require 'json' require 'tilt/erb' require 'sinatra/base' require 'rest-client' require 'sequenceserver/job' require 'sequenceserver/blast' require 'sequenceserver/blast/tasks' require 'sequenceserver/report' require 'sequenceserver/database' require 'sequenceserver/sequence' require 'rack/csrf' module SequenceServer # Controller. class Routes < Sinatra::Base # See # configure do # We don't need Rack::MethodOverride. Let's avoid the overhead. disable :method_override # Ensure exceptions never leak out of the app. Exceptions raised within # the app must be handled by the app. disable :show_exceptions, :raise_errors # Make it a policy to dump to 'rack.errors' any exception raised by the # app. enable :dump_errors # We don't want Sinatra do setup any loggers for us. We will use our own. set :logging, nil # Override in if the instance is served under a subpath # e.g. for set to '/our-sequenceserver' set :root_path_prefix, '' set :search_layout, :'search_layout' end # See # configure do mime_type :fasta, 'text/fasta' mime_type :xml, 'text/xml' mime_type :tsv, 'text/tsv' end configure do # Public, and views directory will be found here. set :root, File.join(__dir__, '..', '..') # Allow :frame_options to be configured for Rack::Protection. # # By default _any website_ can embed SequenceServer in an iframe. To # change this, set `:frame_options` config to :deny, :sameorigin, or # 'ALLOW-FROM uri'. set :protection, lambda { frame_options = SequenceServer.config[:frame_options] frame_options && { frame_options: frame_options } } use( Rack::Session::Cookie, key: 'rack.session.sequenceserver', secret: ENV.fetch('SESSION_SECRET') { SecureRandom.alphanumeric(64) } ) use Rack::Csrf, raise: true, skip: ['POST:/cloud_share'] end unless ENV['SEQUENCE_SERVER_COMPRESS_RESPONSES'] == 'false' # Serve compressed responses. use Rack::Deflater end # For any request that hits the app, log incoming params at debug level. before do logger.debug params end # Set JSON content type for JSON endpoints. before '*.json' do content_type 'application/json' end # Returns base HTML. Rest happens client-side: rendering the search form. get '/' do erb :search, layout: settings.search_layout end # Returns data that is used to render the search form client side. These # include available databases and user-defined search options. get '/searchdata.json' do searchdata = { query: Database.retrieve(params[:query]), database: Database.all, options: SequenceServer.config[:options], blastTaskMap: SequenceServer::BLAST::Tasks.to_h } searchdata.update(tree: Database.tree) if SequenceServer.config[:databases_widget] == 'tree' # If a job_id is specified, update searchdata from job meta data (i.e., # query, pre-selected databases, advanced options used). Query is only # updated if params[:query] is not specified. update_searchdata_from_job(searchdata) if params[:job_id] searchdata.to_json end # Queues a search job and redirects to `/:jid`. post '/' do if params[:input_sequence] @input_sequence = params[:input_sequence] erb :search, layout: settings.search_layout else job = Job.create(params) redirect to("/#{}") end end # Returns results for the given job id in JSON format. Returns 202 with # an empty body if the job hasn't finished yet. get '/:jid.json' do |jid| job = Job.fetch(jid) halt 404, { error: 'Job not found' }.to_json if job.nil? halt 202 unless job.done? report = halt 202 unless report.done? if display_large_result_warning?(report.xml_file_size) halt 200, large_result_warning_payload(jid).to_json end report.to_json end # Returns base HTML. Rest happens client-side: polling for and rendering # the results. get '/:jid' do |jid| job = Job.fetch(jid) halt 404,, 'public/404.html')) if job.nil? erb :report, layout: true end # @params sequence_ids: whitespace separated list of sequence ids to # retrieve # @params database_ids: whitespace separated list of database ids to # retrieve the sequence from. # @params download: whether to return raw response or initiate file # download # # Use whitespace to separate entries in sequence_ids (all other chars exist # in identifiers) and retreival_databases (we don't allow whitespace in a # database's name, so it's safe). get '/get_sequence/' do sequence_ids = params[:sequence_ids].to_s.split(',') database_ids = params[:database_ids].to_s.split(',') if sequence_ids.empty? status 422 return { error: 'No sequence ids provided' }.to_json end if database_ids.empty? status 422 return { error: 'No database ids provided' }.to_json end sequences =, database_ids) sequences.to_json end post '/get_sequence' do sequence_ids = params['sequence_ids'].to_s.split(',') database_ids = params['database_ids'].to_s.split(',') if sequence_ids.empty? status 422 return 'No sequence ids provided' end if database_ids.empty? status 422 return 'No database ids provided' end sequences =, database_ids, true) send_file(sequences.file.path, type: sequences.mime, filename: sequences.filename) end # Download BLAST report in various formats. get '/download/:jid.:type' do |jid, type| job = Job.fetch(jid) halt 404, { error: 'Job not found' }.to_json if job.nil? out =, type) halt 404, { error: 'File not found"' }.to_json unless File.exist?(out.filepath) send_file out.filepath, filename: out.filename, type: out.mime end post '/cloud_share' do content_type :json request_params = JSON.parse( job = Job.fetch(request_params['job_id']) halt 404, { error: 'Job not found' }.to_json if job.nil? unless job.done? status 422 { errors: ["Job #{request_params['job_id']} is not finished yet."] }.to_json end unless SequenceServer.config[:cloud_share_url] status 503 { errors: ['Sorry, cloud sharing is not enabled on this server.'] }.to_json end begin job.as_archived_file do |archived_job_file| cloud_share_response = SequenceServer.config[:cloud_share_url], { shared_job: { sender: { email: request_params['sender_email'] }, archived_job_file: archived_job_file, original_job_id: } } ) return cloud_share_response.body end rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => e cloud_share_response = e.response case cloud_share_response.code when 413 halt 413, { errors: ['Sorry, the results are too large to share, please consider \ using'] }.to_json when 422 halt 422, JSON.parse(cloud_share_response.body).to_json else error cloud_share_response.code, { errors: ["Unexpected Cloudshare response: #{cloud_share_response.code}"] }.to_json end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED error 503, { errors: ['Sorry, the cloud sharing server may not be running. Try again later.'] }.to_json end end # Catches any exception raised within the app and returns JSON # representation of the error: # { # title: ..., // plain text # message: ..., // plain or HTML text # more_info: ..., // pre-formatted text # } # # If the error class defines `http_status` instance method, its return # value will be used to set HTTP status. HTTP status is set to 500 # otherwise. # # If the error class defines `title` instance method, its return value # will be used as title. Otherwise name of the error class is used as # title. # # All error classes should define `message` instance method that provides # a short and simple explanation of the error. # # If the error class defines `more_info` instance method, its return value # will be used as more_info, otherwise `backtrace.join("\n")` is used as # more_info. error 400..500 do error = env['sinatra.error'] return unless error # All errors will have a message. error_data = { message: error.message } # If error object has a title method, use that, or use name of the # error class as title. error_data[:title] = if error.respond_to? :title error.title else end # If error object has a more_info method, use that. If the error does not # have more_info, use backtrace.join("\n") as more_info. if error.respond_to? :more_info error_data[:more_info] = error.more_info elsif error.respond_to? :backtrace error_data[:more_info] = error.backtrace.join("\n") end if request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].to_s.include?('application/json') status 422 content_type :json error_data.to_json else content_type :html erb :error, locals: { error_data: error_data }, layout: true end end # Get the query sequences, selected databases, and advanced params used. def update_searchdata_from_job(searchdata) job = fetch_job(params[:job_id]) return { error: 'Job not found' }.to_json if job.nil? return if job.imported_xml_file # Only read job.qfile if we are not going to use Database.retrieve. searchdata[:query] = unless params[:query] # Which databases to pre-select. searchdata[:preSelectedDbs] = job.databases # job.advanced may be nil in case of old jobs. In this case, we do not # override searchdata so that default advanced parameters can be applied. # Note that, job.advanced will be an empty string if a user deletes the # default advanced parameters from the advanced params input field. In # this case, we do want the advanced params input field to be empty when # the user hits the back button. Thus we do not test for empty string. method = job.method.to_sym if job.advanced && job.advanced != searchdata.dig(:options, method, :default, :attributes).to_a.join(' ') searchdata[:options] = searchdata[:options].deep_copy searchdata[:options][method]['last search'] = { attributes: [job.advanced] } end end def display_large_result_warning?(xml_file_size) threshold = SequenceServer.config[:large_result_warning_threshold].to_i return false unless threshold.positive? return false if params[:bypass_file_size_warning] == 'true' xml_file_size > threshold end def large_result_warning_payload(jid) { user_warning: 'LARGE_RESULT', download_links: [ { name: 'Standard Tabular Report', url: "download/#{jid}.std_tsv" }, { name: 'Full Tabular Report', url: "/download/#{jid}.full_tsv" }, { name: 'Results in XML', url: "/download/#{jid}.xml" }, { name: 'Pairwise', url: "/download/#{jid}.pairwise" }, ] } end helpers do def root_path_prefix settings.root_path_prefix.to_s end end private def fetch_job(job_id) Job.fetch(job_id) end end end