namespace :ci do desc 'Test the system' task :minitest do raise 'Your test command must be the rake default' unless Rake::Task.task_defined?('default') # Run the tests test_cmd = 'bundle exec rake ci:minitest:setup ci:simplecov:setup default' system test_cmd Rake::Task['ci:minitest:process'].invoke next if ENV['RAKECI_HEADLESS'] puts @metrics.inspect puts @attachments.inspect end namespace :minitest do desc 'setup' task :setup do # Ensure the rake_ci plugin auto-enables: ENV['MINITEST_RAKE_CI'] = 'true' end desc 'process' task :process do require 'minitest/rake_ci' @attachments ||= [] @metrics ||= [] rake_ci_reporter = hash = rake_ci_reporter.load_current_commit_hash if hash.nil? # Tests didn't run properly attachment = { color: 'danger', title: 'Testing Error', text: "Minitest didn't run properly", footer: 'bundle exec rake ci:minitest', mrkdwn_in: ['text'] } @attachments << attachment next end # Test(s) ran Rake::Task['ci:simplecov:process'].invoke if hash[:statistics][:failures].zero? && hash[:statistics][:errors].zero? && Rake::Task.task_defined?('ci:redmine:update_tickets') # Test(s) passing Rake::Task['ci:redmine:update_tickets'].invoke end @attachments.concat(hash[:attachments]) @metrics.concat(hash[:metrics]) end end end