{}[https://codeclimate.com/github/mattways/rails_contrib] {Build Status}[https://travis-ci.org/mattways/rails_contrib] {Dependency Status}[https://gemnasium.com/mattways/rails_contrib] = Rails Contrib Adds contributions to the core of Rails. = Install Put this line in your Gemfile: gem 'rails_contrib' Then bundle: $ bundle = Sweepers Use increment_cache_namespace if you're using memcache client and a namespace to invalidate in your sweeper: increment_cache_namespace :key = Controllers (This plugin will create an error method to force debug information on exceptions in development env) Use not_found method to show 404.html in your controller: not_found Use forbidden method to show 422.html in your controller: forbidden Use redirect_with_flash to directly redirect with flash inside your controller: redirect_with_flash home_path, :success, 'success message' Use flash_errors method to directly flash models errors inside your controller: flash_errors model = Views Use conditional_tag if you want wrap content into some tag if certain condition it's true in your views: = conditional_tag :h1, request.path == home_path do %a#logo{ :href => home_path }= Home User active_menu? if you want to add an active class to some tag in your views: %li{ :class => active_menu?(some_path) } The method submit_tag outputs a button with span inside: The method form_for by default uses request.fullpath path and post method: