module Exlibris module Aleph # ==Overview # Provides access to the Aleph Patron REST API. class Patron < Rest::Base attr_accessor :patron_id # Place a hold on the specificed item. # Returns a Hash, including the "note" returned from the underlying API. # Raises an exception if the response is not valid XML or there are errors. def place_hold(adm_library, bib_library, bib_id, item_id, params) options = { :body => "post_xml=#{place_hold_xml(params)}"} self.response = self.class.put("#{patron_url}/record/#{bib_library}#{bib_id}/items/#{item_id}/hold", options) raise_error_if("Error placing hold through Aleph REST APIs. #{error}") { (response.parsed_response["put_item_hold"].nil? or response.parsed_response["put_item_hold"]["create_hold"].nil?) } response.parsed_response["put_item_hold"]["create_hold"] end # Returns a Hash representing the patron's address information. # Every method call refreshes the data from the underlying API. # Raises an exception if the response is not valid XML or there are errors. def address self.response = self.class.get("#{patron_url}/patronInformation/address") raise_error_if("Error getting patron address through Aleph REST APIs.") { (response.parsed_response["get_pat_adrs"].nil? or response.parsed_response["get_pat_adrs"]["address_information"].nil?) } response.parsed_response["get_pat_adrs"]["address_information"] end # Returns an Array of institutions. # Each institution is a Hash containing an array of loans for that institution. # Every method call refreshes the data from the underlying API. # Raises an exception if the response is not valid XML or there are errors. def loans self.response = self.class.get("#{patron_url}/circulationActions/loans?view=full") raise_error_if("Error getting loans through Aleph REST APIs.") { (response.parsed_response["pat_loan_list"].nil? or response.parsed_response["pat_loan_list"]["loans"].nil?) } [response.parsed_response["pat_loan_list"]["loans"]["institution"]].flatten end # Renew the specified item. # Will renew all if item not specified. # Returns an Array of institutions. # Each institution is a Hash containing an array of loan renewals for that institution. # Raises an exception if the response is not valid XML or there are errors. def renew_loans(item_id="") self.response ="#{patron_url}/circulationActions/loans/#{item_id}") raise_error_if("Error renewing loans through Aleph REST APIs.") { (response.parsed_response["renew_loan"].nil? or response.parsed_response["renew_loan"]["renewals"].nil?) } [response.parsed_response["renew_loan"]["renewals"]["institution"]].flatten end # Returns the note associated with the request. def note return (not response.first.last.kind_of?(Hash) or response.first.last["create_hold"].nil?) ? "" : ": #{response.first.last["create_hold"]["note"]["__content__"]}" if response.instance_of?(Hash) end # Returns the error associated with the request. # Returns nil if no error. def error return nil if reply_code == "0000" return "#{reply_text}#{note}" end def patron_url @patron_url ||= "#{rest_url}/patron/#{patron_id}" end private :patron_url def place_hold_xml(params) pickup_location = params[:pickup_location] last_interest_date = params.fetch(:last_interest_date, "") start_interest_date = params.fetch(:start_interest_date, "") sub_author = params.fetch(:sub_author, "") sub_title = params.fetch(:sub_title, "") pages = params.fetch(:pages, "") note_1 = params.fetch(:note_1, "") note_2 = params.fetch(:note_2, "") rush = params.fetch(:rush, "N") build_xml { |xml| xml.send(:"hold-request-parameters") { xml.send :"pickup-location", pickup_location xml.send :"last-interest-date", last_interest_date xml.send :"start-interest-date", start_interest_date xml.send :"sub-author", sub_author xml.send :"sub-title", sub_title xml.send :"pages", pages xml.send :"note-1", note_1 xml.send :"note-2", note_2 xml.send :"rush", rush } } end private :place_hold_xml end end end