# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: ruby -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Kouhei Sutou <kou@clear-code.com> # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA require "find" require "fileutils" require "shellwords" require "pathname" require "erb" require "yard" require "bundler/gem_helper" require "rake/extensiontask" require "packnga" base_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__)) groonga_ext_dir = File.join(base_dir, "ext", "groonga") groonga_lib_dir = File.join(base_dir, "lib") $LOAD_PATH.unshift(groonga_ext_dir) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(groonga_lib_dir) ENV["RUBYLIB"] = "#{groonga_lib_dir}:#{groonga_ext_dir}:#{ENV['RUBYLIB']}" helper = Bundler::GemHelper.new(base_dir) def helper.version_tag version end helper.install spec = helper.gemspec Packnga::DocumentTask.new(spec) do |task| task.original_language = "en" task.translate_language = "ja" end ranguba_org_dir = Dir.glob("{..,../../www}/ranguba.org").first Packnga::ReleaseTask.new(spec) do |task| task.index_html_dir = ranguba_org_dir end module YARD module CodeObjects class Proxy alias_method :initialize_original, :initialize def initialize(namespace, name, type=nil) name = name.to_s.gsub(/\AGrn(.*)\z/) do suffix = $1 case suffix when "" "Groonga" when "TableKeySupport" "Groonga::Table::KeySupport" else "Groonga::#{suffix}" end end initialize_original(namespace, name, type) end end end end def windows?(platform=nil) platform ||= RUBY_PLATFORM platform =~ /mswin(?!ce)|mingw|cygwin|bccwin/ end def collect_binary_files(binary_dir) binary_files = [] Find.find(binary_dir) do |name| next unless File.file?(name) next if /\.zip\z/i =~ name binary_files << name end binary_files end def windows_gem_name(spec, architecture) "#{spec.name}-#{spec.version}-#{architecture}-mingw32.gem" end relative_vendor_dir = "vendor" relative_binary_dir = File.join("vendor", "local") vendor_dir = File.join(base_dir, relative_vendor_dir) binary_dir = File.join(base_dir, relative_binary_dir) groonga_win32_i386_p = ENV["RROONGA_USE_GROONGA_X64"].nil? Rake::ExtensionTask.new("groonga", spec) do |ext| if groonga_win32_i386_p ext.cross_platform = ["x86-mingw32"] else ext.cross_platform = ["x64-mingw32"] end if windows? ext.gem_spec.files += collect_binary_files(relative_binary_dir) else ext.cross_compile = true ext.cross_compiling do |_spec| if windows?(_spec.platform.to_s) binary_files = collect_binary_files(relative_binary_dir) _spec.files += binary_files end end end end file "Makefile" => ["extconf.rb", "ext/groonga/extconf.rb"] do extconf_args = [] if ENV["TRAVIS"] extconf_args << "--enable-debug-build" end ruby("extconf.rb", *extconf_args) end desc "Configure" task :configure => "Makefile" desc "Run test" task :test => :configure do ruby("-rubygems", "test/run-test.rb") end namespace :test do task :install do gemspec_helper = Rake.application.jeweler.gemspec_helper ruby("-S gem install --user-install #{gemspec_helper.gem_path}") gem_spec = Gem.source_index.find_name("rroonga").last installed_path = gem_spec.full_gem_path ENV["NO_MAKE"] = "yes" ruby("-rubygems", "#{installed_path}/test/run-test.rb") end end desc "Remove Groonga binary directory" namespace :clean do task :groonga do rm_rf binary_dir end end windows_architectures = [:x86, :x64] namespace :build do namespace :windows do ruby_versions = "2.0.0:2.1.6:2.2.2" windows_architectures.each do |architecture| desc "Build gem for Windows #{architecture}" task architecture do build_dir = "tmp/windows" rm_rf build_dir mkdir_p build_dir commands = [ ["git", "clone", "file://#{Dir.pwd}/.git", build_dir], ["cd", build_dir], ["bundle"], ["rake", "cross", "native", "gem", "RUBY_CC_VERSION=#{ruby_versions}"], ] if architecture == :x64 commands.unshift(["export", "RROONGA_USE_GROONGA_X64=true"]) end raw_commands = commands.collect do |command| Shellwords.join(command) end raw_command_line = raw_commands.join(" && ") require "rake_compiler_dock" RakeCompilerDock.sh(raw_command_line) cp("#{build_dir}/pkg/#{windows_gem_name(spec, architecture)}", "pkg/") end end end desc "Build gems for Windows" build_tasks = windows_architectures.collect do |architecture| "windows:#{architecture}" end task :windows => build_tasks end namespace :release do desc "Push gems for Windows to RubyGems.org" task :windows do windows_architectures.each do |architecture| ruby("-S", "gem", "push", "pkg/#{windows_gem_name(spec, architecture)}") end end end task :default => :test