# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/concern" module Decidim # Common logic to work with the permissions system module NeedsPermission extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do helper_method :allowed_to?, :admin_allowed_to? class ::Decidim::ActionForbidden < StandardError end rescue_from Decidim::ActionForbidden, with: :user_has_no_permission # Handles the case when a user visits a path that is not allowed to them. # Redirects the user to the root path and shows a flash message telling # them they are not authorized. def user_has_no_permission flash[:alert] = t("actions.unauthorized", scope: "decidim.core") redirect_to(request.referer || user_has_no_permission_path) end def user_has_no_permission_path raise NotImplementedError end def permissions_context { current_settings: try(:current_settings), component_settings: try(:component_settings), current_organization: try(:current_organization), current_component: try(:current_component) } end def enforce_permission_to(action, subject, extra_context = {}) if Rails.env.development? Rails.logger.debug "===========" Rails.logger.debug [permission_scope, action, subject, permission_class_chain].map(&:inspect).join("\n") Rails.logger.debug "===========" end raise Decidim::ActionForbidden unless allowed_to?(action, subject, extra_context) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists def allowed_to?(action, subject, extra_context = {}, chain = permission_class_chain, user = current_user, scope = nil) scope ||= permission_scope permission_action = Decidim::PermissionAction.new(scope: scope, action: action, subject: subject) chain.inject(permission_action) do |current_permission_action, permission_class| permission_class.new( user, current_permission_action, permissions_context.merge(extra_context) ).permissions end.allowed? rescue Decidim::PermissionAction::PermissionNotSetError false end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists def admin_allowed_to?(action, subject, extra_context = {}, chain = permission_class_chain, user = current_user) allowed_to?(action, subject, extra_context, chain, user, :admin) end def permission_class_chain raise "Please, make this method return an array of permission classes" end def permission_scope raise "Please, make this method return a symbol" end end end end