# Changelog ## 0.7.0 Breaking changes: - Require confirmation token before enabling Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to ensure that user has added OTP token properly to their device - Update DeviseAuthenticatable to redirect user (rather than login user) when OTP is enabled - Remove OtpAuthenticatable callbacks for setting OTP credentials on create action (no longer needed) - Replace OtpAuthenticatable "reset_otp_credentials" methods with "clear_otp_fields!" method - Update otp_tokens#edit to populate OTP secrets (rather than assuming they are populated via callbacks in OTPDeviseAuthenticatable module) - Repurpose otp_tokens#destroy to disable 2FA and clear OTP secrets (rather than resetting them) - Add reset token action and hide/repurpose disable token action - Update disable action to preserve the existing token secret - Hide button for mandatory OTP - Add Refreshable hook, and tie into after\_set\_user calback - Utilize native warden session for scoping of credentials\_refreshed\_at and refresh\_return\_url properties - Require adding "ensure\_mandatory\_{scope}\_otp! to controllers for mandatory OTP - Update locales to support the new workflow ### Upgrading Regenerate your views with `rails g devise_otp:views` and update locales. Changes to locales: - Remove: - otp_tokens.enable_request - otp_tokens.status - otp_tokens.submit - Add to otp_tokens scope: - enable_link - Move/rename devise.otp.token_secret.reset_\* values to devise.otp.otp_tokens.disable_\* (for consistency with "enable_link") - disable_link - disable_explain - disable_explain_warn - Add to new edit_otp_token scope: - title - lead_in - step1 - step2 - confirmation_code - submit - Move "explain" to new edit_otp_token scope - Add devise.otp.otp_tokens.could_not_confirm - Rename "successfully_reset_creds" to "successfully_disabled_otp" You can grab the full locale file [here](https://github.com/wmlele/devise-otp/blob/master/config/locales/en.yml). ## 0.6.0 Improvements: - support rails 6.1 by @cotcomsol in #67 Fixes: - mandatory otp fix by @cotcomsol in #68 - remove success message by @strzibny in #69