Collection `profile` ==================== A profile is a combination of Chef parameters, and Vagrant and Packer configurations. Profiles should provide * `tags, type: hash` EC2 tags to apply to instances and AMIs * `log_level` Chef log-level. Default `:info` ## Collection `artifact` An externally managed resource to push to VMs and image builds, e.g. `bundle.tar.gz` from a Maven build. * `path` The workspace-rooted path to the artifact * `destination` The absolute path on the VM or image at which the artifact should be placed ## Namespace `chef` * `run_list, type: list, singular: run_list_item, unique: true` The Chef runlist for this profile * `environment` The Chef environment to load for this * `node_attrs, type: hash` A hash of node attributes for this profile ## Namespace `packer` Packer configurations for this profile ### Collection `build` Add a packer build * `type` the build provider (e.g. amazon-ebs, virtualbox) * `instance_type` the EC2 instance type to use * `source_ami` The source AMI ID for an `amazon-ebs` * `ssh_username` Default `ubuntu` * `ami_virtualization_type` Default `hvm` * `tagging_role` the name of an IAM role that exists in each remote account that allows the AMI to be retagged Example usage:
profile bake: Config.profile(:default) do |bake| bake.packer do |packer| :default do |build| build.tagging_role 'CreateTagsOnAllImages' end end endExample IAM policy in remote account:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "StmtId", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:CreateTags" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }The above policy needs to be assigned to a role that enables a trust relationship with the account that builds the AMI:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::[ami_builder_account]:user/[ami_builder_user]" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } }## TODO: Share accounts * `ami_name` Name for new AMI * `ami_description` Description for the new AMI ## Namespace `vagrant` Vagrant VM configurations ### Namespace `local` Parameters for a local VM build * `provider` Default `virtualbox` * `box` Default `ubuntu-14.04-x86_64` * `box_url` Default `` * `cpus` Default 2 * `memory` Default 1024 (MB) ## Namespace `ec2` Parameters for the provisioning EC2 nodes with Vagrant * `provider` Default `aws` * `box` Default `dummy` * `box_url` Default `` * `instance_type` * `source_ami` * `ssh_username` * `virtualization_type` * `iam_instance_profile_arn` * `subnet_id` * `security_groups, type: list, singular: security_group, unique: true` * `public_ip` * `ssh_host_attribute` One of: `[:public_ip_address, :dns_name, :private_ip_address]`, Default `:private_ip_address`