require "securerandom" require_relative "formatter" require_relative "citation_item" require "csl/styles" module AsciidoctorBibliography class Citation TEX_MACROS = %w[citet citet* citealt citealt* citep citep* citealp citealp* citeauthor citeauthor* citeyear citeyearpar].freeze MACRO_NAME_REGEXP = TEX_MACROS.dup.concat(%w[cite fullcite]). map { |s| Regexp.escape s }.join("|").freeze REGEXP = /\\?(#{MACRO_NAME_REGEXP}):(?:(\S*?)?\[(|.*?[^\\])\])(?:\+(\S*?)?\[(|.*?[^\\])\])*/ REF_ATTRIBUTES = %i[chapter page section clause].freeze attr_reader :macro, :citation_items def initialize(macro, *target_and_attributes_list_pairs) @uuid = SecureRandom.uuid @macro = macro @citation_items = [] target_and_attributes_list_pairs.compact.each_slice(2).each do |target, attribute_list| @citation_items << do |cite| = target.to_s.empty? ? "default" : target cite.parse_attribute_list attribute_list end end # rubocop:enable Performance/HashEachMethods end def render(bibliographer) formatted_citation = case macro when "cite" render_citation_with_csl(bibliographer) when "fullcite" render_fullcite_with_csl(bibliographer) when *TEX_MACROS render_texmacro_with_csl(bibliographer) end wrap_up_citation citation: formatted_citation, bibliographer: bibliographer end def wrap_up_citation(citation:, bibliographer:) text = citation.dup # TODO: handle hyperlinks here, maybe? text = ["+++", text, "+++"].join if bibliographer.options.passthrough?(:citation) text.prepend "{empty}" if bibliographer.options.prepend_empty?(:citation) text end def render_texmacro_with_csl(bibliographer) filename = ["tex","*", "s"), bibliographer.options.tex_style].join("-") filepath = File.join AsciidoctorBibliography.root, "lib/csl/styles", filename render_citation_with_csl(bibliographer, style: filepath, tex: true) end def render_fullcite_with_csl(bibliographer) formatter =, locale: bibliographer.options.locale) prepare_fullcite_item bibliographer, formatter formatter.render(:bibliography, id: citation_items.first.key).join end def prepare_fullcite_item(bibliographer, formatter) formatter.import([bibliographer.database.find_entry_by_id(citation_items.first.key)]) end def render_citation_with_csl(bibliographer, style:, tex: false) formatter =, locale: bibliographer.options.locale) items = prepare_items bibliographer, formatter, tex: tex formatted_citation = formatter.engine.renderer.render(items, escape_brackets_inside_xref! formatted_citation formatted_citation end def escape_brackets_inside_xref!(string) string.gsub!(/{{{(?.*?)}}}/) do ["[", Regexp.last_match[:xref_label].gsub("]", '\]'), "]"].join end end def prepare_items(bibliographer, formatter, tex: false) # NOTE: when we're using our custom TeX CSL styles prefix/suffix are used as # varieables for metadata instead of as parameters for citations. cites_with_local_attributes = { |cite| prepare_metadata bibliographer, cite, affix: tex } formatter.import cites_with_local_attributes formatter.force_sort!(mode: :citation) { |item| prepare_item bibliographer.options, item, affix: !tex } end def prepare_metadata(bibliographer, cite, affix: false) bibliographer.database.find_entry_by_id(cite.key). merge 'citation-number': bibliographer.appearance_index_of(, cite.key), 'citation-label': cite.key, # TODO: smart label generators 'locator': cite.locator.nil? ? nil : " ", 'prefix': affix ? cite.prefix : nil, 'suffix': affix ? cite.suffix : nil # TODO: why is a non blank 'locator' necessary to display locators set at a later stage? end def prepare_item(options, item, affix: true) # TODO: hyperlink, suppress_author and only_author options ci = citation_items.detect { |c| c.key == } wrap_item item, ci.prefix, ci.suffix if affix id = xref_id "bibliography",, wrap_item item, "xref:#{id}{{{", "}}}" if options.hyperlinks? item.label, item.locator = ci.locator end def wrap_item(item, prefix, suffix) item.prefix = prefix.to_s + item.prefix.to_s item.suffix = item.suffix.to_s + suffix.to_s end def uuid ":#{@uuid}:" end def xref_id(*fragments) fragments.compact.join("-") end end end