# gem-compare *gem-compare* is a RubyGems plugin that compares different versions of the specified gem. It can help you to track changes in metadata through the time, see how dependencies were evolving and spot important changes in gem's files such as shebang or permissions modifications. This is especially handy for: - checking what goes into to a next gem release - tracking dependencies and license changes before upgrades - spotting anything suspicious and unusual ## Installation You can install `gem-compare` as a gem from RubyGems.org: ```bash $ gem install gem-compare ``` You'll also need header files for `curl` to install the `curb` dependency. On Fedora, run: ```bash $ sudo dnf install -y libcurl-devel ``` ## Usage By default, `gem-compare` compares specified versions of the given gem and includes only changes in the final report. If it's supposed to compare file lists or Gemfiles it will need to download the gems, otherwise it just downloads the specs. If you want to keep the downloaded `.gem` files, use `-k` (as 'keep') option. If you want to see the full report use `-a` (as 'all') switch: ``` $ gem compare rails 3.0.0 4.0.0 -k Compared versions: ["3.0.0", "4.0.0"] DIFFERENT date: 3.0.0: 2010-08-29 00:00:00 UTC 4.0.0: 2013-06-25 00:00:00 UTC DIFFERENT executables: 3.0.0: ["rails"] 4.0.0: [] DIFFERENT has_rdoc: 3.0.0: true 4.0.0: DIFFERENT license: 3.0.0: 4.0.0: MIT DIFFERENT licenses: 3.0.0: [] 4.0.0: ["MIT"] DIFFERENT required_ruby_version: 3.0.0: >= 1.8.7 4.0.0: >= 1.9.3 DIFFERENT required_rubygems_version: 3.0.0: >= 1.3.6 4.0.0: >= 1.8.11 DIFFERENT rubygems_version: 3.0.0: 1.3.7 4.0.0: 2.0.2 DIFFERENT version: 3.0.0: 3.0.0 4.0.0: 4.0.0 DIFFERENT files: 3.0.0->4.0.0: * Deleted: bin/rails * Added: README.md guides/assets/images/belongs_to.png guides/assets/images/book_icon.gif (...) ``` You can also specify what you are interested in by using -p (as 'param') option: ``` $ gem compare activesupport 4.0.0 4.1.0 -p 'runtime_dependency' Compared versions: ["4.0.0", "4.1.0"] DIFFERENT runtime dependencies: 4.0.0->4.1.0: * Deleted: multi_json ["~> 1.3"] (runtime) * Added: json [">= 1.7.7", "~> 1.7"] (runtime) * Updated: i18n from: [">= 0.6.4", "~> 0.6"] to: [">= 0.6.9", "~> 0.6"] tzinfo from: ["~> 0.3.37"] to: ["~> 1.1"] minitest from: ["~> 4.2"] to: ["~> 5.1"] ``` There are also shortcuts for favourite options. Use `--runtime` for runtime dependencies, `--gemfiles` for comparing Gemfiles or `--files` for comparing file lists: ``` $ gem compare rails 2.0.1 3.0.0 -k --files Compared versions: ["2.0.1", "3.0.0"] DIFFERENT files: 2.0.1->3.0.0: * Deleted: bin builtin CHANGELOG configs dispatches doc environments fresh_rakefile helpers html lib MIT-LICENSE (...) * Changed: bin/rails 7/17 (!) New permissions: 100644 -> 100755 (!) File is now executable! (!) Shebang probably added: #!/usr/bin/env ruby ``` If you would like to see all development dependencies for `prawn` since `0.1` version, let *gem-compare* expand the versions for you (`>=0.0` won't work as RubyGems asks for the latest spec only): ``` $ gem compare prawn '>=0.1' -k -a --development Compared versions: ["0.1.0", "0.1.1", "0.1.2", "0.2.0", "0.2.1", "0.2.2", "0.2.3", "0.3.0", "0.4.0", "0.4.1", "", "0.5.1", "0.6.1", "0.6.2", "0.6.3", "0.7.1", "0.7.2", "0.8.4", "0.11.1", "0.12.0", "0.13.0", "0.13.1", "0.13.2", "0.14.0", "0.15.0", "1.0.0", "1.1.0"] DIFFERENT development dependencies: 0.12.0->0.13.0: * Added: pdf-inspector ["~> 1.1.0"] (development) coderay ["~> 1.0.7"] (development) rdoc [">= 0"] (development) 0.13.2->0.14.0: * Deleted: rdoc [">= 0"] (development) * Added: yard [">= 0"] (development) rspec [">= 0"] (development) mocha [">= 0"] (development) rake [">= 0"] (development) 0.14.0->0.15.0: * Added: simplecov [">= 0"] (development) pdf-reader ["~> 1.2"] (development) 1.0.0->1.1.0: * Added: prawn-manual_builder [">= 0.1.1"] (development) rubocop ["= 0.20.1"] (development) * Updated: rspec from: [">= 0"] to: ["= 2.14.1"] ``` #### Platforms *gem-compare* supports querying different gem platforms via standard `--platform` option. To compare nokogiri gem on different platform run: ``` $ gem compare nokogiri 1.5.6 1.6.1 -ak --platform java # for JRuby $ gem compare nokogiri 1.5.6 1.6.1 -ak --platform x86-mingw32 # on Windows ``` #### Gems from different source server If you run your own gem source server, you can override the RubyGems.org default with `--sources SOURCE1,SOURCE2` option. ### Supported options To see all possible options run: ``` $ gem compare --help ``` ## Requirements Currently tested against RubyGems 3.x. Use the `0.0.7` release for RubyGems 2.x. ## Copyright Made by [Josef Strzibny](https://strzibny.name). Released under the MIT license. Feel free to contribute!