package com.game_machine.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import GameMachine.Messages.TrackData; public class Grid { private float max; private int cellSize = 0; private float convFactor; private int width; private int cellCount; private MovementVerifier movementVerifier; public static ConcurrentHashMap grids = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private ConcurrentHashMap deltaIndex = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private ConcurrentHashMap objectIndex = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private ConcurrentHashMap cellsIndex = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private ConcurrentHashMap> cells = new ConcurrentHashMap>(); private ConcurrentHashMap> cellsCache = new ConcurrentHashMap>(); public static void resetGrids() { grids = new ConcurrentHashMap(); } public static synchronized Grid findOrCreate(String name, int gridSize, int cellSize) { if (grids.containsKey(name)) { return grids.get(name); } else { Grid grid = new Grid(gridSize,cellSize); grids.put(name, grid); return grid; } } public static Grid find(String name) { if (grids.containsKey(name)) { return grids.get(name); } else { return null; } } public Grid(int max, int cellSize) { this.max = max; this.cellSize = cellSize; this.convFactor = 1.0f / this.cellSize; this.width = (int) (this.max / this.cellSize); this.cellCount = this.width * this.width; } public void setMovementVerifier(MovementVerifier movementVerifier) { this.movementVerifier = movementVerifier; } public int getWidth() { return this.width; } public int getCellCount() { return this.cellCount; } public Set cellsWithinRadius(float x, float y) { int cellHash = hash(x, y); return cellsWithinRadius(cellHash, x, y); } public Set cellsWithinRadius(int cellHash, float x, float y) { int key = cellHash; Set cells = cellsCache.get(key); if (cells != null) { return cells; } cells = new HashSet(); int offset = this.cellSize; int startX = (int) (x - offset); int startY = (int) (y - offset); int endX = (int) (x + offset); int endY = (int) (y + offset); for (int rowNum = startX; rowNum <= endX; rowNum += this.cellSize) { for (int colNum = startY; colNum <= endY; colNum += this.cellSize) { if (rowNum >= 0 && colNum >= 0) { cells.add(hash(rowNum, colNum)); } } } cellsCache.put(key, cells); return cells; } public ArrayList neighbors(float x, float y, String entityType) { int myCell = hash(x, y); return neighbors(myCell, x, y, entityType); } // This could be optimized more (and gridValuesInCell), but it's simply dwarfed by // the overhead of serialization that at this point it's not really worth it. // - entityType should be an integer // - where we call gridValuesInCell, filter out by entity type there. // - and then just concat the return values of gridValuesInCell instead of building // result one item at a time public ArrayList neighbors(int myCell, float x, float y, String entityType) { ArrayList result; TrackData[] gridValues; result = new ArrayList(); Set cells = cellsWithinRadius(myCell, x, y); for (int cell : cells) { gridValues = gridValuesInCell(cell); if (gridValues != null) { for (TrackData gridValue : gridValues) { if (gridValue != null) { if (entityType == null) { result.add(gridValue); } else if (gridValue.entityType.equals(entityType)) { result.add(gridValue); } } } } } return result; } public TrackData[] gridValuesInCell(int cell) { ConcurrentHashMap cellGridValues = cells.get(cell); if (cellGridValues != null) { TrackData[] a = new TrackData[cellGridValues.size()]; cellGridValues.values().toArray(a); return a; // return cellGridValues.values(); } else { return null; } } public void updateFromDelta(TrackData[] gridValues) { for (TrackData gridValue : gridValues) { if (gridValue != null) { objectIndex.put(, gridValue); } } } public TrackData[] currentDelta() { TrackData[] a = new TrackData[deltaIndex.size()]; deltaIndex.values().toArray(a); deltaIndex.clear(); return a; } public ArrayList getNeighborsFor(String id, String entityType) { TrackData gridValue = get(id); if (gridValue == null) { return null; } return neighbors(gridValue.x, gridValue.y, entityType); } public TrackData get(String id) { return objectIndex.get(id); } public void remove(String id) { TrackData indexValue = objectIndex.get(id); if (indexValue != null) { int cell = cellsIndex.get(id); ConcurrentHashMap cellGridValues = cells.get(cell); if (cellGridValues != null) { cellGridValues.remove(id); } objectIndex.remove(id); cellsIndex.remove(id); } } public Boolean set(String id, float x, float y, float z, String entityType) { TrackData trackData = new TrackData(); = id; trackData.x = x; trackData.y = y; trackData.z = z; trackData.entityType = entityType; return set(trackData); } public Boolean set(TrackData trackData) { if (trackData.entityType.equals("player")) { if (movementVerifier != null) { if (!movementVerifier.verify(trackData)) { return false; } } } Boolean hasExisting = false; Integer oldCellValue = -1; String id =; if (objectIndex.containsKey(id)) { hasExisting = true; oldCellValue = cellsIndex.get(id); } int cell = hash(trackData.x, trackData.y); if (hasExisting) { if (oldCellValue != cell) { ConcurrentHashMap cellGridValues = cells.get(oldCellValue); cellGridValues.remove(id); if (cellGridValues.size() == 0) { cells.remove(oldCellValue); } } objectIndex.replace(id, trackData); cellsIndex.replace(id, cell); } else { cellsIndex.put(id, cell); objectIndex.put(id, trackData); } if (!cells.containsKey(cell)) { cells.put(cell, new ConcurrentHashMap()); } cells.get(cell).put(id, trackData); //deltaIndex.put(id, gridValue); return true; } public int hash2(float x, float y) { return (int) (Math.floor(x / this.cellSize) + Math.floor(y / this.cellSize) * width); } public int hash(float x, float y) { return (int) ((x * this.convFactor)) + (int) ((y * this.convFactor)) * this.width; } }