## The Task We will write a test to check if a package (specifically HTTPD) is installed and running. To do this we will write two files: 1. `install.rb` - This file will install the package and start the service 2. `mytest.rb` - This file will have our core tests that checks if the package is installed and running Note: We will exclude Windows OS from our testing due to variation of package name. ## Figure out steps What needs to happen in this test: * Install and run HTTPD * Install HTTPD if its not available on our SUT * Start HTTPD service * Testing * Test HTTPD is installed * Test HTTPD service is running ## Create a host configuration file $ beaker-hostgenerator redhat7-64 > redhat7-64.yaml This command will generate a host file for our system under test (SUT). It will use vmpooler as hypervisor for the host. Please check out [this](https://github.com/puppetlabs/beaker/tree/master/docs/how_to/hypervisors) doc to learn more about hypervisors for beaker. ## Install and run HTTPD Make a file named `install.rb` and put the following code into it: ```ruby test_name "Installing and runnning HTTPD" do # Don't run the install script on the following platform confine :except, :platform => 'windows' step "Install HTTPD" do hosts.each do |host| # Install HTTPD if it is not available on our SUT install_package(host, 'httpd') unless check_for_package(host, 'httpd') end end step "Start HTTPD" do hosts.each do |host| # Start HTTPD service on(host, "service httpd start") end end end ``` This places our install steps in a ruby script (`install.rb`) which will run on your SUT. The install.rb script is used in our commandline to beaker, below. ## Create a test file Lets create test file that tests if HTTPD is installed and running on our hosts. Make a file called `mytest.rb` and add the following code to it: ```ruby test_name "Check if HTTPD is installed and running" do # Don't run these tests on the following platform confine :except, :platform => 'windows' step "Make sure HTTPD is installed" do hosts.each do |host| # Check if HTTPD is installed assert check_for_package(host, 'httpd') end end step "Make sure HTTPD is running" do hosts.each do |host| on(host, "systemctl is-active httpd") do |result| # Check if HTTPD is running assert_equal(0, result.exit_code) end end end end ``` ## Run it! You can now run this with beaker --host redhat7-64ma.yaml --pre-suite install.rb --tests mytest.rb Next up you may want to look at the [Beaker test for a module](../how_to/write_a_beaker_test_for_a_module.md) page.