# based on pry-doc.rb # (C) John Mair (banisterfiend); MIT license direc = File.dirname(__FILE__) require "#{direc}/core_docs/version" require "yard" module CoreDocs def self.load_yardoc(version) path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/core_docs/core_docs_#{ version }" YARD::Registry.load_yardoc(path) end end if RUBY_VERSION =~ /\A(2|3)\.(\d)/ CoreDocs.load_yardoc("#$1.#$2") else warn "Cannot load core docs for ruby version #{RUBY_VERSION}" end # do not use pry-doc if rbx is active # if !Object.const_defined?(:RUBY_ENGINE) || RUBY_ENGINE !~ /rbx/ # self.config.has_pry_doc = true # end module CoreDocs module MethodInfo # Convert a method object into the `Class#method` string notation. # @param [Method, UnboundMethod] meth # @return [String] The method in string receiver notation. # @note This mess is needed in order to support all the modern Rubies. YOU # must figure out a better way to distinguish between class methods and # instance methods. def self.receiver_notation_for(meth) match = meth.inspect.match(/\A#<(?:Unbound)?Method: (.+)([#\.].+)>\z/) owner = meth.owner.to_s.sub(/#<.+?:(.+?)>/, '\1') name = match[2] name.sub!('#', '.') if match[1] =~ /\A#/ true else false end end # Attempts to find the c source files if method belongs to a gem # and use YARD to parse and cache the source files for display # # @param [Method, UnboundMethod] meth The method object. def self.parse_and_cache_if_gem_cext(meth) if gem_dir = find_gem_dir(meth) if c_files_found?(gem_dir) warn "Scanning and caching *.c files..." YARD.parse("#{gem_dir}/**/*.c") end end end # @param [String] root directory path of gem that method belongs to # @return [Boolean] true if c files exist? def self.c_files_found?(gem_dir) Dir.glob("#{gem_dir}/**/*.c").count > 0 end # @return [Object] The host of the method (receiver or owner). def self.method_host(meth) is_singleton?(meth) && Module === meth.receiver ? meth.receiver : meth.owner end # FIXME: this is unnecessarily limited to ext/ and lib/ folders # @return [String] The root folder of a given gem directory. def self.gem_root(dir) if index = dir.rindex(/\/(?:lib|ext)(?:\/|$)/) dir[0..index-1] end end # @param [Method, UnboundMethod] meth The method object. # @return [String] root directory path of gem that method belongs to, # nil if could not be found def self.find_gem_dir(meth) # host = method_host(meth) # begin # host_source_location, _ = WrappedModule.new(host).source_location # break if host_source_location != nil # return unless host.name # host = eval(host.namespace_name) # end while host # # we want to exclude all source_locations that aren't gems (i.e # # stdlib) # if host_source_location && host_source_location =~ %r{/gems/} # gem_root(host_source_location) # else # the WrappedModule approach failed, so try our backup approach gem_dir_from_method(meth) # end end # Try to guess what the gem name will be based on the name of the module. # We try a few approaches here depending on the `guess` parameter. # @param [String] name The name of the module. # @param [Fixnum] guess The current guessing approach to use. # @return [String, nil] The guessed gem name, or `nil` if out of guesses. def self.guess_gem_name_from_module_name(name, guess) case guess when 0 name.downcase when 1 name.scan(/[A-Z][a-z]+/).map(&:downcase).join('_') when 2 name.scan(/[A-Z][a-z]+/).map(&:downcase).join('_').sub("_", "-") when 3 name.scan(/[A-Z][a-z]+/).map(&:downcase).join('-') when 4 name else nil end end # Try to recover the gem directory of a gem based on a method object. # @param [Method, UnboundMethod] meth The method object. # @return [String, nil] The located gem directory. def self.gem_dir_from_method(meth) guess = 0 host = method_host(meth) return unless host.name root_module_name = host.name.split("::").first while gem_name = guess_gem_name_from_module_name(root_module_name, guess) matches = $LOAD_PATH.grep %r{/gems/#{gem_name}} if !gem_name.empty? if matches && matches.any? return gem_root(matches.first) else guess += 1 end end nil end # Cache the file that holds the method or return immediately if file is # already cached. Return if the method cannot be cached - # i.e is a C stdlib method. # @param [Method, UnboundMethod] meth The method object. def self.cache(meth) file, _ = meth.source_location return if is_eval_method?(meth) return if cached?(meth) if !file parse_and_cache_if_gem_cext(meth) return end log.enter_level(Logger::FATAL) do YARD.parse(file) end end end end