require_relative 'one' require_relative 'many' module Alba # This module represents what should be serialized module Resource # @!parse include InstanceMethods # @!parse extend ClassMethods DSLS = {_attributes: {}, _key: nil, _transform_keys: nil, _on_error: nil}.freeze private_constant :DSLS # @private def self.included(base) super base.class_eval do # Initialize DSLS.each do |name, initial| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", initial.dup) unless instance_variable_defined?("@#{name}") end end base.include InstanceMethods base.extend ClassMethods end # Instance methods module InstanceMethods attr_reader :object, :params # @param object [Object] the object to be serialized # @param params [Hash] user-given Hash for arbitrary data def initialize(object, params: {}) @object = object @params = params.freeze DSLS.each_key { |name| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", self.class.public_send(name)) } end # Serialize object into JSON string # # @param key [Symbol] # @return [String] serialized JSON string def serialize(key: nil) key = key.nil? ? _key : key hash = key && key != '' ? {key.to_s => serializable_hash} : serializable_hash end # A Hash for serialization # # @return [Hash] def serializable_hash collection? ? : end alias to_hash serializable_hash private # @return [String] def _key if @_key == true && Alba.inferring demodulized = ActiveSupport::Inflector.demodulize( meth = collection? ? :tableize : :singularize ActiveSupport::Inflector.public_send(meth, demodulized.delete_suffix('Resource').downcase) else @_key.to_s end end def converter lambda do |object| arrays = do |key, attribute| key = transform_key(key) if attribute.is_a?(Array) # Conditional conditional_attribute(object, key, attribute) else [key, fetch_attribute(object, attribute)] end rescue ::Alba::Error, FrozenError raise rescue StandardError => e handle_error(e, object, key, attribute) end arrays.reject(&:empty?).to_h end end def conditional_attribute(object, key, attribute) condition = attribute.last arity = condition.arity return [] if arity <= 1 && ! fetched_attribute = fetch_attribute(object, attribute.first) attr = if attribute.first.is_a?(Alba::Association) attribute.first.object else fetched_attribute end return [] if arity >= 2 && !, attr) [key, fetched_attribute] end def handle_error(error, object, key, attribute) on_error = @_on_error || Alba._on_error case on_error when :raise, nil raise when :nullify [key, nil] when :ignore [] when Proc, object, key, attribute, self.class) else raise ::Alba::Error, "Unknown on_error: #{on_error.inspect}" end end # Override this method to supply custom key transform method def transform_key(key) return key unless @_transform_keys require_relative 'key_transformer' KeyTransformer.transform(key, @_transform_keys) end def fetch_attribute(object, attribute) case attribute when Symbol object.public_send attribute when Proc instance_exec(object, &attribute) when Alba::One, Alba::Many attribute.to_hash(object, params: params) else raise ::Alba::Error, "Unsupported type of attribute: #{attribute.class}" end end def collection? @object.is_a?(Enumerable) end end # Class methods module ClassMethods attr_reader(*DSLS.keys) # @private def inherited(subclass) super DSLS.each_key { |name| subclass.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", instance_variable_get("@#{name}").clone) } end # Set multiple attributes at once # # @param attrs [Array] # @param options [Hash] option hash including `if` that is a condition to render these attributes def attributes(*attrs, **options) attrs.each do |attr_name| attr = options[:if] ? [attr_name.to_sym, options[:if]] : attr_name.to_sym @_attributes[attr_name.to_sym] = attr end end # Set an attribute with the given block # # @param name [String, Symbol] key name # @param options [Hash] option hash including `if` that is a condition to render # @param block [Block] the block called during serialization # @raise [ArgumentError] if block is absent def attribute(name, **options, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'No block given in attribute method' unless block @_attributes[name.to_sym] = options[:if] ? [block, options[:if]] : block end # Set One association # # @param name [String, Symbol] # @param condition [Proc] # @param resource [Class] # @param key [String, Symbol] used as key when given # @param options [Hash] option hash including `if` that is a condition to render # @param block [Block] # @see Alba::One#initialize def one(name, condition = nil, resource: nil, key: nil, **options, &block) nesting ='::')&.first one = name, condition: condition, resource: resource, nesting: nesting, &block) @_attributes[key&.to_sym || name.to_sym] = options[:if] ? [one, options[:if]] : one end alias has_one one # Set Many association # # @param name [String, Symbol] # @param condition [Proc] # @param resource [Class] # @param key [String, Symbol] used as key when given # @param options [Hash] option hash including `if` that is a condition to render # @param block [Block] # @see Alba::Many#initialize def many(name, condition = nil, resource: nil, key: nil, **options, &block) nesting ='::')&.first many = name, condition: condition, resource: resource, nesting: nesting, &block) @_attributes[key&.to_sym || name.to_sym] = options[:if] ? [many, options[:if]] : many end alias has_many many # Set key # # @param key [String, Symbol] def key(key) @_key = key.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? key.to_sym : key end # Set key to true # def key! @_key = true end # Delete attributes # Use this DSL in child class to ignore certain attributes # # @param attributes [Array] def ignoring(*attributes) attributes.each do |attr_name| @_attributes.delete(attr_name.to_sym) end end # Transform keys as specified type # # @param type [String, Symbol] def transform_keys(type) @_transform_keys = type.to_sym end # Set error handler # # @param [Symbol] handler # @param [Block] def on_error(handler = nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'You cannot specify error handler with both Symbol and block' if handler && block raise ArgumentError, 'You must specify error handler with either Symbol or block' unless handler || block @_on_error = handler || block end end end end