# frozen_string_literal: true module Files class RemoteServer attr_reader :options, :attributes def initialize(attributes = {}, options = {}) @attributes = attributes || {} @options = options || {} end # int64 - Remote server ID def id @attributes[:id] end def id=(value) @attributes[:id] = value end # boolean - If true, this server has been disabled due to failures. Make any change or set disabled to false to clear this flag. def disabled @attributes[:disabled] end def disabled=(value) @attributes[:disabled] = value end # string - Type of authentication method def authentication_method @attributes[:authentication_method] end def authentication_method=(value) @attributes[:authentication_method] = value end # string - Hostname or IP address def hostname @attributes[:hostname] end def hostname=(value) @attributes[:hostname] = value end # string - Initial home folder on remote server def remote_home_path @attributes[:remote_home_path] end def remote_home_path=(value) @attributes[:remote_home_path] = value end # string - Internal name for your reference def name @attributes[:name] end def name=(value) @attributes[:name] = value end # int64 - Port for remote server. Not needed for S3. def port @attributes[:port] end def port=(value) @attributes[:port] = value end # int64 - Max number of parallel connections. Ignored for S3 connections (we will parallelize these as much as possible). def max_connections @attributes[:max_connections] end def max_connections=(value) @attributes[:max_connections] = value end # boolean - If true, we will ensure that all communications with this remote server are made through the primary region of the site. This setting can also be overridden by a sitewide setting which will force it to true. def pin_to_site_region @attributes[:pin_to_site_region] end def pin_to_site_region=(value) @attributes[:pin_to_site_region] = value end # string - If set, all communciations with this remote server are made through the provided region. def pinned_region @attributes[:pinned_region] end def pinned_region=(value) @attributes[:pinned_region] = value end # string - S3 bucket name def s3_bucket @attributes[:s3_bucket] end def s3_bucket=(value) @attributes[:s3_bucket] = value end # string - S3 region def s3_region @attributes[:s3_region] end def s3_region=(value) @attributes[:s3_region] = value end # string - AWS Access Key. def aws_access_key @attributes[:aws_access_key] end def aws_access_key=(value) @attributes[:aws_access_key] = value end # string - Remote server certificate def server_certificate @attributes[:server_certificate] end def server_certificate=(value) @attributes[:server_certificate] = value end # string - Remote server SSH Host Key. If provided, we will require that the server host key matches the provided key. Uses OpenSSH format similar to what would go into ~/.ssh/known_hosts def server_host_key @attributes[:server_host_key] end def server_host_key=(value) @attributes[:server_host_key] = value end # string - Remote server type. def server_type @attributes[:server_type] end def server_type=(value) @attributes[:server_type] = value end # string - Should we require SSL? def ssl @attributes[:ssl] end def ssl=(value) @attributes[:ssl] = value end # string - Remote server username. Not needed for S3 buckets. def username @attributes[:username] end def username=(value) @attributes[:username] = value end # string - Google Cloud Storage bucket name def google_cloud_storage_bucket @attributes[:google_cloud_storage_bucket] end def google_cloud_storage_bucket=(value) @attributes[:google_cloud_storage_bucket] = value end # string - Google Cloud Project ID def google_cloud_storage_project_id @attributes[:google_cloud_storage_project_id] end def google_cloud_storage_project_id=(value) @attributes[:google_cloud_storage_project_id] = value end # string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage S3 Endpoint def backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint @attributes[:backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint] end def backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint=(value) @attributes[:backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint] = value end # string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Bucket name def backblaze_b2_bucket @attributes[:backblaze_b2_bucket] end def backblaze_b2_bucket=(value) @attributes[:backblaze_b2_bucket] = value end # string - Wasabi Bucket name def wasabi_bucket @attributes[:wasabi_bucket] end def wasabi_bucket=(value) @attributes[:wasabi_bucket] = value end # string - Wasabi region def wasabi_region @attributes[:wasabi_region] end def wasabi_region=(value) @attributes[:wasabi_region] = value end # string - Wasabi access key. def wasabi_access_key @attributes[:wasabi_access_key] end def wasabi_access_key=(value) @attributes[:wasabi_access_key] = value end # string - Rackspace username used to login to the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel. def rackspace_username @attributes[:rackspace_username] end def rackspace_username=(value) @attributes[:rackspace_username] = value end # string - Three letter airport code for Rackspace region. See https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/about-regions/ def rackspace_region @attributes[:rackspace_region] end def rackspace_region=(value) @attributes[:rackspace_region] = value end # string - The name of the container (top level directory) where files will sync. def rackspace_container @attributes[:rackspace_container] end def rackspace_container=(value) @attributes[:rackspace_container] = value end # string - Returns link to login with an Oauth provider def auth_setup_link @attributes[:auth_setup_link] end def auth_setup_link=(value) @attributes[:auth_setup_link] = value end # string - Either `in_setup` or `complete` def auth_status @attributes[:auth_status] end def auth_status=(value) @attributes[:auth_status] = value end # string - Describes the authorized account def auth_account_name @attributes[:auth_account_name] end def auth_account_name=(value) @attributes[:auth_account_name] = value end # string - Either personal or business_other account types def one_drive_account_type @attributes[:one_drive_account_type] end def one_drive_account_type=(value) @attributes[:one_drive_account_type] = value end # string - Azure Blob Storage Account name def azure_blob_storage_account @attributes[:azure_blob_storage_account] end def azure_blob_storage_account=(value) @attributes[:azure_blob_storage_account] = value end # string - Azure Blob Storage Container name def azure_blob_storage_container @attributes[:azure_blob_storage_container] end def azure_blob_storage_container=(value) @attributes[:azure_blob_storage_container] = value end # boolean - Enable when storage account has hierarchical namespace feature enabled def azure_blob_storage_hierarchical_namespace @attributes[:azure_blob_storage_hierarchical_namespace] end def azure_blob_storage_hierarchical_namespace=(value) @attributes[:azure_blob_storage_hierarchical_namespace] = value end # string - Azure File Storage Account name def azure_files_storage_account @attributes[:azure_files_storage_account] end def azure_files_storage_account=(value) @attributes[:azure_files_storage_account] = value end # string - Azure File Storage Share name def azure_files_storage_share_name @attributes[:azure_files_storage_share_name] end def azure_files_storage_share_name=(value) @attributes[:azure_files_storage_share_name] = value end # string - S3-compatible Bucket name def s3_compatible_bucket @attributes[:s3_compatible_bucket] end def s3_compatible_bucket=(value) @attributes[:s3_compatible_bucket] = value end # string - S3-compatible endpoint def s3_compatible_endpoint @attributes[:s3_compatible_endpoint] end def s3_compatible_endpoint=(value) @attributes[:s3_compatible_endpoint] = value end # string - S3-compatible endpoint def s3_compatible_region @attributes[:s3_compatible_region] end def s3_compatible_region=(value) @attributes[:s3_compatible_region] = value end # string - S3-compatible Access Key. def s3_compatible_access_key @attributes[:s3_compatible_access_key] end def s3_compatible_access_key=(value) @attributes[:s3_compatible_access_key] = value end # boolean - `true` if remote server only accepts connections from dedicated IPs def enable_dedicated_ips @attributes[:enable_dedicated_ips] end def enable_dedicated_ips=(value) @attributes[:enable_dedicated_ips] = value end # string - Local permissions for files agent. read_only, write_only, or read_write def files_agent_permission_set @attributes[:files_agent_permission_set] end def files_agent_permission_set=(value) @attributes[:files_agent_permission_set] = value end # string - Agent local root path def files_agent_root @attributes[:files_agent_root] end def files_agent_root=(value) @attributes[:files_agent_root] = value end # string - Files Agent API Token def files_agent_api_token @attributes[:files_agent_api_token] end def files_agent_api_token=(value) @attributes[:files_agent_api_token] = value end # string - Files Agent version def files_agent_version @attributes[:files_agent_version] end def files_agent_version=(value) @attributes[:files_agent_version] = value end # string - Filebase Bucket name def filebase_bucket @attributes[:filebase_bucket] end def filebase_bucket=(value) @attributes[:filebase_bucket] = value end # string - Filebase Access Key. def filebase_access_key @attributes[:filebase_access_key] end def filebase_access_key=(value) @attributes[:filebase_access_key] = value end # string - Cloudflare Bucket name def cloudflare_bucket @attributes[:cloudflare_bucket] end def cloudflare_bucket=(value) @attributes[:cloudflare_bucket] = value end # string - Cloudflare Access Key. def cloudflare_access_key @attributes[:cloudflare_access_key] end def cloudflare_access_key=(value) @attributes[:cloudflare_access_key] = value end # string - Cloudflare endpoint def cloudflare_endpoint @attributes[:cloudflare_endpoint] end def cloudflare_endpoint=(value) @attributes[:cloudflare_endpoint] = value end # boolean - List Team folders in root def dropbox_teams @attributes[:dropbox_teams] end def dropbox_teams=(value) @attributes[:dropbox_teams] = value end # string - Linode Bucket name def linode_bucket @attributes[:linode_bucket] end def linode_bucket=(value) @attributes[:linode_bucket] = value end # string - Linode Access Key. def linode_access_key @attributes[:linode_access_key] end def linode_access_key=(value) @attributes[:linode_access_key] = value end # string - Linode region def linode_region @attributes[:linode_region] end def linode_region=(value) @attributes[:linode_region] = value end # boolean - If true, this remote server supports file versioning. This value is determined automatically by Files.com. def supports_versioning @attributes[:supports_versioning] end def supports_versioning=(value) @attributes[:supports_versioning] = value end # string - AWS secret key. def aws_secret_key @attributes[:aws_secret_key] end def aws_secret_key=(value) @attributes[:aws_secret_key] = value end # string - Password if needed. def password @attributes[:password] end def password=(value) @attributes[:password] = value end # string - Private key if needed. def private_key @attributes[:private_key] end def private_key=(value) @attributes[:private_key] = value end # string - Passphrase for private key if needed. def private_key_passphrase @attributes[:private_key_passphrase] end def private_key_passphrase=(value) @attributes[:private_key_passphrase] = value end # string - SSL client certificate. def ssl_certificate @attributes[:ssl_certificate] end def ssl_certificate=(value) @attributes[:ssl_certificate] = value end # string - A JSON file that contains the private key. To generate see https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/how-tos/authorizing#APIKey def google_cloud_storage_credentials_json @attributes[:google_cloud_storage_credentials_json] end def google_cloud_storage_credentials_json=(value) @attributes[:google_cloud_storage_credentials_json] = value end # string - Wasabi secret key. def wasabi_secret_key @attributes[:wasabi_secret_key] end def wasabi_secret_key=(value) @attributes[:wasabi_secret_key] = value end # string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage keyID. def backblaze_b2_key_id @attributes[:backblaze_b2_key_id] end def backblaze_b2_key_id=(value) @attributes[:backblaze_b2_key_id] = value end # string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage applicationKey. def backblaze_b2_application_key @attributes[:backblaze_b2_application_key] end def backblaze_b2_application_key=(value) @attributes[:backblaze_b2_application_key] = value end # string - Rackspace API key from the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel. def rackspace_api_key @attributes[:rackspace_api_key] end def rackspace_api_key=(value) @attributes[:rackspace_api_key] = value end # boolean - Reset authenticated account def reset_authentication @attributes[:reset_authentication] end def reset_authentication=(value) @attributes[:reset_authentication] = value end # string - Azure Blob Storage secret key. def azure_blob_storage_access_key @attributes[:azure_blob_storage_access_key] end def azure_blob_storage_access_key=(value) @attributes[:azure_blob_storage_access_key] = value end # string - Azure File Storage access key. def azure_files_storage_access_key @attributes[:azure_files_storage_access_key] end def azure_files_storage_access_key=(value) @attributes[:azure_files_storage_access_key] = value end # string - Shared Access Signature (SAS) token def azure_blob_storage_sas_token @attributes[:azure_blob_storage_sas_token] end def azure_blob_storage_sas_token=(value) @attributes[:azure_blob_storage_sas_token] = value end # string - Shared Access Signature (SAS) token def azure_files_storage_sas_token @attributes[:azure_files_storage_sas_token] end def azure_files_storage_sas_token=(value) @attributes[:azure_files_storage_sas_token] = value end # string - S3-compatible secret key def s3_compatible_secret_key @attributes[:s3_compatible_secret_key] end def s3_compatible_secret_key=(value) @attributes[:s3_compatible_secret_key] = value end # string - Filebase secret key def filebase_secret_key @attributes[:filebase_secret_key] end def filebase_secret_key=(value) @attributes[:filebase_secret_key] = value end # string - Cloudflare secret key def cloudflare_secret_key @attributes[:cloudflare_secret_key] end def cloudflare_secret_key=(value) @attributes[:cloudflare_secret_key] = value end # string - Linode secret key def linode_secret_key @attributes[:linode_secret_key] end def linode_secret_key=(value) @attributes[:linode_secret_key] = value end # Post local changes, check in, and download configuration file (used by some Remote Server integrations, such as the Files.com Agent) # # Parameters: # api_token - string - Files Agent API Token # permission_set - string - The permission set for the agent ['read_write', 'read_only', 'write_only'] # root - string - The root directory for the agent # hostname - string # port - int64 - Incoming port for files agent connections # status - string - either running or shutdown # config_version - string - agent config version # private_key - string - The private key for the agent # public_key - string - public key # server_host_key - string # subdomain - string - Files.com subdomain site name def configuration_file(params = {}) params ||= {} params[:id] = @attributes[:id] raise MissingParameterError.new("Current object doesn't have a id") unless @attributes[:id] raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: id must be an Integer") if params[:id] and !params[:id].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: api_token must be an String") if params[:api_token] and !params[:api_token].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: permission_set must be an String") if params[:permission_set] and !params[:permission_set].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: root must be an String") if params[:root] and !params[:root].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: hostname must be an String") if params[:hostname] and !params[:hostname].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: port must be an Integer") if params[:port] and !params[:port].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: status must be an String") if params[:status] and !params[:status].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: config_version must be an String") if params[:config_version] and !params[:config_version].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: private_key must be an String") if params[:private_key] and !params[:private_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: public_key must be an String") if params[:public_key] and !params[:public_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_host_key must be an String") if params[:server_host_key] and !params[:server_host_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: subdomain must be an String") if params[:subdomain] and !params[:subdomain].is_a?(String) raise MissingParameterError.new("Parameter missing: id") unless params[:id] Api.send_request("/remote_servers/#{@attributes[:id]}/configuration_file", :post, params, @options) end # Parameters: # aws_access_key - string - AWS Access Key. # aws_secret_key - string - AWS secret key. # password - string - Password if needed. # private_key - string - Private key if needed. # private_key_passphrase - string - Passphrase for private key if needed. # ssl_certificate - string - SSL client certificate. # google_cloud_storage_credentials_json - string - A JSON file that contains the private key. To generate see https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/how-tos/authorizing#APIKey # wasabi_access_key - string - Wasabi access key. # wasabi_secret_key - string - Wasabi secret key. # backblaze_b2_key_id - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage keyID. # backblaze_b2_application_key - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage applicationKey. # rackspace_api_key - string - Rackspace API key from the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel. # reset_authentication - boolean - Reset authenticated account # azure_blob_storage_access_key - string - Azure Blob Storage secret key. # azure_files_storage_access_key - string - Azure File Storage access key. # hostname - string - Hostname or IP address # name - string - Internal name for your reference # max_connections - int64 - Max number of parallel connections. Ignored for S3 connections (we will parallelize these as much as possible). # pin_to_site_region - boolean - If true, we will ensure that all communications with this remote server are made through the primary region of the site. This setting can also be overridden by a sitewide setting which will force it to true. # port - int64 - Port for remote server. Not needed for S3. # s3_bucket - string - S3 bucket name # s3_region - string - S3 region # server_certificate - string - Remote server certificate # server_host_key - string - Remote server SSH Host Key. If provided, we will require that the server host key matches the provided key. Uses OpenSSH format similar to what would go into ~/.ssh/known_hosts # server_type - string - Remote server type. # ssl - string - Should we require SSL? # username - string - Remote server username. Not needed for S3 buckets. # google_cloud_storage_bucket - string - Google Cloud Storage bucket name # google_cloud_storage_project_id - string - Google Cloud Project ID # backblaze_b2_bucket - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Bucket name # backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage S3 Endpoint # wasabi_bucket - string - Wasabi Bucket name # wasabi_region - string - Wasabi region # rackspace_username - string - Rackspace username used to login to the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel. # rackspace_region - string - Three letter airport code for Rackspace region. See https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/about-regions/ # rackspace_container - string - The name of the container (top level directory) where files will sync. # one_drive_account_type - string - Either personal or business_other account types # azure_blob_storage_account - string - Azure Blob Storage Account name # azure_blob_storage_container - string - Azure Blob Storage Container name # azure_blob_storage_hierarchical_namespace - boolean - Enable when storage account has hierarchical namespace feature enabled # azure_blob_storage_sas_token - string - Shared Access Signature (SAS) token # azure_files_storage_account - string - Azure File Storage Account name # azure_files_storage_share_name - string - Azure File Storage Share name # azure_files_storage_sas_token - string - Shared Access Signature (SAS) token # s3_compatible_bucket - string - S3-compatible Bucket name # s3_compatible_endpoint - string - S3-compatible endpoint # s3_compatible_region - string - S3-compatible endpoint # enable_dedicated_ips - boolean - `true` if remote server only accepts connections from dedicated IPs # s3_compatible_access_key - string - S3-compatible Access Key. # s3_compatible_secret_key - string - S3-compatible secret key # files_agent_root - string - Agent local root path # files_agent_permission_set - string - Local permissions for files agent. read_only, write_only, or read_write # files_agent_version - string - Files Agent version # filebase_access_key - string - Filebase Access Key. # filebase_secret_key - string - Filebase secret key # filebase_bucket - string - Filebase Bucket name # cloudflare_access_key - string - Cloudflare Access Key. # cloudflare_secret_key - string - Cloudflare secret key # cloudflare_bucket - string - Cloudflare Bucket name # cloudflare_endpoint - string - Cloudflare endpoint # dropbox_teams - boolean - List Team folders in root # linode_access_key - string - Linode Access Key. # linode_secret_key - string - Linode secret key # linode_bucket - string - Linode Bucket name # linode_region - string - Linode region def update(params = {}) params ||= {} params[:id] = @attributes[:id] raise MissingParameterError.new("Current object doesn't have a id") unless @attributes[:id] raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: id must be an Integer") if params[:id] and !params[:id].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: aws_access_key must be an String") if params[:aws_access_key] and !params[:aws_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: aws_secret_key must be an String") if params[:aws_secret_key] and !params[:aws_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: password must be an String") if params[:password] and !params[:password].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: private_key must be an String") if params[:private_key] and !params[:private_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: private_key_passphrase must be an String") if params[:private_key_passphrase] and !params[:private_key_passphrase].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: ssl_certificate must be an String") if params[:ssl_certificate] and !params[:ssl_certificate].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: google_cloud_storage_credentials_json must be an String") if params[:google_cloud_storage_credentials_json] and !params[:google_cloud_storage_credentials_json].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_access_key must be an String") if params[:wasabi_access_key] and !params[:wasabi_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_secret_key must be an String") if params[:wasabi_secret_key] and !params[:wasabi_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_key_id must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_key_id] and !params[:backblaze_b2_key_id].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_application_key must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_application_key] and !params[:backblaze_b2_application_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_api_key must be an String") if params[:rackspace_api_key] and !params[:rackspace_api_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_access_key must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_access_key] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_access_key must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_access_key] and !params[:azure_files_storage_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: hostname must be an String") if params[:hostname] and !params[:hostname].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: name must be an String") if params[:name] and !params[:name].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: max_connections must be an Integer") if params[:max_connections] and !params[:max_connections].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: port must be an Integer") if params[:port] and !params[:port].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_bucket must be an String") if params[:s3_bucket] and !params[:s3_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_region must be an String") if params[:s3_region] and !params[:s3_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_certificate must be an String") if params[:server_certificate] and !params[:server_certificate].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_host_key must be an String") if params[:server_host_key] and !params[:server_host_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_type must be an String") if params[:server_type] and !params[:server_type].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: ssl must be an String") if params[:ssl] and !params[:ssl].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: username must be an String") if params[:username] and !params[:username].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: google_cloud_storage_bucket must be an String") if params[:google_cloud_storage_bucket] and !params[:google_cloud_storage_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: google_cloud_storage_project_id must be an String") if params[:google_cloud_storage_project_id] and !params[:google_cloud_storage_project_id].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_bucket must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_bucket] and !params[:backblaze_b2_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint] and !params[:backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_bucket must be an String") if params[:wasabi_bucket] and !params[:wasabi_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_region must be an String") if params[:wasabi_region] and !params[:wasabi_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_username must be an String") if params[:rackspace_username] and !params[:rackspace_username].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_region must be an String") if params[:rackspace_region] and !params[:rackspace_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_container must be an String") if params[:rackspace_container] and !params[:rackspace_container].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: one_drive_account_type must be an String") if params[:one_drive_account_type] and !params[:one_drive_account_type].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_account must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_account] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_account].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_container must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_container] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_container].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_sas_token must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_sas_token] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_sas_token].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_account must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_account] and !params[:azure_files_storage_account].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_share_name must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_share_name] and !params[:azure_files_storage_share_name].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_sas_token must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_sas_token] and !params[:azure_files_storage_sas_token].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_bucket must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_bucket] and !params[:s3_compatible_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_endpoint must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_endpoint] and !params[:s3_compatible_endpoint].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_region must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_region] and !params[:s3_compatible_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_access_key must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_access_key] and !params[:s3_compatible_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_secret_key must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_secret_key] and !params[:s3_compatible_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: files_agent_root must be an String") if params[:files_agent_root] and !params[:files_agent_root].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: files_agent_permission_set must be an String") if params[:files_agent_permission_set] and !params[:files_agent_permission_set].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: files_agent_version must be an String") if params[:files_agent_version] and !params[:files_agent_version].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: filebase_access_key must be an String") if params[:filebase_access_key] and !params[:filebase_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: filebase_secret_key must be an String") if params[:filebase_secret_key] and !params[:filebase_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: filebase_bucket must be an String") if params[:filebase_bucket] and !params[:filebase_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_access_key must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_access_key] and !params[:cloudflare_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_secret_key must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_secret_key] and !params[:cloudflare_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_bucket must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_bucket] and !params[:cloudflare_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_endpoint must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_endpoint] and !params[:cloudflare_endpoint].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_access_key must be an String") if params[:linode_access_key] and !params[:linode_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_secret_key must be an String") if params[:linode_secret_key] and !params[:linode_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_bucket must be an String") if params[:linode_bucket] and !params[:linode_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_region must be an String") if params[:linode_region] and !params[:linode_region].is_a?(String) raise MissingParameterError.new("Parameter missing: id") unless params[:id] Api.send_request("/remote_servers/#{@attributes[:id]}", :patch, params, @options) end def delete(params = {}) params ||= {} params[:id] = @attributes[:id] raise MissingParameterError.new("Current object doesn't have a id") unless @attributes[:id] raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: id must be an Integer") if params[:id] and !params[:id].is_a?(Integer) raise MissingParameterError.new("Parameter missing: id") unless params[:id] Api.send_request("/remote_servers/#{@attributes[:id]}", :delete, params, @options) end def destroy(params = {}) delete(params) nil end def save if @attributes[:id] new_obj = update(@attributes) else new_obj = RemoteServer.create(@attributes, @options) end @attributes = new_obj.attributes true end # Parameters: # cursor - string - Used for pagination. When a list request has more records available, cursors are provided in the response headers `X-Files-Cursor-Next` and `X-Files-Cursor-Prev`. Send one of those cursor value here to resume an existing list from the next available record. Note: many of our SDKs have iterator methods that will automatically handle cursor-based pagination. # per_page - int64 - Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended). # action - string # page - int64 def self.list(params = {}, options = {}) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cursor must be an String") if params[:cursor] and !params[:cursor].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: per_page must be an Integer") if params[:per_page] and !params[:per_page].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: action must be an String") if params[:action] and !params[:action].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: page must be an Integer") if params[:page] and !params[:page].is_a?(Integer) List.new(RemoteServer, params) do Api.send_request("/remote_servers", :get, params, options) end end def self.all(params = {}, options = {}) list(params, options) end # Parameters: # id (required) - int64 - Remote Server ID. def self.find(id, params = {}, options = {}) params ||= {} params[:id] = id raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: id must be an Integer") if params[:id] and !params[:id].is_a?(Integer) raise MissingParameterError.new("Parameter missing: id") unless params[:id] response, options = Api.send_request("/remote_servers/#{params[:id]}", :get, params, options) RemoteServer.new(response.data, options) end def self.get(id, params = {}, options = {}) find(id, params, options) end # Parameters: # id (required) - int64 - Remote Server ID. def self.find_configuration_file(id, params = {}, options = {}) params ||= {} params[:id] = id raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: id must be an Integer") if params[:id] and !params[:id].is_a?(Integer) raise MissingParameterError.new("Parameter missing: id") unless params[:id] response, options = Api.send_request("/remote_servers/#{params[:id]}/configuration_file", :get, params, options) RemoteServerConfigurationFile.new(response.data, options) end # Parameters: # aws_access_key - string - AWS Access Key. # aws_secret_key - string - AWS secret key. # password - string - Password if needed. # private_key - string - Private key if needed. # private_key_passphrase - string - Passphrase for private key if needed. # ssl_certificate - string - SSL client certificate. # google_cloud_storage_credentials_json - string - A JSON file that contains the private key. To generate see https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/how-tos/authorizing#APIKey # wasabi_access_key - string - Wasabi access key. # wasabi_secret_key - string - Wasabi secret key. # backblaze_b2_key_id - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage keyID. # backblaze_b2_application_key - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage applicationKey. # rackspace_api_key - string - Rackspace API key from the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel. # reset_authentication - boolean - Reset authenticated account # azure_blob_storage_access_key - string - Azure Blob Storage secret key. # azure_files_storage_access_key - string - Azure File Storage access key. # hostname - string - Hostname or IP address # name - string - Internal name for your reference # max_connections - int64 - Max number of parallel connections. Ignored for S3 connections (we will parallelize these as much as possible). # pin_to_site_region - boolean - If true, we will ensure that all communications with this remote server are made through the primary region of the site. This setting can also be overridden by a sitewide setting which will force it to true. # port - int64 - Port for remote server. Not needed for S3. # s3_bucket - string - S3 bucket name # s3_region - string - S3 region # server_certificate - string - Remote server certificate # server_host_key - string - Remote server SSH Host Key. If provided, we will require that the server host key matches the provided key. Uses OpenSSH format similar to what would go into ~/.ssh/known_hosts # server_type - string - Remote server type. # ssl - string - Should we require SSL? # username - string - Remote server username. Not needed for S3 buckets. # google_cloud_storage_bucket - string - Google Cloud Storage bucket name # google_cloud_storage_project_id - string - Google Cloud Project ID # backblaze_b2_bucket - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Bucket name # backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage S3 Endpoint # wasabi_bucket - string - Wasabi Bucket name # wasabi_region - string - Wasabi region # rackspace_username - string - Rackspace username used to login to the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel. # rackspace_region - string - Three letter airport code for Rackspace region. See https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/about-regions/ # rackspace_container - string - The name of the container (top level directory) where files will sync. # one_drive_account_type - string - Either personal or business_other account types # azure_blob_storage_account - string - Azure Blob Storage Account name # azure_blob_storage_container - string - Azure Blob Storage Container name # azure_blob_storage_hierarchical_namespace - boolean - Enable when storage account has hierarchical namespace feature enabled # azure_blob_storage_sas_token - string - Shared Access Signature (SAS) token # azure_files_storage_account - string - Azure File Storage Account name # azure_files_storage_share_name - string - Azure File Storage Share name # azure_files_storage_sas_token - string - Shared Access Signature (SAS) token # s3_compatible_bucket - string - S3-compatible Bucket name # s3_compatible_endpoint - string - S3-compatible endpoint # s3_compatible_region - string - S3-compatible endpoint # enable_dedicated_ips - boolean - `true` if remote server only accepts connections from dedicated IPs # s3_compatible_access_key - string - S3-compatible Access Key. # s3_compatible_secret_key - string - S3-compatible secret key # files_agent_root - string - Agent local root path # files_agent_permission_set - string - Local permissions for files agent. read_only, write_only, or read_write # files_agent_version - string - Files Agent version # filebase_access_key - string - Filebase Access Key. # filebase_secret_key - string - Filebase secret key # filebase_bucket - string - Filebase Bucket name # cloudflare_access_key - string - Cloudflare Access Key. # cloudflare_secret_key - string - Cloudflare secret key # cloudflare_bucket - string - Cloudflare Bucket name # cloudflare_endpoint - string - Cloudflare endpoint # dropbox_teams - boolean - List Team folders in root # linode_access_key - string - Linode Access Key. # linode_secret_key - string - Linode secret key # linode_bucket - string - Linode Bucket name # linode_region - string - Linode region def self.create(params = {}, options = {}) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: aws_access_key must be an String") if params[:aws_access_key] and !params[:aws_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: aws_secret_key must be an String") if params[:aws_secret_key] and !params[:aws_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: password must be an String") if params[:password] and !params[:password].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: private_key must be an String") if params[:private_key] and !params[:private_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: private_key_passphrase must be an String") if params[:private_key_passphrase] and !params[:private_key_passphrase].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: ssl_certificate must be an String") if params[:ssl_certificate] and !params[:ssl_certificate].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: google_cloud_storage_credentials_json must be an String") if params[:google_cloud_storage_credentials_json] and !params[:google_cloud_storage_credentials_json].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_access_key must be an String") if params[:wasabi_access_key] and !params[:wasabi_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_secret_key must be an String") if params[:wasabi_secret_key] and !params[:wasabi_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_key_id must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_key_id] and !params[:backblaze_b2_key_id].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_application_key must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_application_key] and !params[:backblaze_b2_application_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_api_key must be an String") if params[:rackspace_api_key] and !params[:rackspace_api_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_access_key must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_access_key] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_access_key must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_access_key] and !params[:azure_files_storage_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: hostname must be an String") if params[:hostname] and !params[:hostname].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: name must be an String") if params[:name] and !params[:name].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: max_connections must be an Integer") if params[:max_connections] and !params[:max_connections].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: port must be an Integer") if params[:port] and !params[:port].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_bucket must be an String") if params[:s3_bucket] and !params[:s3_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_region must be an String") if params[:s3_region] and !params[:s3_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_certificate must be an String") if params[:server_certificate] and !params[:server_certificate].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_host_key must be an String") if params[:server_host_key] and !params[:server_host_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_type must be an String") if params[:server_type] and !params[:server_type].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: ssl must be an String") if params[:ssl] and !params[:ssl].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: username must be an String") if params[:username] and !params[:username].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: google_cloud_storage_bucket must be an String") if params[:google_cloud_storage_bucket] and !params[:google_cloud_storage_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: google_cloud_storage_project_id must be an String") if params[:google_cloud_storage_project_id] and !params[:google_cloud_storage_project_id].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_bucket must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_bucket] and !params[:backblaze_b2_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint] and !params[:backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_bucket must be an String") if params[:wasabi_bucket] and !params[:wasabi_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_region must be an String") if params[:wasabi_region] and !params[:wasabi_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_username must be an String") if params[:rackspace_username] and !params[:rackspace_username].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_region must be an String") if params[:rackspace_region] and !params[:rackspace_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_container must be an String") if params[:rackspace_container] and !params[:rackspace_container].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: one_drive_account_type must be an String") if params[:one_drive_account_type] and !params[:one_drive_account_type].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_account must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_account] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_account].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_container must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_container] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_container].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_sas_token must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_sas_token] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_sas_token].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_account must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_account] and !params[:azure_files_storage_account].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_share_name must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_share_name] and !params[:azure_files_storage_share_name].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_sas_token must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_sas_token] and !params[:azure_files_storage_sas_token].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_bucket must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_bucket] and !params[:s3_compatible_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_endpoint must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_endpoint] and !params[:s3_compatible_endpoint].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_region must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_region] and !params[:s3_compatible_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_access_key must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_access_key] and !params[:s3_compatible_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_secret_key must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_secret_key] and !params[:s3_compatible_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: files_agent_root must be an String") if params[:files_agent_root] and !params[:files_agent_root].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: files_agent_permission_set must be an String") if params[:files_agent_permission_set] and !params[:files_agent_permission_set].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: files_agent_version must be an String") if params[:files_agent_version] and !params[:files_agent_version].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: filebase_access_key must be an String") if params[:filebase_access_key] and !params[:filebase_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: filebase_secret_key must be an String") if params[:filebase_secret_key] and !params[:filebase_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: filebase_bucket must be an String") if params[:filebase_bucket] and !params[:filebase_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_access_key must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_access_key] and !params[:cloudflare_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_secret_key must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_secret_key] and !params[:cloudflare_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_bucket must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_bucket] and !params[:cloudflare_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_endpoint must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_endpoint] and !params[:cloudflare_endpoint].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_access_key must be an String") if params[:linode_access_key] and !params[:linode_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_secret_key must be an String") if params[:linode_secret_key] and !params[:linode_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_bucket must be an String") if params[:linode_bucket] and !params[:linode_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_region must be an String") if params[:linode_region] and !params[:linode_region].is_a?(String) response, options = Api.send_request("/remote_servers", :post, params, options) RemoteServer.new(response.data, options) end # Post local changes, check in, and download configuration file (used by some Remote Server integrations, such as the Files.com Agent) # # Parameters: # api_token - string - Files Agent API Token # permission_set - string - The permission set for the agent ['read_write', 'read_only', 'write_only'] # root - string - The root directory for the agent # hostname - string # port - int64 - Incoming port for files agent connections # status - string - either running or shutdown # config_version - string - agent config version # private_key - string - The private key for the agent # public_key - string - public key # server_host_key - string # subdomain - string - Files.com subdomain site name def self.configuration_file(id, params = {}, options = {}) params ||= {} params[:id] = id raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: id must be an Integer") if params[:id] and !params[:id].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: api_token must be an String") if params[:api_token] and !params[:api_token].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: permission_set must be an String") if params[:permission_set] and !params[:permission_set].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: root must be an String") if params[:root] and !params[:root].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: hostname must be an String") if params[:hostname] and !params[:hostname].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: port must be an Integer") if params[:port] and !params[:port].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: status must be an String") if params[:status] and !params[:status].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: config_version must be an String") if params[:config_version] and !params[:config_version].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: private_key must be an String") if params[:private_key] and !params[:private_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: public_key must be an String") if params[:public_key] and !params[:public_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_host_key must be an String") if params[:server_host_key] and !params[:server_host_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: subdomain must be an String") if params[:subdomain] and !params[:subdomain].is_a?(String) raise MissingParameterError.new("Parameter missing: id") unless params[:id] response, options = Api.send_request("/remote_servers/#{params[:id]}/configuration_file", :post, params, options) RemoteServerConfigurationFile.new(response.data, options) end # Parameters: # aws_access_key - string - AWS Access Key. # aws_secret_key - string - AWS secret key. # password - string - Password if needed. # private_key - string - Private key if needed. # private_key_passphrase - string - Passphrase for private key if needed. # ssl_certificate - string - SSL client certificate. # google_cloud_storage_credentials_json - string - A JSON file that contains the private key. To generate see https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/how-tos/authorizing#APIKey # wasabi_access_key - string - Wasabi access key. # wasabi_secret_key - string - Wasabi secret key. # backblaze_b2_key_id - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage keyID. # backblaze_b2_application_key - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage applicationKey. # rackspace_api_key - string - Rackspace API key from the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel. # reset_authentication - boolean - Reset authenticated account # azure_blob_storage_access_key - string - Azure Blob Storage secret key. # azure_files_storage_access_key - string - Azure File Storage access key. # hostname - string - Hostname or IP address # name - string - Internal name for your reference # max_connections - int64 - Max number of parallel connections. Ignored for S3 connections (we will parallelize these as much as possible). # pin_to_site_region - boolean - If true, we will ensure that all communications with this remote server are made through the primary region of the site. This setting can also be overridden by a sitewide setting which will force it to true. # port - int64 - Port for remote server. Not needed for S3. # s3_bucket - string - S3 bucket name # s3_region - string - S3 region # server_certificate - string - Remote server certificate # server_host_key - string - Remote server SSH Host Key. If provided, we will require that the server host key matches the provided key. Uses OpenSSH format similar to what would go into ~/.ssh/known_hosts # server_type - string - Remote server type. # ssl - string - Should we require SSL? # username - string - Remote server username. Not needed for S3 buckets. # google_cloud_storage_bucket - string - Google Cloud Storage bucket name # google_cloud_storage_project_id - string - Google Cloud Project ID # backblaze_b2_bucket - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Bucket name # backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint - string - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage S3 Endpoint # wasabi_bucket - string - Wasabi Bucket name # wasabi_region - string - Wasabi region # rackspace_username - string - Rackspace username used to login to the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel. # rackspace_region - string - Three letter airport code for Rackspace region. See https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/about-regions/ # rackspace_container - string - The name of the container (top level directory) where files will sync. # one_drive_account_type - string - Either personal or business_other account types # azure_blob_storage_account - string - Azure Blob Storage Account name # azure_blob_storage_container - string - Azure Blob Storage Container name # azure_blob_storage_hierarchical_namespace - boolean - Enable when storage account has hierarchical namespace feature enabled # azure_blob_storage_sas_token - string - Shared Access Signature (SAS) token # azure_files_storage_account - string - Azure File Storage Account name # azure_files_storage_share_name - string - Azure File Storage Share name # azure_files_storage_sas_token - string - Shared Access Signature (SAS) token # s3_compatible_bucket - string - S3-compatible Bucket name # s3_compatible_endpoint - string - S3-compatible endpoint # s3_compatible_region - string - S3-compatible endpoint # enable_dedicated_ips - boolean - `true` if remote server only accepts connections from dedicated IPs # s3_compatible_access_key - string - S3-compatible Access Key. # s3_compatible_secret_key - string - S3-compatible secret key # files_agent_root - string - Agent local root path # files_agent_permission_set - string - Local permissions for files agent. read_only, write_only, or read_write # files_agent_version - string - Files Agent version # filebase_access_key - string - Filebase Access Key. # filebase_secret_key - string - Filebase secret key # filebase_bucket - string - Filebase Bucket name # cloudflare_access_key - string - Cloudflare Access Key. # cloudflare_secret_key - string - Cloudflare secret key # cloudflare_bucket - string - Cloudflare Bucket name # cloudflare_endpoint - string - Cloudflare endpoint # dropbox_teams - boolean - List Team folders in root # linode_access_key - string - Linode Access Key. # linode_secret_key - string - Linode secret key # linode_bucket - string - Linode Bucket name # linode_region - string - Linode region def self.update(id, params = {}, options = {}) params ||= {} params[:id] = id raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: id must be an Integer") if params[:id] and !params[:id].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: aws_access_key must be an String") if params[:aws_access_key] and !params[:aws_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: aws_secret_key must be an String") if params[:aws_secret_key] and !params[:aws_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: password must be an String") if params[:password] and !params[:password].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: private_key must be an String") if params[:private_key] and !params[:private_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: private_key_passphrase must be an String") if params[:private_key_passphrase] and !params[:private_key_passphrase].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: ssl_certificate must be an String") if params[:ssl_certificate] and !params[:ssl_certificate].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: google_cloud_storage_credentials_json must be an String") if params[:google_cloud_storage_credentials_json] and !params[:google_cloud_storage_credentials_json].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_access_key must be an String") if params[:wasabi_access_key] and !params[:wasabi_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_secret_key must be an String") if params[:wasabi_secret_key] and !params[:wasabi_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_key_id must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_key_id] and !params[:backblaze_b2_key_id].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_application_key must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_application_key] and !params[:backblaze_b2_application_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_api_key must be an String") if params[:rackspace_api_key] and !params[:rackspace_api_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_access_key must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_access_key] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_access_key must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_access_key] and !params[:azure_files_storage_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: hostname must be an String") if params[:hostname] and !params[:hostname].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: name must be an String") if params[:name] and !params[:name].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: max_connections must be an Integer") if params[:max_connections] and !params[:max_connections].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: port must be an Integer") if params[:port] and !params[:port].is_a?(Integer) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_bucket must be an String") if params[:s3_bucket] and !params[:s3_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_region must be an String") if params[:s3_region] and !params[:s3_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_certificate must be an String") if params[:server_certificate] and !params[:server_certificate].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_host_key must be an String") if params[:server_host_key] and !params[:server_host_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: server_type must be an String") if params[:server_type] and !params[:server_type].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: ssl must be an String") if params[:ssl] and !params[:ssl].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: username must be an String") if params[:username] and !params[:username].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: google_cloud_storage_bucket must be an String") if params[:google_cloud_storage_bucket] and !params[:google_cloud_storage_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: google_cloud_storage_project_id must be an String") if params[:google_cloud_storage_project_id] and !params[:google_cloud_storage_project_id].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_bucket must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_bucket] and !params[:backblaze_b2_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint must be an String") if params[:backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint] and !params[:backblaze_b2_s3_endpoint].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_bucket must be an String") if params[:wasabi_bucket] and !params[:wasabi_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: wasabi_region must be an String") if params[:wasabi_region] and !params[:wasabi_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_username must be an String") if params[:rackspace_username] and !params[:rackspace_username].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_region must be an String") if params[:rackspace_region] and !params[:rackspace_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: rackspace_container must be an String") if params[:rackspace_container] and !params[:rackspace_container].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: one_drive_account_type must be an String") if params[:one_drive_account_type] and !params[:one_drive_account_type].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_account must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_account] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_account].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_container must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_container] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_container].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_blob_storage_sas_token must be an String") if params[:azure_blob_storage_sas_token] and !params[:azure_blob_storage_sas_token].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_account must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_account] and !params[:azure_files_storage_account].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_share_name must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_share_name] and !params[:azure_files_storage_share_name].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: azure_files_storage_sas_token must be an String") if params[:azure_files_storage_sas_token] and !params[:azure_files_storage_sas_token].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_bucket must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_bucket] and !params[:s3_compatible_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_endpoint must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_endpoint] and !params[:s3_compatible_endpoint].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_region must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_region] and !params[:s3_compatible_region].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_access_key must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_access_key] and !params[:s3_compatible_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: s3_compatible_secret_key must be an String") if params[:s3_compatible_secret_key] and !params[:s3_compatible_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: files_agent_root must be an String") if params[:files_agent_root] and !params[:files_agent_root].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: files_agent_permission_set must be an String") if params[:files_agent_permission_set] and !params[:files_agent_permission_set].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: files_agent_version must be an String") if params[:files_agent_version] and !params[:files_agent_version].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: filebase_access_key must be an String") if params[:filebase_access_key] and !params[:filebase_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: filebase_secret_key must be an String") if params[:filebase_secret_key] and !params[:filebase_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: filebase_bucket must be an String") if params[:filebase_bucket] and !params[:filebase_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_access_key must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_access_key] and !params[:cloudflare_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_secret_key must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_secret_key] and !params[:cloudflare_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_bucket must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_bucket] and !params[:cloudflare_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: cloudflare_endpoint must be an String") if params[:cloudflare_endpoint] and !params[:cloudflare_endpoint].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_access_key must be an String") if params[:linode_access_key] and !params[:linode_access_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_secret_key must be an String") if params[:linode_secret_key] and !params[:linode_secret_key].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_bucket must be an String") if params[:linode_bucket] and !params[:linode_bucket].is_a?(String) raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: linode_region must be an String") if params[:linode_region] and !params[:linode_region].is_a?(String) raise MissingParameterError.new("Parameter missing: id") unless params[:id] response, options = Api.send_request("/remote_servers/#{params[:id]}", :patch, params, options) RemoteServer.new(response.data, options) end def self.delete(id, params = {}, options = {}) params ||= {} params[:id] = id raise InvalidParameterError.new("Bad parameter: id must be an Integer") if params[:id] and !params[:id].is_a?(Integer) raise MissingParameterError.new("Parameter missing: id") unless params[:id] Api.send_request("/remote_servers/#{params[:id]}", :delete, params, options) nil end def self.destroy(id, params = {}, options = {}) delete(id, params, options) nil end end end