describe RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording, :config do subject(:cop) { } context 'with configuration' do let(:cop_config) do { 'CustomTransform' => { 'have' => 'has', 'not' => 'does not' }, 'IgnoredWords' => %w(only really) } end it 'ignores non-example blocks' do inspect_source(cop, 'foo "should do something" do; end') expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'finds description with `should` at the beginning' do inspect_source(cop, ["it 'should do something' do", 'end']) expect(cop.offenses.size).to eq(1) expect( eq([1]) expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Do not use should when describing your tests.']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq(['should do something']) end it 'finds description with `Should` at the beginning' do inspect_source(cop, ["it 'Should do something' do", 'end']) expect(cop.offenses.size).to eq(1) expect( eq([1]) expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Do not use should when describing your tests.']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq(['Should do something']) end it 'finds description with `shouldn\'t` at the beginning' do inspect_source(cop, ['it "shouldn\'t do something" do', 'end']) expect(cop.offenses.size).to eq(1) expect( eq([1]) expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Do not use should when describing your tests.']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq(['shouldn\'t do something']) end it 'skips descriptions without `should` at the beginning' do inspect_source( cop, [ "it 'finds no should ' \\", " 'here' do", 'end' ] ) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'corrects `it "should only have"` to it "only has"' do corrected = autocorrect_source(cop, 'it "should only have trait" do end') expect(corrected).to eql('it "only has trait" do end') end end context 'when configuration is empty' do it 'only does not correct "have"' do corrected = autocorrect_source(cop, 'it "should have trait" do end') expect(corrected).to eql('it "haves trait" do end') end it 'only does not make an exception for the word "only"' do corrected = autocorrect_source(cop, 'it "should only fail" do end') expect(corrected).to eql('it "onlies fail" do end') end end end