require 'base64' require 'thor' require 'sendgrid-ruby' require 'sg/version' module Sg # # SendGrid Command Line Interface Class # class CLI < Thor desc( 'client *PATH_TO_THE_ENDPOINT VERB', 'Call SendGrid Web API v3 from command line interface' ) long_desc <<-DESC 1. Simple GET call \x5Use the client command with path after v3 level with space. Then add the HTTP verb at the end of the command. \x5GET \x5> $ bundle exec sg client api_keys get 2. With variable \x5Use the client command with the variable values. Then add the HTTP verb at the end of the command. \x5GET \x5> $ bundle exec sg client api_keys YOUR_API_KEY_ID get 3. With query string \x5Use -q option for the query string with the JSON string value. \x5GET \x5> $ bundle exec sg client suppression unsubscribes get -q='{"start_time":1367794504,"end_time":1467794504}' 4. With request body \x5Use -b option for the request body with the JSON string value. \x5POST \x5{"name": "My API Key", "scopes": ["mail.send"]} \x5> $ bundle exec sg client api_keys post -b='{"name": "My API Key", "scopes": ["mail.send"]}' 5. Send mail \x5> $ sg client mail send post -b='{"personalizations":[{"to":[{"email":""}],"subject":"Hello, World!"}],"from":{"email":""},"content":[{"type":"text","value":"Hello, World!"}]}' DESC option( :apikey, aliases: '-k', desc: 'API Key. Load env variable "SENDGRID_API_KEY" if not specified.' ) option :user, aliases: '-u', desc: 'Username for Basic Auth.' option :pass, aliases: '-p', desc: 'Password for Basic Auth.' option :request_body, aliases: '-b', desc: 'Request Body' option( :query_params, aliases: '-q', desc: 'Query String of the request', banner: 'JSON_STRING' ) option( :response_header, aliases: '-h', desc: 'Output response header', banner: '' ) option( :response_status, aliases: '-s', desc: 'Output reponse status code', banner: '' ) option :version, aliases: '-v', desc: 'Output gem version', banner: '' def client(*args) return puts Sg::VERSION if options[:version] idx = 0 params = CLI.parameterise(options) response = args.inject(CLI.get_client(options)) do |c, arg| idx += 1 args.length == idx ? c.send(arg, params) : c.send('_', arg) end puts response.status_code if options[:response_status] puts response.headers if options[:response_header] puts response.body end def self.parameterise(options) options.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), memo| if k.to_s == 'request_body' || k.to_s == 'query_params' memo[k.to_s.to_sym] = JSON.parse(v) unless v.nil? end end end def self.get_client(options) if options[:user] && options[:pass] up = "#{options[:user]}:#{options[:pass]}" headers = {} headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{Base64.urlsafe_encode64(up)}" '', request_headers: headers).client else api_key = options[:apikey] api_key ||= ENV['SENDGRID_API_KEY'] api_key).client end end end end