
text.gsub!(/^! x!\s*/, "_")
text.gsub!(/\s*!x-!$/, "_")
# Slash for _
text.gsub!(/(\s)\/(\S+)\/(\s)[\.\,\?\!]?/, "\\1_\\2_\\3")
text.gsub!(/(\s)\/\/(\S+)\/\/[\.\,\?\!]?(\s)/, "\\1*\\2*\\3")
text.gsub!(/(\s)\/\/\/(\S+)\/\/\/[\.\,\?\!]?(\s)/, "\\1*_\\2_*\\3")
def to_html
#kramdown = Kramdown::Document.new to_markdown
bluecloth = BlueCloth::new( to_markdown )
#redcloth = RedCloth.new( to_textile )